本帖最后由 张马沙 于 2014-4-2 22:13 编辑
钓鱼岛上战云垂 隔洋渔翁笑微微 且看中日谁更傻 鹬蚌相争利归谁? 2013年1月29日星期二 增城政协九届三次会议期间偶得
1.War cloud hanging on the Diaoyu Islands War cloud’s hanging on the diaoyu islands The fisherman beyond the ocean is happy with smile He wants to see who is more foolish——Chinese or Japanese? When the snipe grapples with the clam, who will get the benefit? Trace to the source, Japanese root are from and in Sichuan, Yunnan, and Guizhou Xu Fu cheated their ancestors while just innocent children but never returned back Those who are the same race why trying to choke and strangle each other to death? East Asia should be in one family and Yamato should return to and reunite with Sino
2014年3月4-6日 增城政协九届四次会议期间译