本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:11 编辑
早春的溪流, 无忧亦无愁
卷走三月的桃红, 和几朵绚丽的云朵
跳过青苔的石, 一去不回头
我逆流而上, 企图找寻岁月的花瓣
流水哗哗, 穿过我空空的手
落英满径, 无言亦无语
流年似水, 似水流年
再回首, 青山依旧, 白云依旧
Time Goes By
A vernal creek flows by, without any sorrow in its ripples
Taking along with it some fallen peach blossoms, and a few patches of splendid clouds
Carrying the robins’ fluttering songs in its hands
And jumping over mossy stones, down it goes, without ever turning back
Along a path adorned with clovers
I walk up the stream, hoping to find some petals from long ago
While the running creek gurgles through my empty hands
And the fading flowers fall on the path, without a word
Time goes by like a river; a river runs through time
Looking back, nothing stays the same but the azure mountains and the floating clouds