本帖最后由 袁辉 于 2017-4-20 09:52 编辑
中英双语震撼朗诵 《亮剑湄公河》
作者 胡明
朗诵 空谷幽兰(中文) 鲁侠客(英文)
2011年10月5日 一阵乱枪 震碎了湄公河 午后宁静的天空 “华平号“,“玉兴八号” 商船怒吼 船长及13名船员 惨遭劫匪枪杀
惊天大案 大案惊天 噩耗传出,神州震怒 泱泱中华 岂容他人亵渎 岂敢滥伤我同胞性命 华夏大地猛然响起了 威震苍穹的烈烈吼声 胆敢犯中华者,虽远必诛
中国警方雷霆出鞘 剑指凶顽 为了捍卫祖国母亲的尊严 誓为惨遭杀戮的同胞讨回公道 虎贲卫士 威猛出征斩恶魔 甘洒热血报家国
中老缅泰 四国警察 集结湄公河 携手出击 布下天罗地网 祖国西南边陲 战时指挥部 作战地图上星罗棋布 点线圈符,密密麻麻 标示出所有嫌疑之徒 200多名参战将士 向神圣的五星红旗庄严誓师 除暴安良 伸张正义 扬我国威
中国警方 冲破重重迷雾 最终锁定金三角 新一代大毒枭--糯康 中南海 发出愤怒的指令 活捉糯康 押回中国审判
英文版 Strong-arm reaction of the Mekong river
A cross-border always arrest drug - republic of waxy kang guardians salute Author: hochiminh read: jewel hidden Translation: ghost
On October 5, 2011 A burst of disorderly gun Shattered the Mekong river The afternoon quiet sky "Warburg pincus", "yu xing 8" Merchant shout The captain and crew of 13 Was the robber shot
A blockbuster case Major tc News spread, China's wrath Great China You have blasphemed? To abuse break my compatriots life? Suddenly there was a Chinese A sublime sky dynamic roar Dare to make the Chinese people, although far will be over!
Chinese police have drawn the thunder The sword refers to the fierce and uncontrollable In order to defend the dignity of the motherland Shi for killing fellow justice Samurai guard Brave to chop the devil F their home countries
Laos, Burma and Thailand The four peacekeeping police Gather the Mekong river Hand in hand to strike networks The southwest frontier The wartime headquarters Dot on the map Some coil operator, thickly dotted To identify all the ACTS of suspicion More than 200 members of the war To the five-star red flag solemn sacred pledging: Getting rid of justice Our country wei!
The Chinese policeBreak through the heavy fog Finally locked the golden triangle A new generation of drug - waxy kang zhongnanhai Send instructions of anger Capture waxy kang! Back to trial in China!
The Mekong river Whipped up the waves The war soldiers In den deeply Taking the life of wit No matter how many times Shoulder the great trust of the Chinese police Not depressed, dashing Still difficult to break the ice And look good and evil The Mekong river and bloody God's mill grinds slow but sure.
On April 25, 2012 Several times to escape the Interpol to busting Delicious, In the police Joint gave chase As a lost dog Running away, When the end of the road were arrested Waiting for his Is that the ringing China's legal justice bells!
On March 1, 2013 The sky over China Across a justice of the gunshots Bullies the Mekong drug - waxy kang With the life of evil for 14 The Chinese compatriots killed by the innocent in return for the fair
Zhuang zai! The Chinese police Mighty army, the tool The Great Wall steel p soul cast Totally loyal for our country! To defend the country and the dignity of the people Under the whole world Golden shield yi yi is unripe brightness Hold up a piece of peaceful sky!