本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:14 编辑
原帖由 海外逸士 于 2008-11-19 7:11:00 发表
you always change the exact meaning of the original even if you are able to keep it
hahaha, it is very annoying, isn't it? hahaha, well, if it were perfect, does it mean you would be out of job, hahaha, I think I am already addicted to your cudgel, which would let me cudgel my brains.
原帖由 海外逸士 于 2008-11-19 7:11:00 发表
Silent, I ascend the western tower alone (why use ascended? that's what the poet said)
the moon's sickle-like (why put in watching?)
清秋 is not dreary fall
Why ascended? because he has ascended, otherwise how can he see the sickle-like moon? hehehe
Why watching? yep, it is not necessary, but I sort of had an unspeakable urge pushing me to do so - crazy, isn't it? hehehe, can't help!
But I don't think it harms anything, agree? Same as mentioned above,...if he didn't watch the moon, how could he know it was a sickle-like one?
As for 清秋, your version please!