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【文摘】意象的挽歌 by Jack Spicer

发表于 2010-9-27 12:54:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:12 编辑

2010-09-02 01:44:07 译者: 小纪(我在白色的阳台上眺望)
意象的挽歌 Imaginary Elegies
诗歌,几乎像照相机一样看不见东西 Poetry, almost blind like a camera
只在视线里存活一秒。咔嗒,Is alive in sight only for a second. Click,
在睫毛颤动前拍下的快照Snap goes the eyelid of the eye before movement
就像说出来的话。Almost as the word happens.
没有人会选择闪烁的瞬间然后One would not choose to blink and go blind
回归黑暗。没有人会选择After the instant.One would not choose
想象鸟儿连续飞翔的景象To see the continuous Platonic pattern of birds flying
如果它们已经不再飞翔或者开始筑巢。Long after the stream of birds had dropped or had nested.
我们很幸运能看见像大海一样Lucky for us that there are visible things like oceans
总在身边出现的东西,Which are always around,
连续不断,严格地附加到Continuous, disciplined adjuncts
视线的瞬间。To the moments of sight.
有时并不甜美But not so sweet
就像我们已经看到的那样。As we have seen.
当我赞美太阳或者任何从里面升起的青铜的神像When I praise the sun or any bronze god derived from it
不要以为我就不会赞美那个高个子的金发男孩Don't think I wouldn't rather praise the very tall blond boy
他在红蜥蜴酒吧里吃掉了我所有的薯条。Who ate all of my potatao-chips at the Red Lizard.
只是因为当我睁开眼睛时我不会再看见他It's just that I won't see him when I open my eyes
可是我会看见太阳。And I will see the sun.
当我们睁开眼睛,总能看见太阳这样的东西Things like the sun are always there when the eyes are open
像呼吸一样执着。Insistent as breath.
我们只能崇拜 One can only worship
那些冰冷的永恒如果它们在支持一种These cold eternals for their support of
绝对的瞬间。What is absolutely temporary.
有时并不甜美。But not so sweet.
这种瞬间诱发诗歌The temporary tempts poetry
诱发照片,诱发眼睛。Tempts photographs, tempts eyes.
我变出了I conjure up
照片里面的From photographs
鸟儿The birds
男孩The boy
我开始写这首诗的房间The room in which I began to write this poem
我眼睛看见的或者曾经可能看见的My eye has seen or ever could have seen
我爱I love
我爱——睫毛的咔嗒I love--The eyelid clicks
我看见I see
冰冷的诗歌Cold poetry
站在意象的边缘。At the edge of their image.
就像我们召集了死去的人,他们只能It is as if we conjure the dead and they speak only
通过我们与众不同的喇叭讲话,通过我们与众不同的媒介:Through our own damned trumpets, through our damned medium:
“我是小小的夏娃,从太阳天堂来的黑人公主。”"I am little Eva, a Negro princess from sunny heaven."
这个声音听上去有黄头发和高个子。"The voice sounds blond and tall.
“我是敏妮阿姨,在天堂里的爱就像月光一样甜美。”"I am Aunt Minnie. Love is sweet as moonlight here in heaven."
这个声音听上去有黄头发和高个子。The voice sounds blond and tall.
“我是巴纳克.比尔。我跟泰坦尼克一起沉没。我在咸咸的天堂里升起。”"I'm Barnacle Bill. I sank with the Titanic. I rose in salty heaven."
这个声音听上去有黄头发, 听上去有高个子。这个声音听上去有黄头发和高个子。The voice sounds blond, sounds tall, sounds blond and tall.
“再见了,我们来自于灵地,我们来自于甜美的柏拉图的灵地。"Goodbye from us in spiritland, from sweet Platonic spiritland."
你看不见灵地上的我们,而我们什么都看不见。”You can't see us in spiritland, and we can't see at all.
神一定有只大眼睛来看见所有的东西God must have a big eye to see everything
我们都丢失了或者忘记了。人习惯说That we have lost or forgotten. Men used to say
所有丢失的东西都在月亮上That all lost objects stay upon the moon
除了神没有谁能看见。Untouched by any other eye but God's.
月亮是神的黄色的大眼睛,记得The moon is God's big yellow eye remembering
所有我们弄丢了或者不再想起的事情。所以What we have lost or never thought. That's why
月亮在黑暗里看上去很粗糙很鬼魅。The moon looks raw and ghostly in the dark.
世界上每个瞬间的快照It is the camera shots of every instant in the world
都光光地躺在这种可怕的黄色的冰冷里面。Laid bare in terrible yellow cold.
这是我们从未见过的东西。It is the objects we never saw.
这是渡渡鸟飞过雪地It is the dodos flying through the snow
从班芬兰岛到格林兰岛的尽头That flew from Baffinland to Greenland's tip
它们从未看见过自己。And did not even see themselves
月亮对爱人有特殊的意义。爱人在对方那里The moon is meant for lovers. Lovers lose
迷失了自己。他们看不见自己。Themselves in others. Do not see themselves.
月亮看得见。月亮看得见。The moon does. The moon does.
月亮不是一个黄色的照相机。它反映出The moon is not a yellow camera. It preceives
不存在的,未完成的,从未发生的事情。What wasn't, what undoes, what will not happen.
它不是一个玻璃罩子下面尖锐的会眨的眼睛。而是古老的,It's not a sharp and clicking eye of glass and hood, just old,
慢慢的永恒的曝光Slow infinite exposure of
那些不可能发生的胶片。The negative that cannot happen.
害怕神古老的眼睛用冰来拍照Fear God's old eye for being shot with ice
不是血。害怕用这不近人情的空镜子Instead of blood. Fear its inhuman mirror blankness
来迷惑爱人。Luring lovers.
害怕神的月亮在诅咒,把别针Fear God's moon for hexing, sticking pins
扎进被遗忘的玩偶。害怕它会招来野狼,In forgotten dolls. Fear it for wolves.
巫婆,魔法,疯子,屋里的把戏。For witches, magic, lunacy, for parlor tricks.
诗人在月亮上建城堡The poet builds a castle on the moon
用死人的皮肤和玻璃。神奇的机器Made of dead skin and glass. Here marvelous machines
把中国的算命饼干贴满了爱。 Stamp Chinese fortune cookies full of love
塔罗牌 Tarot cards
跟其他的塔罗牌在做爱。痛苦Make love to other Tarot cards. Here agony
只是想象的婊子姐妹。Is just imagination's sister bitch.
这是被太阳折磨的城堡This is the sun-tormented castle which
反射着阳光。嗒 嗒嗒 嗒Reflects the sun. Da dada da.
城堡唱着歌。The castle sings.
嗒。 我不记得我弄丢了什么。嗒嗒。Da. I don't remember what I lost. Dada.
这首歌。嗒。希伯格拉底们唱过。The song. Da. The hippogriffs were singing.
嗒 嗒嗒。这个男孩。他的触角Da dada. The boy. His horns
被这首歌弄湿了。嗒嗒。Were wet with song. Dada.
我不记得了。 嗒。忘记了。I don't remember. Da.Forgotten.
嗒。 嗒嗒。 地狱。老的奶油脸Da.Dada.Hell.Old butterface
总是吃掉她的爱人。Who always eats her lovers.
地狱仿佛在远方Hell somehow exists in the distance
在记忆和遗忘之间。Between the remembered and the forgotten.
地狱仿佛在远方Hell somehow exists in the distance
在发生和未发生之间。Between what happened and what never happened
在瞬间的月亮和地球之间。Between the moon and the earth of the instant
在诗歌和神的黄眼睛之间。Between the poem and God's yellow eye.
透过窗户去看真正的月亮。Look through the window at the real moon.
看周围的天空。被射线照得发紫。See the sky surrounded. Bruised with rays.
但是现在你看,在这个房间里,看月亮的孩子们But look now, in this room, see the moon-children
野狼,黑熊,水獭,火龙,白鸽。Wolf, bear, and otter, dragon, dove.
现在你看,在这个房间里,看月亮的孩子们Look now, in this room, see the moon-children
飞翔,爬行,游泳,燃烧Flying, crawing, swimming, burning
看它们空灵的美丽。Vacant with beauty
听它们的私语。Hear them whisper.
神的另一只眼睛又好又是金色。如此明亮God's other eye is good and gold. So bright
可以照瞎人的眼睛。他的眼睛很精确。他的眼睛The shhine blinds. His eye is accurate. His eye
观察射线的好坏。Observes the goodness of the light it shines
然后,像猫一样扑上,吞下Then, pouncing like a cat, devours
每一道光线的金色轨迹Each golden trace of light
只要它看见在发光的东西。It saw and shined
猫吃老鼠。神吃神。神的好是Cat feeds on mouse. God feeds on God. God's goodness is
一个黑色的瞎眼的吃人怪兽,用阳光一样的牙齿A black and blinding cannibal with sunny teeth
只吃自己。That only eats itself.
拒绝光线Deny the light
神的金色眼睛是铜的。它敲着黄铜叮当响God's golden eye is brazen. It is clanging brass
好意的。Of good intention.
它烧着黄铜叮叮当当的响。It is noisy burning clanging brass.
光线是一只吃腐肉的乌鸦Light is a carrion crow
哇哇叫着扑下来,哇哇叫着扑下来。Cawing and swooping. Cawing and swooping.
后来,后来突然停了。Then, then there is a sudden stop.
天色变了。The day changes.
一个无辜的老太阳很冷的呆在云层里。There is an innocent old sun quite cold in cloud.
阳光带来的痛苦停止了。The ache of sunshine stops.
神离开了。神离开了。God is gone. God is gone.
没有什么东西是好的。Nothing was quite as good.
越来越晚。穿上你的外套。It's getting late. Put on your coat.
越来越黑。越来越冷。It's getting dark.It's getting cold.
很多事情在黄昏发生Most things happen in twilight
当太阳已经落下而月亮尚未升起When the sun goes down and the moon hasn't come
地球在跳舞。And the earth dances.
很多事情在黄昏发生Most things happen in twilight
当两只眼睛都没有睁开When neither eye is open
地球在跳舞。And the earth dances
很多事情在黄昏发生Most things happen in twilight
当地球在跳舞。When the earth dances.
神像一只巨大的瞎眼蝙蝠。And God is blind as a gigantic bat.
游泳池上的男孩们在晒太阳。The boys above the swimming pool receive the sun.
他们的大腿贴着温暖的水泥地面。Their groins are pressed against the warm cement.
他们像在做梦。他们的身体像在做梦。They look as if they dream.As if their bodies dream.
从毒辣的太阳下面获救。Rescue their bodies from the poisoned sun,
保护做梦的人吧。他们现在就像龙虾Shelter the dreamers.They're like lobsters now
在私人的梦里被烤得火红。Hot red and private as they dream.
他们梦见自己。They dream about themselves.
他们梦见关于自己的梦。They dream of dreams about themselves.
他们梦见他们在做关于自己的梦。They dream they dream of dreams about themselves.
像一只湿蝙蝠,用黄昏浇湿他们。Splash them with twilight like a wet bat.
放开这些做梦的人。Unbind the dreamers.
像神一样。Be like God.


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-27 15:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:12 编辑


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发表于 2010-9-28 07:51:29 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:12 编辑


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发表于 2010-9-28 16:45:19 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:12 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-28 19:26:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:12 编辑


Imaginary Elegies: IV

Yes, be like God. I wonder what I thought
When I wrote that. The dreamers sag a bit
As if five years had thickened on their flesh
Or on my eyes. Wake them with what?
Should I throw rocks at them
To make their naked private bodies bleed?
No. Let them sleep. This much I’ve learned
In these five years in what I spent and earned:
Time does not finish a poem.
The dummies in the empty funhouse watch
The tides wash in and out. The thick old moon
Shines through the rotten timbers every night.
This much is clear, they think, the men who made
Us twitch and creak and put the laughter in our throats
Are just as cold as we. The lights are out.
                       The lights are out.
You’ll smell the oldest smells—
The smell of salt, of urine, and of sleep
Before you wake. This much I’ve learned
In these five years in what I’ve spent and earned:
Time does not finish a poem.
What have I gone to bed with all these years?
What have I taken crying to my bed
For love of me?
Only the shadows of the sun and moon
The dreaming groins, their creaking images.
Only myself.
             Is there some rhetoric
To make me think that I have kept a house
While playing dolls? This much I’ve learned
In these five years in what I’ve spent and earned:
That two-eyed monster God is still above.
I saw him once when I was young and once
When I was seized with madness, or was I seized
And mad because I saw him once. He is the sun
And moon made real with eyes.
He is the photograph of everything at once. The love
That makes the blood run cold.
But he is gone. No realer than old
Poetry. This much I’ve learned
In these five years in what I’ve spent and earned:
Time does not finish a poem.
Upon the old amusement pier I watch
The creeping darkness gather in the west.
Above the giant funhouse and the ghosts
I hear the seagulls call. They’re going west
Toward some great Catalina of a dream
Out where the poem ends.
                                   But does it end?
The birds are still in flight. Believe the birds.

~ Jack Spicer

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