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Five Rhapsodies of History and a Light Poem Translated by Qiu Xiaolong
1.铜奔马 1.Galloping Bronze Steed
从千年前的凉州一跃而起 魏晋如龙雀,唐宋如飞燕,明清如游隼 须臾之间,啸聚古今 Jump from Liangzhou thousands of years ago the soaring phoenix of the Wei and Jin dynasties the flying sparrow of the Tang and Song dynasties the winging falcon of the Min and Qing dynasties In a flash, howling join time past and time present
毕加索在电闪雷鸣的夜晚构思飞奔的鸵鸟 终究慢了一拍,而达利的玫瑰女孩 正从后现代的虚空坠落 In a night of thunder and lightning Picasso is conceiving of the racing ostrich, slower by a step, and the rose girl portrayed by Dale is falling from the nothingness hovering over postmodernism
饱满的躯体,飞扬的鬃鬣,是一种信念 从大漠,蓝天,浩荡的风云中汲取灵感 Robust body, flying mane, a faith drawing inspiration from the vast desert blue sky, and the sweeping wind and cloud
菩提树下的王子,马厩里的圣人 虔诚地苦思人间的戒律,缚不住 脱弦而出的利箭 The prince under the Bodhi tree the saint in the stable were cudgeling their brains out about the rules of the human world unable to tie an arrow shooting out from the bow
飞矢不动。不是古希腊的诡辩 瞬间凝固的火焰,把热烈 发酵到极致 The motionless arrow in flight. It is not the rhetoric made in the ancient Greece the flame congealed in a flash brings the heat to the extreme in fermentation
从打了火漆的酒桶中 斟一杯酒,仅存的红土气息, 有如青春,有如千年前, 那位凉州匠人的想象 Pour out a cup of wine from the wax-sealed barrel with the remaining tang of the ancient red soil, like youth, like the imagination of that Liangzhou craftsman a thousand year ago
——从江面上的粼粼波光 从仲秋草坪上的一丛青绿 从海平面上的一艘货轮 从引擎的轰鸣,由近而远 From the glittering ripples of the river, from a green stretch in the mid-autumn lawn from the cargo ship sailing on the sea, from the loud rumble of the engine, fading into the faint distance
2.楼兰 2. Loulan
南方之南,闷雷掠过天际 郁热的天气,仿佛永无尽头 翻过围墙的视线,翻不过墙外的山峦 South of the South, the thunder tearing across the horizon, the sultry weather seemingly endless The glance sweeping over the wall is incapable of sweeping over the mountains stretching outside the wall
楼兰在季节之外 漫漫黄沙,是开端 也是结局 Loulan is beyond seasons the overwhelming yellow sand marking the beginning also the ending
一闪而过的繁华,从荒废的城垣 汲取灵感,传说中的红披巾 点亮冷月,万顷月光下, 埋葬着千年爱情 The transient prosperity passing in the twinkle of an eye inspiration from the ruins of the ancient city wall the red scarf blazing in the legend rekindles the cold moon with love from time immemorial buried under the vast expanse of the moonlight
这是一个无需讲述的故事 所有的不朽都拒绝修辞 从寂灭深处,木旋花和骆驼刺 挣扎而出,如陨石溅落的光芒 This story needs not telling The immortal refuse rhetorics From the depth of stillness, baill and camel thorn struggling out like the flash of a falling meteor
此刻需要烈酒,天地辽阔 孤狼般的吼叫无人可闻,唯天地可闻 让风沙扑面,让寒风灌进胸口 让刀郎和云朵的歌声在永恒中回响 油腻的尘世,需要一次涤荡 This moment needs liquor against the immense expanse of the sky and the earth the lone-wolf-like howl is heard by no one, except the sky and earth, facing the sand storm, and the chilly wind pouring into my bosom, I let the songs Of Daolang and Yunduo reverberate in eternity, the oily world Of dust, needs a thorough cleaning
3.玉门关的废墟在史诗尽头 3. Ruins of Yumen Pass at the End of the Epic
走吧,从村口的小路出发 Let us go, setting off from the trail at the village exit
玉门关的废墟 在史诗的尽头 Against ruins of Yumen Pass at the ending of the ancient epic
鼓角与羌笛,比想象更远 不可阻挡的风,古往今来 Battle drums, horns, and Qiang flutes more distant than imagination irresistible wind keeps charging through the past and the present
刺目的沙砾上,芨芨草三五成群 从昏黄的苍茫中,扎住绿色 In the glaring sand, clusters of splendid achnatherum clutching the green against the vast expanse of dusky somberness
征蓬出汉塞,归雁入胡天 所有的旅人都是过客 The military sail moving beyond the Han pass, the wild geese returning into the Hun sky, All the travelers are passers-by
驿站是一壶酒,一弯月,或千里之外 一枝蔷薇攀上窗棂 The post house is a kettle of wine, a curve of the moon, or thousands of miles away , a rose is climbing up onto the window.
背景是一面墙 白色,一切俱足 一无所有 The backdrop is a white wall, containing everything and nothing.
4.游牧民族之龙井与敦煌 4. Nomadic people’s Dragon Well and Dunhuang
蓝与绿的切换 在呼吸之间 江山的气息 清晰可辨 The change from the blue to the green, between breathing in and out, the remaining tang of the rivers and mountains comes so distinguishable
多年前种下的茶香 是悟不透的江南 未完的旅途,在万里之外 The tea fragrance planted so many years ago is the inscrutable South, and the incomplete journey, thousands and thousands of miles away
此刻,马蹄声起,马蹄声落 辽阔的寒意,叩响天际 At this moment, the stampings of horseshoes rising and falling, an immense feeling of chill knocking against the distant horizon
孤独的风,需要拥抱 在记忆中坚持的,是湮灭于 未来的壁画,和尘封的韶华 The solitary wind needs embracing arms; what’s persistent in the memory: the murals obliterated in the future and the dust-covered glories
反弹琵琶,将妩媚撩拨到极致 云散处,灰瓦白墙,独对青山 She playing the pipa insturment against her bare back provoke you to the extreme with her charms the clouds dispersing the gray tiles and the white walls facing the green mountains in solitude
仿佛有雨,来自时间深处 那一棵树,那一张茶桌,那些杯中的沉浮 It seems to be raining from the depth of time that tree, that tea table those risings and fallings in your cup
能够被伞遮挡的,恰恰无需遮挡 What can be shielded by an umbrella needs no shielding
5.颐和园 5. Summer Palace
把江南拆迁到帝京 湖山亭台,一应俱全 然后是全世界最长的山墙 圈住全世界最大的园林 Moving the South to the imperial capital in the north, with lakes, hills, pavilions and stages, all included, then enclosing the largest palace garden with the longest wall in the world
垂暮的王朝 独享清欢 The declining dynasty lost itself in ecstasy all alone
和历朝历代的禁地一样 照例会有一个无比优雅的冠名 嗅不到腐烂和血腥 Like all the Forbidden Areas in one dynasty after another a graceful name was given in which, you usually cannot smell any decaying and blood-shedding
百年后,许多秘闻尚待定论 许多碎片需要打捞 唯有天空与阳光,无须考证 In a hundred years, a number of secrets to be laid open, a lot of fragments to be salvaged nothing but the sky and the sunlight need no textual research
白桦树也不必。树干上的松鼠, 轻快地蹿跃,像逃离历史一样, 逃离镜头 Nor for the white birch. The squirrel jumps light-footedly on the twigs, as if fleeing from history from cameras
柳堤,蓼渚,碧空,秋水 让人无言以对,谁的凤辇从此经过, 无人理会 Willow-shaded riverbanks duckweed-covered ripples clear sky, and autumn water all this renders me speechless heedless of which empress’s chariot passed here, once
排云殿要以一身华贵 重新定位历史的重心 但我只关心松鼠和雨水 The Cloud-Expelling Imperial Hall tries to re-anchor history, but I care only about the squirrel and the rain
6.成为风 6. Becoming Wind
绵绵细雨是对大地的抚慰 秋凉如风 是的,成为风 成为让自己喜欢的词汇 在梦与现实的关隘穿行 啤酒罐打开了,就无法逆转 醉或不醉,依然可以选择 记忆中的火炉旁 与寒冷一窗之隔 内心的声音 比夜空更清晰 成为风,成为自己的音乐 成为行道树水一般退去的道路 属于你的星光 永远比寒冷更高
The drizzle brings comfort to the earth autumn cold like a wind yes, it is to become a wind becoming the vocabulary you like picking its way through the passes of dreams and realities the beer can opened cannot be closed, but you still can choose to be drunk or not. The memory of sitting by the fireplace against the window of chilliness, the inner voice comes clearer than the night sky becoming the wind, becoming the music that belongs to you, becoming the road that recedes like the trees and the water, the star light that belongs to you rises above high above coldness
裘小龙,广西大学君武学者特聘教授。出生于上海,在国内发表中文诗歌、译著和评论,后获福特基金会资助赴美,获圣路易斯华盛顿大学比较文学博士学位。著有 11部获奖小说“陈探长”系列,出版短篇小说集、诗歌、译诗;所著(译)书籍销量达几百万册,译为 20 余种语言;“陈探长”系列侦探小说还改编为 BBC 广播剧。目前居于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市。
英文小说 Qiu Xiaolong, Death of a RedHeroine. New York: Soho Press, 2000.(Nominated for Edgar Allan Poe and BerryAwards, Winner of Anthony Award) Qiu Xiaolong, A Loyal CharacterDancer. New York: Soho Press, 2002. Qiu Xiaolong, When Red Is Black. NewYork: Soho Press, 2004. Qiu Xiaolong, A Case of Two Cities.New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2006. Qiu Xiaolong, Red MandarinDress. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2007. Qiu Xiaolong, The Mao Case. NewYork: St. Martin’s Press, 2009. Qiu Xiaolong, Years of RedDust (collection of linked stories,作品在法国“世界报”连载).New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2010. Qiu Xiaolong, Don’t Cry, Tai Lake.New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2012. Qiu Xiaolong, Enigma of China. NewYork: St. Martin’s Press, 2013. Qiu Xiaolong, Shanghai Redemption.New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2015 Qiu Xiaolong, Hold Your Breath,China. London: Severn House, 2020. Qiu Xiaolong, Becoming InspectorChen. London: Severn House, 2020. Qiu Xiaolong, Shanghai Trial,London: Severn House, 2021. Qiu Xiaolong, The Shadow of theEmpire (a Judge Dee investigation written by Inspector Chen). London:Severn House, 2021.
英译汉作品 《意象派诗选》(裘小龙编译).桂林:漓江出版社,1984. 《四个四重奏》(艾略特诗选,裘小龙编译).桂林:漓江出版社,1985. 《丽达与天鹅》(叶芝诗选,裘小龙编译).桂林:漓江出版社,1987. 《意象派诗选》(增订版,裘小龙编译).重庆:重庆大学出版社,2015. 《四个四重奏》(艾略特诗选增订版, 裘小龙编译).南京:译林出版社,2017. 《丽达与天鹅》(叶芝诗选增订版, 裘小龙编译).成都:四川文艺出版社,2017. 《舞蹈与舞者》(裘小龙诗歌翻译与诗歌创作合集).桂林:漓江出版社2019
汉译英作品 Treasuryof Chinese Love Poems. Trans.and ed. Qiu Xiaolong. New York: Hippocrene Books,2003. EvokingTang: An Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry. Trans.and ed. Qiu Xiaolong. St.Louis: PenUltimate Press (Nominated for Franklin Award) 100Classic Chinese Poems. Trans.and ed. Qiu Xiaolong. Shanghai: East China NormalUniversity Press, 2010. 100Classic Chinese Poems. Trans.and ed. Qiu Xiaolong. New York: Readers Digest,2011.
文学批评 裘小龙,《现代主义的缪斯》.上海:上海文艺出版社,1989. 裘小龙,《外滩公园:裘小龙虚构批评随笔集》. 成都:四川文艺出版社,2019.
英文诗选 QiuXiaolong, Lines Around China. St. Louis, Neshui Press, 2008. QiuXiaolong,Disappearing Shanghai: Photographs and Poems of an Intimate Way ofLife. (Photographs by Howard French, Poems by Qiu Xiaolong) New Jersey, 2012. QiuXiaolong, Poems of Inspector Chen. Lexington: CreateSpace Publishing,2016.