本帖最后由 雨夜人鱼 于 2021-12-30 11:21 编辑
伊甸 作 雨如 译
运河很低,它比万物都要低 它在最低的地方坦坦荡荡地敞开着自己 它从不遮遮掩掩 从不与别的事物争高低
我祖父很低,比一棵车前草低 比蜗牛和蝼蚁低 他其实就是土地的一部分
他想把运河扶起来 运河想把他举在头上 有时他和它会心地一笑 有时他和它泪眼相对 说不出一句话来
我祖父常常和运河结伴而行 他和运河有时手携着手缓缓散步 有时比赛谁跑得更快,更远
他和运河从不争吵 像亲密的兄弟。运河喜欢说话 祖父就静静地倾听 祖父满头大汗地拉纤和摇船 运河一次次地为他擦汗 为他唱节奏舒缓的歌曲
祖父告别运河很久了 我来到运河边 看见它至今还在为我祖父忧伤
Canal and Grandfather
The Canal is humble, humbler than all things on earth It unfolds itself generously in the humblest manner It never hides its secrets Never competes with others
My grandfather was humble, humbler than a plantain Humbler than a snail, a mole cricket, or an ant He was indeed a part of the earth
He tried to help the Canal up The Canal tried to lift him up over its head Sometimes they gave each other a knowing smile Sometimes they stared at each other with tearful eyes Cannot say a word
My grandfather went along with the Canal He strolled hand in hand with it now and then Sometimes raced against it to see who could run faster and farther
He never quarreled with it They were intimate brothers. The Canal talked much Grandfather listened to it quietly Grandfather towed and sculled the boat, sweat dripping from his head Then the Canal wiped his sweat again and again And sang gentle songs for him
Grandfather has left the Canal for long I come to the Canal Finding that it still grieves for him