本帖最后由 李世纯译作 于 2024-5-20 00:25 编辑
1. As a bride,she enters the kitchen on the third day,
2. After washing hands,she makes soup in a careful way.
3. Perplexed with her mother-in-law's dietary favor,
4. She first invites her sister-in-law to taste the flavor.
1. As a bride,she enters the kitchen on the third day(第三天=英语人泛指=模棱多可=不明确,是出国/回国/毕业/入职/度假/返校/返岗/旅途/回娘家 ... ... 之第三天?)
1'. She enters the kitchen on a third newly-married day(新婚第三天=相对或更精准/接近原作本意)
4. She first invites her sister-in-law to taste the flavor. (或被英语人误解:她先请 a 品尝,再请 b 亦品尝"亦非做餐食用";此选处用 invite“邀请”= 过于严肃/郑/庄重,有失“信达雅”)
4'. She invites her sister-in-law in advance to tastethe flavor.(相对所谓 "先” 或更精准/合于原作本意)
4'. She ask/get/hass her sister-in-law in advance to taste the flavor.(相对 “遣” 或更精准/接近原作全文/整体笔调/语气/口吻/用词)