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发表于 2011-5-20 01:27:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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发表于 2011-5-20 01:48:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2011-5-20 09:52:38 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-20 11:16:41 | 显示全部楼层


本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 23:18 编辑

在世界诗人大会中国办事处挂牌仪式上的致词 (附英文原文)
世界诗人大会执委、美国诗人  蔚雅风
张妮 译
诗人的好奇心非常强烈.他们努力探寻事物的本质,组成每片树叶的微小纤维的数量,遗失孩童的姓名,暴风雨中的闪电划破天空的次数. 他们研究生命中最珍贵的东西.
宽容是诗人的特有品质,他们深信通过诗歌可以传达和平的信息.如果诗人认为自己在诗歌上的天赋是人类精神领域的礼物,那么我们愿意奉献更多的诗歌作品. 人们不禁要问,在这样一个诗歌似乎不能被所有大众所需要的时代,创造平和的使命又怎能完成呢? 我想这既是挑战,同时也是机遇.用毕生的精力创作诗歌作品,需要我们怀着坚定的信念认为我们创造的诗歌进入到了人类意识层面.这就是连接思想与思想,精神与精神之间无形的纽带,这就是诗歌对人类生活产生的影响.
所以诗人首先要建立人类和平的理想,在社会生活中寻找快乐,发现人与人之间美好的一面,在尽我们所能创造出优秀诗歌作品时互相祝贺, 我们同时也要在困难面前互相支持,因为诗人肩负了致力于人类和平的使命,所以应当具备高尚的精神修养和情操.通过这样的方式,让我们成为人类精神的使者和见证者.
我们不是为了名利而建立这样的组织,因为名利会将我们瓦解.作为诗人,我们希望得到认可,世界诗人大会是为了让大家意识到,诗歌艺术有能力帮助大家在生活中寻找宁静与和谐. 我们要让大家相互理解.作为诗人,我们坚信人类心灵是美好的, 从而写下一行行优美的诗句.
在这样美好的一天里,我非常欢迎世界诗人大会中国办事处的成立. 祝愿所有朋友能够通过诗歌艺术拥有和平和宽容.
中国 北京
Address to the Chinese Branch of the World Congress of Poets
Beijing, China
May 1, 2011
       It gives me great pleasure to address this assembly of distinguished poets and supporters of the arts on the occasion of the establishment of the Chinese branch of the World Congress of Poets.  I come to you as a newly elected member of the Executive Board of the World Congress.  My election took place immediately after the XXX Congress held in Taiwan in November 2010, and I am delighted to have this new role in this important organization devoted to peace through poetry.  The World Congress of Poets is committed to the idea that the beauty of poetry is naturally aligned with the beauty of the human spirit and that the collective efforts of poets everywhere can help secure peace in our complex world.  
       If we afford ourselves this role as poets we should reflect on what poets do.
       A poet is inquisitive.  A poet seeks to know the names of things, the tiny fibers that hold the veins of a leaf together, the name of a child who is lost, or the number of times a bolt of lightning flashed in a storm.  A poet studies the precious structures of life.
       We sometimes aspire to live in the music of silence, by which I mean the music of serenity, but we poets live also in the overwhelming noise of seven billion human beings working and living, wondering and hoping.  We are involved in life, and we should be.  We are out among people as we all go about our everyday affairs.  So we are as human as anyone else, but this organization asks us to be something else.
       Generosity distinguishes the poet who believes in peace through poetry.  If we poets see our talent for poetry as a gift to the human spirit, we can give more willingly of ourselves.  You might ask how that is possible in times when not so many people seem to want poetry, but that is both the challenge and the opportunity.  To spend your life crafting poetry is to spend your life with the faith that what you create enters the human consciousness when people see us behaving in admirable ways.  This is the invisible thread that connects mind to mind, and spirit to spirit.  It is what we know as influence.  
       The life of the poet is shaped by his art, and so he moves through human society as a an embodiment of all that is best about the life of poetry.
       So we poets have first to establish peace among ourselves, to take delight in our own community, to see the best of each other, to celebrate each other in victories such as writing a poem to the best of our abilities.  We also should support one another in the challenges life presents to every human being and certainly to poets.  As poets working for peace through poetry our own self-cultivation must have the highest goals.  In this way we become ambassadors to the human spirit and testaments to the possibilities for human spirituality.
       Having said that we should understand this organization is not about fame, as fame divides us.  We all want recognition in our lives as poets, but the World Congress of Poets is about knowing there is this other gift of the art of poetry, the ability to help human beings have peace in our lives.  We should work to understand one another and not to make others understand us.  We should write a line of poetry with a definite faith in the beauty of the human heart.
       We can have fame in other places, and our work in this organization can sustain us in the professional realm of literary society.
       So on this glad day I welcome the Chinese branch into the World Congress of Poets.
May we have peace through the gift of poetry and the generosity that lives inside each and every one of us.
       Thank you.
Afaa Michael WeaverBeijing, China
May 1, 2011

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发表于 2011-5-20 13:09:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 23:18 编辑


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发表于 2011-5-25 20:16:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 23:18 编辑


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发表于 2011-6-12 12:29:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 23:18 编辑


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