棋 子 局 With Chess Pawn 棋、子、局; Chess, accessories, trap 偌大苍穹, Big Sky, 广袤土地。 The vast land. 点画成线, Drawn as a line, 线舞成面, Line dancing surface, 画出了经纬, Painted the theodolite, 围成了方城。 In the city. 城中有我也有你。 City I have you. 每一个角色, Each role, 被历史赋予一迷雾局; History has placed a fog; 大半生不知身陷何地。 Their lives do not know who and where. 一旦开战, Once, and war; 你中有我我中有你。 You have me in you. 为各自的利益, For their own interests, 拼凶斗狠竭尽全力。 Fight fierce fighting hard to make every effort to. 运筹帷幄,决胜千里。 Strategizing, winning thousands of miles. 答案就在盘面里。 Answers on the sides. 七十二变; Seventy-two changes; 三十六计; Thirty- six strategies; 万千神仙演绎。 Myriad deity deduction. 法宝来自哪里? magic come from? 顺风时, Downwind, 风卷残云如展席! Clean sweep such as exhibition seats! 逆势时, Contrarian, 兵败山倒,溃退千里。 Defeat the mountain, rout of miles. 长考误战机。 for the wrong aircraft. ; 犹犹豫豫出臭棋。 Faltering bad chess move. 时儿铿锵有力; Sometimes sonorous. 时儿低声细语; A whisper; 全仗你手中的神器。 Artifact has only been in your hands. 国家一盘棋, National chess, 城市如棋子 Cities such as pawn 家庭一盘棋, Family of chess,, 棋子就是你。 Pawn is you. 大家共参与, We participated 不知身在局。 Don't know who the board. 人生如棋, Life like chess, 局中有局, Serial program 有诈无悔意! Has cheats without the regret! 置于生死地, Placed in places of life and death 常常出奇迹! Often a miracle! 是谁在布下局? Who is under the cloth? 争斗休止于那个时期? The battle stops in that time? 历史年轮的简单重复; Simple repeat of history rings; 还是演绎最新变异? Deducts the newest variation? 流年在自转, Time in rotation, 世事如棋局。 Things such as chess. 众人多复议, All review, 人们只正局中迷。 People are simply lost. 世间有奇葩, There are wonderful 他选狗尾巴。 He chose a shit flowers 出了一个纰, An error, 首推是众议。 First of all it is. 梦想扭转颓势, Dream of turning the tide 你可有能力? You may be able to? 鲁襄公八分羡慕你, Lu Xiang-gong sort of envy you 你比他二分有道理! You than he dichotomy makes sense! 昭聋发聩的誓言, Enlightening oath 绕梁回响在耳际! Echoes linger in the ear! 愚钝偏执过激, Blunt is a radical, 想悔已晚已! Want to regret later! 一个个霸王条款, A Overlord Terms, 能否早早退役? Can you retired early? 常叨叨: Constant chatter: 下一次, Next time, 怎么从容出力。 Strives how calmly. 事后诩, Afterwards brag 当初我怎么怎么地。 I had how how to。 假如, If, 我当时那么一举; I was then a move; 历史会怎么议? How will history? 大自然, Nature. 你怎么不争气? How do you blame? 对手, Opponents, 你太不讲信义! Your treachery! 亲; Pro; 内讧无新意! No new civil strife.! 愧对反间计。 Unworthy of the anti-meter. 你; U 为何纠结在木桶集? Why tangled in casks set? 举手投足间, Raises hand steps in, 历史早已知结局! History has known the ending! 叫我如何写下去……. How is called me to write…… |