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发表于 2006-12-31 23:34:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:07 编辑

梭罗:《让这般纯洁的恨继续支撑》 <p></p><p align="left">   白元宝<font color="#ff0000"> 译</font></p>让这般纯洁的恨继续支撑<br/>“友人,罗马人,乡下人,情人”<br/>(梭罗/作,白元宝/译)<br/><br/>让这般纯洁的恨继续支撑<br/>我们的爱,如此我们便能成为<br/>彼此的良知,<br/>如此,<br/>我们便能意气相投<br/><br/>我们像众神般对待彼此,<br/>将我们对美德与真理的<br/>全部信任,赠与<br/>彼此,而怀疑则留给<br/>下面的众神。<br/><br/>两颗孤独的星——<br/>遥远而深不可测的规则<br/>在我们之间滚动;<br/>然而,通过意识之光,我们<br/>坚定地指向同一极。<br/><br/>为什么要弄乱这个球体?——<br/>爱能够经得起等待;<br/>对它而言,一切都不会太迟<br/>目睹一个人恪尽职守,<br/>或者开始给予。<br/><br/>它并不比花儿的颜色<br/>更有用处;<br/>只有那些独立的客人<br/>时常光顾它的阴凉,<br/>承继它的馈赠。<br/><br/>它没有任何演说,尽管它是好东西;<br/>但是更好的沉默会降临到<br/>它的伙伴们身上;<br/>夜晚带来安慰,<br/>白天让人欣喜。<br/><br/>是什么口口相传?<br/>是什么耳耳相闻?<br/>依照命运的法令<br/>一年又一年,<br/>它传递着。<br/><br/>那不可跨越的情感之鸿沟张开;<br/>没有琐碎的语言之桥,<br/>没有冒失的桥拱,<br/>能逾越那诚挚的人身上<br/>围绕的深沟。<br/><br/>没有任何插销与门闩<br/>能将敌兵拒之门外,<br/>或者泄漏他神秘的矿藏,<br/>它和怀疑一起进入<br/>并用怀疑画出界限<br/><br/>没有哪个守门人,<br/>会让那友好的人进来;<br/>但是,像太阳一样,最终<br/>他会战胜那城堡,<br/>并照亮城墙。<br/><br/>据我所知,这世上没有任何东西,<br/>能够逃离爱,<br/>它向下,会加深,<br/>而向上,则升高。<br/>它等待,就像等着天空,<br/>等那乌云消散,<br/>它仍然安详地照耀<br/>用那永恒的白昼,<br/>不管那乌云走了,<br/>还是留下,都不改变。<br/><br/>不变的是爱——<br/>敌人可以被收买,或戏弄,<br/>从而消除他的敌意。<br/>但是那仁慈的人,<br/>却不会妥协。<br/><br/><br/>Let such pure hate still underprop<br/>"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, and Lovers."<br/>Let such pure hate still underprop<br/>Our love, that we may be<br/>Each other's conscience,<br/>And have our sympathy<br/>Mainly from thence.<br/><br/>We'll one another treat like gods,<br/>And all the faith we have<br/>In virtue and in truth, bestow<br/>On either, and suspicion leave<br/>To gods below.<br/><br/>Two solitary stars--<br/>Unmeasured systems far<br/>Between us roll;<br/>But by our conscious light we are<br/>Determined to one pole.<br/><br/>What need confound the sphere?--<br/>Love can afford to wait;<br/>For it no hour's too late<br/>That witnesseth one duty's end,<br/>Or to another doth beginning lend.<br/><br/>It will subserve no use,<br/>More than the tints of flowers;<br/>Only the independent guest<br/>Frequents its bowers,<br/>Inherits its bequest.<br/><br/>No speech, though kind, has it;<br/>But kinder silence doles<br/>Unto its mates;<br/>By night consoles,<br/>By day congratulates.<br/><br/>What saith the tongue to tongue?<br/>What hearest ear of ear?<br/>By the decrees of fate<br/>From year to year,<br/>Does it communicate.<br/><br/>Pathless the gulf of feeling yawns;<br/>No trivial bridge of words,<br/>Or arch of boldest span,<br/>Can leap the moat that girds<br/>The sincere man.<br/><br/>No show of bolts and bars<br/>Can keep the foeman out,<br/>Or 'scape his secret mine,<br/>Who entered with the doubt<br/>That drew the line.<br/><br/>No warder at the gate<br/>Can let the friendly in;<br/>But, like the sun, o'er all<br/>He will the castle win,<br/>And shine along the wall.<br/><br/>There's nothing in the world I know<br/>That can escape from love,<br/>For every depth it goes below,<br/>And every height above.<br/>It waits, as waits the sky,<br/>Until the clouds go by,<br/>Yet shines serenely on<br/>With an eternal day,<br/>Alike when they are gone,<br/>And when they stay.<br/><br/>Implacable is Love--<br/>Foes may be bought or teased<br/>From their hostile intent,<br/>But he goes unappeased<br/>Who is on kindness bent.<br/><br/>


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-31 23:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:07 编辑

梭罗的诗歌:<br/><br/>1.【我的生活就是诗】<br/><br/>(白元宝/翻译)<br/><br/><br/>我的生活就是我要写的诗,<br/>但我不能一边生活,一边陈述它。<br/><br/><br/>【My Life Has Been the Poem]】<br/>Henry David Thoreau<br/><br/>My life has been the poem I would have writ,<br/>But I could not both live and utter it.<br/><br/>2.【通向我的路是什么样子?】<br/><br/>(白元宝/翻译)<br/>通向我的路是什么样子?<br/>我从未去看过<br/>它的尽头。<br/>它穿梭于空谷间,<br/>岸上住着雨燕,<br/>沙子飘落,<br/>黑莓生长。<br/><br/><br/>【What's the Railroad to Me?】<br/><br/>What's the railroad to me?<br/>I never go to see<br/>Where it ends.<br/>It fills a few hollows,<br/>And makes banks for the swallows,<br/>It sets the sand a-blowing,<br/>And the blackberries a-growing.<br/><br/>3.【收割者用手抚过的田野】<br/><br/>收割者用手抚过的田野<br/>被收获的月亮和秋日照亮,<br/>我的思想,像豆茬在空中漂浮<br/>像十月的空气一样明朗,<br/>在那里,收割之后,我捡拾我的人生<br/>不用费力收割的丰收,<br/>在比夏日最好的云雾还要微妙的网内<br/>我随意编织绚丽的想像。<br/><br/>【On Fields O'er Which the Reaper's Hand has Passed】<br/><br/>On fields o'er which the reaper's hand has pass'd<br/>Lit by the harvest moon and autumn sun,<br/>My thoughts like stubble floating in the wind<br/>And of such fineness as October airs,<br/>There after harvest could I glean my life<br/>A richer harvest reaping without toil,<br/>And weaving gorgeous fancies at my will<br/>In subtler webs than finest summer haze.<br/><br/>4.【他们在楼下为我准备晚餐】<br/><br/><br/>他们在楼下为我准备晚餐,<br/>不小心将水壶打破<br/>用火钳或铲子,<br/>声音连绵不绝,<br/>飞出屋檐<br/>让小屋变成了东方的庙宇。<br/>起初,我想到手边的牛铃<br/>桦林的声响在旷野中回荡,<br/>多年前,<br/>我曾在那里采摘花朵,<br/>度过许多仲夏时光<br/>那喜悦如此坚实,几乎凝固了时间。<br/><br/>【They Who Prepare my Evening Meal Below】<br/><br/>They who prepare my evening meal below<br/>Carelessly hit the kettle as they go<br/>With tongs or shovel,<br/>And ringing round and round,<br/>Out of this hovel<br/>It makes an eastern temple by the sound.<br/>At first I thought a cow bell right at hand<br/>Mid birches sounded o'er the open land,<br/>Where I plucked flowers<br/>Many years ago,<br/>Spending midsummer hours<br/>With such secure delight they hardly seemed to flow.

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发表于 2007-1-1 13:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:07 编辑

There's nothing in the world I know<br/>That can escape from love,<br/>For every depth it goes below,<br/>And every height above.<br/>It waits, as waits the sky,<br/>Until the clouds go by,<br/>Yet shines serenely on<br/>With an eternal day,<br/>Alike when they are gone,<br/>And when they stay.<br/>[em01]

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 楼主| 发表于 2007-1-2 21:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:07 编辑


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发表于 2007-2-8 22:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:07 编辑


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发表于 2007-2-9 14:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:08 编辑


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发表于 2007-2-21 11:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:08 编辑


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发表于 2007-2-21 12:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:08 编辑


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