本帖最后由 方壶斋 于 2024-3-21 05:53 编辑
一朝辞帝京,七载居洛阳。饱尝寒窗苦,更兼飞短长。有心报育恩,无暇侍高堂。不求弄权柄,但愿效忠良。 曾为无衔吏,俯首侍蕃王。又仿苏秦议,纵横献良方。所求别无他,学院日兴旺。岂料好人心,视为驴肝肠。 流言蜂拥至,言我太狂妄。寻隙施故伎,池鱼亦遭殃。上不分真假,下不辨臭香。无情又无义,麻木更堪伤。 道阻乘桴去,海阔任帆张。南有商旅盛,北有纸墨香。深山更深处,亦可避瘟瘴。澹泊心境好,宁静人寿长。 读书以自娱。躬耕以自养。愿效李谪仙,不做摧眉郎。放鹿於山阿,长歌倚船桨。与星月共舞,与爱人共长。 从此无晋魏,青丝待苍苍。
虽居名利场,却求澹泊庄。可恨世俗帮,贪官又怕良。忍奈大丈夫,勿把梁山上。 宁可效谢安,暂隐於东山。人生活一世,献才人方知。不求弄权柄,但愿百姓畅。 主人安无恙,池鱼苦也欢。)
Since I left the Imperial Capital In Luoyang seven years I’ve stayed over I tasted the hard life of a young scholar And had to endure gossips and whatsoever My wish to repay my parents for their grace Was frustrated by my long time absence Power and politics were not my hobby I wished to follow the examples of loyal subjects only I took the office of title-less servant And served my superiors in obedience fervent I imitated the strategists of warring states To present my proposals of high grades My desire was none other than for the academy To develop well and enjoy eternal prosperity My good intentions were taken as worthless As the intestines of donkeys clueless
Rumors swarmed in like flying locusts Saying I was arrogant and full of brazen guts Dirty old tricks were used against me Even my miss sustained calamity Up there they saw no truth from the false Down here they separate no shit from fragrance Absent were feelings and sense of justice Sadder was the attitude of indifference As roads are blocked, I should take the boat A vast sea gives enough space to sail about South there is the commerce robust as fire North the academic world is something I admire Still I can go deep into the mountains Where I can escape the pestilence Taking things light, I enjoy a good mood Leading a quiet life, longevity have I should I entertain myself with reading books Eating things I plant keeps my young looks I wish to follow the example of Li Po Never to kneel and kowtow to whomever At the foot of the mountain I set free the deer Leaning on the oars I sing a song myself to cheer I dance with the stars and the moon With my love by my side I will not die soon The changing of dynasties I no longer care I let the tides of times to white my hair
读 旧 作1986. 3. 2
解 甲 归 田 未 有 期 , 中 原 折 戟 悔 来 迟 。 此 身 已 作 鸿 门 客 , 刀 俎 之 鱼命 难 知 。 荃 不 察 余 听 匡 语 , 君 恩 图 报 是 书 痴 。 何 当 举 案 对 知 己 , 共 话 无 人 夜 语 时 。
No date is set for my laying down the arms and return tothe field My spear broken in the central plain, much regret it doesyield Now I am but a guest at the enemy's plot-hidden feast My fate as a fish on the chopping board can be imaginedat least Rumors to which they lend an ear damage my reputation Expecting the rulers to return my service is a bookishvision How I look forward to sitting before my beauty beloved And chatting with her when sounds of the world are lulled
无 题 1989
尘 缘 了 却 万 事 空 , 功 名 利 禄 无 所 争 。 只 笑 营 营 苟 苟 者 , 终 是 白 骨 向 苍 穹 。
When dusts are settled all are empty Fame and fortune are out of my mind For those still toil I laugh at their stupidity Heaven sees they leave white bone behind
咏 蝉 1989
提 笔 无 言 诗 成 行 , 鸣 蝉 嘈 杂 一 扇 窗 。 夏 尽 秋 来 听 终 曲 , 年 年 岁 岁 底 事 忙 ? 老 来 空 壳 委 荒 草 , 腐 烂 成 泥 人 皆 忘 。 我 叹 人 生 亦 如 此 , 何 苦 名 利 著 文 章 ?
I was wordless when I want to write a song While cicadas outside made noises strong A chorus of swan song for the departing summer With what do they busy themselves? I wonder As they grow, their empty shells fall into weeds And turn to mud, lifeless as dead seeds Human life is nowhere better than this creature Fame and fortune are but senseless literature
看 红 楼 梦 1989. 8. 17
红 楼 梦 断 大 观 园 , 风 流 钟 秀 一 魂 牵 。 只 道 人 间 多 美 色 , 岂 知 命 运 无 好 偏 。 长 棚 千 里 终 有 尽 , 柔 情 万 种 不 需 还 。 迷 津 度 罢 各 珍 重 , 身 前 身 後 是 因 缘 。
The dream of love dies in the love's nest Elegance and grace are but a fragile soul Beauties are plenty, each says she's the best Fate does not judge however by one's role A carnival, however pleasant, will one day end Do not ask for a return for the love you send At the Soul Confusing Ford we bid each other farewell What's gone and what's coming are carved in a turtleshell
听 雨 1989. 8. 18
隔 帘 听 雨 知 几 秋 , 面 对 孤 灯 坐 空 楼 。 怅 忆 少 年 堪 寂 寞 , 如 今 谁 与 话 烦忧 。 欲 把 灵 台 佳 人 付 ,星 寒 月 冷 夜 悠 悠
Behind the curtain I listen to the same old rain Under a lone lamp, I sit in an empty room again Sadly I recall teenage years, when I braved solitude But now no one shares my sorrows of multitude How I wish to give my heart to someone I love The stars and the moon cold, the night is tough
无 题 1989. 8
有 情 偏 向 别 离 生 , 无 边 懊 恼 是 春 风 。 道 是 京 华 世 界 好 , 奈 何 此 去 人 丁 零 。 鱼 雁 难泯 相 思 怨 , 咫 尺 天 涯 不 比 邻 。 我 生 遗 恨 多 如 是 , 来也 匆 匆 去 匆 匆 。
Feelings do not grow but at the time of separation Spring wind carries endless annoyance and remorse Everyone says the Capital is a place of admiration However, alone there, I see a life much worse Correspondence does not abate the loveless heart Even as neighbors, people may be worlds apart My life is full of thwarted wishes and woes Of a sojourner who in haste comes and goes
读 <<红 牡 丹 >> 1989. 9
敢 恨 敢 爱 红 牡 丹 , 一 生 风 流 在 人 间 。 情 种 自 当 寻 沃 土 。 恣 意 横 生 无 阻 拦 。 此 生 血 肉 只 一 回 , 圣 洁 名 分 为 谁 担 ? 艳 史 唯 因 色 相 有 , 酥 峰 云 雨 可 缠 绵 。
Hail to Red Peony, for her brave deeds Her life she let her true feelings rule Fertile soil she found for her love seeds And nurtured their growth full Blood and flesh we have only once Why should we live in repentance? Without romance there is no history On snowy knolls let’s write the story
元 月 十 五 赏 月1990
元 宵 明 月 夜 , 徒 照 孑 孑 人 。 日 日 流 光 去 , 不 觉 又 一 春 。 韶 华 能 几 何 , 沧 桑 是 乾 坤 。 致 语 少 年 人 , 莫 自 对 空 门 。
The Lantern Festival's bright moon Casts light on a lone soul in vain Time flows away, noon after noon Another spring is here again How long can the brilliant time last? The world is a place that changes fast Hear my words ye lads and lasses Waste not thy youth like brainless asses
元 月 十 六 观 灯1990
人 似 潮 涌 灯 如 云 , 笙 管 箫 歌 闹 元 春 。 三 三 两 两 阑 珊 火 , 影 影 绰 绰 鸳 鸯 人 。 暗 把 凄 凉 抛 一 路 , 只 将 街 景 看 三 巡 。 归 来 挥 笔 成 拙 章 。 送 与 谁 人 识 我 心 ?
Tides of people, clouds of lights Music and songs accompany the festival sights Here and there lights are noticeably sparse Shadows of pairs are seen happily pass On my way I cast my miseries aside Savoring the the street scenes of the night Back at my place I write this clumsy verse But none I can present to in the whole universe
花会时节怀洛阳1991、5 一 昔日花盛恨出门,最怕洛城起风尘。此时牡丹开异处,京郊碧色寂寞春。 二 谷水东西宜野游,最忆南山烽火楼。一墙蜿埏锁不住,满坡春色在枝头。 三 南门路口有梨花,青春十载曾为家。若问何物惹相思,单车胎上黄泥巴。 洛外校报199165
江南组诗六首 1993815--17
慕名香楼访香君,自比朝宗风流魂。洒扫厅堂纤纤手,南明旧事不曾闻。 二外校报1993-10-15
九寨沟诗抄六首 1994/6
看藏羌歌舞 一 星光闪烁篝火浓,长袖翻飞舞香风。悠扬藏乐仙国曲,欲忆山外却朦胧。 二 少女二八正华年,能歌善舞惹人怜。一朝人去茶凉日,谁对空山忆青烟。
写李莎诗意三首 1994
秋日玫瑰红唇欲,眸间幽丝佯不察。前日惊悉君将去,相知何需言惊讶。淡然好似情不再,金风玫瑰暗动心。 心动无言思无语,万象入梦寂沉沉。秋夜空空花凝露,露凝色冷花自处。离愁不知向谁寻,君去君来皆如故。