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2009春节上海北京路书及五首应景之诗作 - 生活就是写作人生就是戏剧

发表于 2009-12-16 11:21:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2009春节上海北京路书及五首应景之诗作 - 生活就是写作人生就是戏剧                                                                一个月之后,终于有时间提笔来写这个路书, 走之前在网上看了不少他人路书,也想写出来供大家分享. 今年春节末尾从1月31日至2/4,花了五天时间,进行了一次上海-北京-上海自驾游. 去花了二天, 回花了二天,在北京实际时间为一天二夜,来回均夜宿在济南.不是不能一天开到,只是觉得没必要那么拼.
北京早已熟悉了, 此行的最大收获是跑了半个中国, 对江苏(特别是苏北), 山东,河北, 天津有了第一”脚”印象, 开车与坐飞机,坐火车完全不一样. 要了解一个城市, 必须得穿行过她的主要街道. 有人说中国东西相差五十年,南北相差二十年, 的确有同感,但令人欣喜的是各个地方都在进步. 此前行我在国内开过最远的是南到过宁波, 北到过南京, 仅此而已,而我开过的最长单日路程是八百公里,那还是在十年以前.
此行五天,中间共写了五首应景之诗作, 详悉附后. 象这样大段地写中文, 我已多年不写了. 诗只能写意, 详细描述还得写文章.
1 月31日上午9点上海出发, 从外环A20的五洲大道出口上中环, 转沪嘉高速A12,再转沿江高速(后自动变为锡澄高速),向北京/江阴大桥方向, 进入苏北. 江阴大桥非常震撼 (注:京沪高速为统称, 在各地各段高速有其独特命名,连起来为总称京沪高速).下午一点在淮阴川星服务区停车加油休息, 油比上海贵, 而且没有97号汽油. 下午一点二十五分再出发, 共开了4个小时,总计437公里.一路过苏北进入山东地界. 在苏北还不太感受已到了北方, 进入山东沂蒙山区, 才有北方的感觉.出了沂蒙山区才是一马平川的山东平原.所谓齐鲁大地, 齐与鲁还是有差别的. 下午五点左右, 在离济南只有一站之地泰安服务区加油,休息,实在撑不住了. 下午六点到达济南,入住在携程所预订的酒店. 第一天总共开了九个小时, 共计872公里.
第二天2月1日上午10点 50分, 从济南出发前往北京.因为前面二个晚上均没有睡好, 靠坚强的毅力,一路跌跌撞撞,在经过多个休息区的休息后, 才于下午五点左右到达北京,其中所过的京沪/京福高速黄河大桥(离济南很近,济南在黄河以南)非常震撼.路上有些休息区也有97号汽油, 但仍价格不菲.京沪高速山东段相当不错, 但京沪高速天津段更棒, 而天津进入北京的京津塘则极为老旧,在进入北京的地标大羊坊收费站之前有一出口提示,可从此地办进京客车临时运行证, 非常方便迅速. 我选了三环(还有四环, 五环, 六环)进入北京,因为是春节尾巴, 高峰时间堵车不甚明显,然后直奔酒店. 我住在中关村附近的一家酒店, 离母校近.
第三天2月2日. 在北京期间,除了去一趟朝阳区CBD附近,开车进母校兜了几个圈, 基本窝在酒店, 吃住均在酒店,总算彻底恢复过来了,二个晚上均睡嗜良好. 北京东面CBD大厦鳞次节比, 极为震撼, 绝对不输上海浦东陆家嘴, 中关村商业设施齐全, 加油,洗车等均极为方便.
第四天2月3 日上午办完事, 中午10:50由三环拐上京津塘高速经天津奔济南, 下午四点左右到达济南.因为是白天到达,又从济南的北侧进入市区,对济南的观感明显好于前二天. 济南的高架也造得不错, 市容稍显朴素. 山东人就是实在,回程住的是同一家酒店, 是回头客说明她的设施服务均不错.
第五天2月4日早上10点左右出发, 一路颠簸, 直到晚上9点才回到上海. 中间在山东又遇上了大雾(比去时要大, 出门在外, 最怕异常天气), 进入江苏又有小雨, 总之不是很顺利. 在很多休息区做了休息, 哪怕不需加油. 晚饭也是在太仓附近一个休息区吃的.
未来长久的计划是先试上海—>武汉—>长沙—>南昌—>上海.还有一条线要体验的是上海<-->西安,至于上海<-->乌鲁木齐<-->拉萨,只有先飞过去,再在当地租越野车了. 此乃后话.
国内的高速公路已经不输美国了, 但如果能跟德国一样不限速, 那就爽了. 生活就是写作, 人生就是戏剧.

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 11:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
Drive to Beijing from Shanghai V - On the Road II (February 8, 2009) - 102

On the road
Fog, rain and cold
Fear, uncertainty and dismay
Whatever happens
You have to go ahead

Mile by mile
Town by town
Rest area by rest area
Minute by minute
Hour by hour

You have to possess vigilance
You have to possess strength
You have to possess patience
You have to possess endurance
You have to possess confidence

No one ahead
No one behind
Do not be timid
You will hit the end

Drive to Beijing from Shanghai IV - Beijing Impression (February 3, 2009) - 101

Modern on its face
History in its body
High-tech in its muscles
Culture in its heart

A city with all roads straight
A city with all accents standardized
A city gathers so many talents
A city draws so many elites

A city once studying
Now revisiting
A city once cycling
Now driving

A city makes Washington be serious
A city makes London be jealous
A city makes Tokyo be inferior
A city makes Shanghai be nervous

Here I tell my son I want to try something new
Here my son tells me he wants to try something old
Here I tell my son life is good
Here my son tells me life is tough
Here I tell my son I want to be a full-time poet
Here my son tells me he wants to be a full-time fool

Life is about experience
Experience depends on your interpretation
Interpretation depends on your calibration
Calibration depends on your judgement

Be your own ruler
Be your own Judge

Here I refresh my memory
Here I renew my energy

Drive to Bejing from Shanghai III - Lotus Pond (February 1, 2009) - 100

Same campus
Different students

Same pond
Different lotus

Same trees
Different leaves

Same bench
Different sitters

Same space
Different time

Same scene
Different sentiment

My gorgeous Lotus Pond
My good old day

Drive to Bejing From Shanghai II - On the Road I (January 31, 2009) - 99

Passing the Convinience Store
Passing the Metro Station
Passing the Five-Continent boulevard
Passing misty Yangtz River

One hand on the wheel
One hand with a coke
Radio on the head
Eyes on the road ahead

Watching the sunrise at early morning
Watching the sunset at late evening
Passing icy Yellow River
Finally getting to the hometown of Confucius

Why not try something other than WestLife
Forget about Eagle at Hotel California
Embrace Earth Wind and Fire
U2 in such a Beautiful Day

Drive to Beijing from Shanghai I - Planning (January 26, 2009) - 97

Eight hundred miles
From south to north
From coast to inner land
You can go by air
You can go by train
You can go by bus
But I choose to drive
In such cold winter alone

Prepare lodging
Prepare water
Prepare food
Prepare music
Wheel in your single hand
Direction under your own control
Pedal under your single foot
Speed under your own control

It was not from SF to LA in 1996
It is from Shanghai to Beijing in 2009
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发表于 2009-12-16 19:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
惭愧英语不好啊 请翻译版的兄弟些赏析
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发表于 2009-12-17 15:35:00 | 显示全部楼层

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