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发表于 2009-6-8 00:47:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 00:13 编辑

A nation though fallen, the land yet remains; When spring fills the city, its foliage is dense. In grief for the times, A tear the flower strains; In woe for such parting, the birds fly from thence.~~ Fletcher
Late at night we still grasp candles. We are together-- so we sleep and dream?~~ Ayscough
The sound of worlds ceased in the long night, It was as though I heard the darkness choke with tears; At day break, I went on my way; Only the venerable old man was left.~~ Lowell
With troubles vexed and trails sore, My locks are daily growing hoar; Till time, before whose steps I pine; Set down this failing cup of wine. ~~ Fletcher
White gleam the gulls across the darkling tide, On the green hills the red flowers seem to burn. Alas! I see another spring has died...., When will it come --- the day of my return? ~~~ Giles
But no word has reached me, From kin and friend; I am old and sick, And alone with my boat. ~~~ Witter Bynner
Faithful to your art, You know no age; Letting weather and fame drift by like clouds! ~~~ Witter Bynner
Shall I summon, My elderly neighbor to join us; Call him through the fence, And pour the jar dry? ~~~ Witter Bynner
But before he could conquer, He was dead; and heroes have wept, On their coats ever since. ~~~ Witter Bynner
Behind these red-lacquered gates, Wine is left to sour, Meat to rot; Outside these gates lie, The bones of the frozen and the starved. ~~~ 洪威廉教授
In many mansions, They feast on choice meat; The honorable professor, Has not enough rice to eat.
Grief can be swallowed, After separation of death. The absence of a living friend, Means an anxiety without end.
My husband wants only to see, His new love laugh. He will not listen to, His first wife's sobs!
A storm of petals, Has covered spring. The wind, blowing a thousand dots, saddens me. Should I dizzily pursue to sight's end? Better wine to the lips! The little hall by the river now keeps the kingfishers. By the marshes on the high grave, lies the unicorn. To follow his logic my pleasure I shall seek; To what end, let empty Fame bind this frame?
15.天不生仲尼,萬古如長夜。(1)If Confucius had not been born, eternity would seem an interminable night. (2)Had Confucius  not been born, eternity would seem an interminable night. (3)But for Confucius,  eternity would seem an interminable night.
(1)When I Was One-and-Twenty(我二十一歲那年)
When I was one-and-twenty我二十一歲那年,
I heard a wise man say,聽到一位智者說:
Give crowns and pounds and guineas「銀幣、英鎊、金幣皆可拋,
But not your heart away;你的心可不能給人;
Give pearls away and rubies,珍珠、紅寶石可割捨,
But keep your fancy free.但情竇勿開,保持逍遙自在。」
But I was one-and-twenty, 但我當時才二十一歲,
No use to talk to me.跟我講這些話是沒用的。
When I was one-and-twenty我二十一歲那年,
I heard him say again,又聽過他這麼說:
The heart out of the bosom「胸膛內的一顆心,
Was never given in vain;絕非可以白白掏出給人;
‘Tis paid with sighs aplenty換來的會是聲聲嘆息感喟,
And sold for endless rue.出賣所得的會是無窮的悔恨。」
And I am two-and-twenty, 如今我已二十二歲,
And oh, ‘tis true, ‘tis true.唉!講得真對!真對!
                                ~~~ by A. E. Housman, 1859-1936
§英國詩人郝思曼(A. E. Housman, 1859-1936),曾就讀牛津大學,但因未通過考試而未獲得頒學位,離校後,任英國專利局官員,閒暇乃苦研古典文學,終又任牛津及劍橋大學的拉丁文教授。詩作文字簡潔,但帶有幻滅感,而哀愁中又時而滲有幽默的成份,極富動情力。
(2)Home They Brought Her Warrior他們帶回她的戰士

Home they brought her warrior dead;他們帶回她那陣亡的戰士,
She nor swooned, nor uttered cry;她既未昏倒,也未哭出聲音。
All her maidens, watching, said,她所有的侍女看著都說:
“She must weep or she will die.”「她要不流淚,就會死。」
Then they praised him, soft and low,然後那些人輕聲細語地讚頌他,
Called him worthy to be loved,說他配得大家的敬愛,
Truest friend and noblest foe;說他待友忠實,對敵高尚;
Yet she neither spoke nor moved.但她既未說話,也不動一下。
Stole a maiden from her place,一位侍女悄悄上前,
Lightly to the warrior stept,輕移腳步走到戰士前,
Took the face-cloth from the face;將戰士臉上的面巾掀開;
Yet she neither moved nor wept. 但她既未說話,也不哭泣。
Rose a nurse of ninety years,九十歲的奶媽站了起來,
Set his child upon her knee---把他的小孩放在她的膝上---
Like summer tempest came her tears---於是她的淚水如夏日暴風雨落下---
“Sweet my child, I live for thee.”「我的心肝寶貝,我為你活下去!」
                                                ~~~ by A. Tennyson, 1809-1892
§英國桂冠詩人丁尼生(A. Tennyson, 1809-1892),出身牧師家庭,兄弟均有詩才。未上劍橋大學就讀前,即出版詩集。1850年被封為桂冠詩人,1883年獲冊為貴族,詩以音律見長。
(3)To See a World in a Grain of Sand(一粒沙中看世界)

To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour.
                                        ~~~ William Blake
The World in a Poet's Words

        Like the grain of sand, one can see worlds in a few short lines written by William Blake (1757~1827). The English poet is known for his concise, controlled lines and expansive metaphors. The lines in Blake’s poetry do not just lead to other words in the poem, but to concepts and ideas far beyond the page.
        The imagery Blake evokes is not simply poetic. An accomplished engraver, Blake illustrated, by hand, many volumes of his writing. The pictures are an integral part of Blake’s artistic vision, adding further color and scope to his highly developed sense of metaphor.

(4)To a Daughter Leaving Home(給要離家的女兒)

When I taught you 我在你八歲
At eight to ride 教你騎
A bicycle, loping along 腳踏車,邁著大步
Beside you在你身旁
As you wobbled away 你搖搖擺擺
On two round wheels, 坐兩個圓輪而去,
My own mouth rounding 我自己圓著嘴
In surprise when you polled 驚見你使勁
Ahead down the curved 前行,順著彎曲的
Path of the park, 公園小徑,那時
I kept waiting 我一直等待
For the thud 那砰然一聲
Of your crash as I 你摔下來,便
Sprinted to catch up, 衝著追上去
While you grew 而你漸行
Smaller, more breakable 漸遠
With distance, 漸小,漸易破損,
Pumping, pumping 拚了命
For your life, screaming 踩上,踩下,尖聲
With laughter, 大笑,
The hair flapping 頭髮甩動
Behind you like a在背後,像一方
handkerchief waving 手帕揮舞著
Goodbye. 再見。
辛辛苦苦把兒女養大,兒女卻要離家了。做父母的,會有什麼感想?美國詩人琳達.派斯坦(Linda Pastan回憶起當年教幼女騎腳踏車的一幕,恍然大悟「別離」乃是父母與子女之間必然的宿命。
(5)On Reading Poems to a Senior Class at South High(唸詩給南方中學高年級聽)
I opened my mouth
I noticed them sitting there
As orderly as frozen fish
In a package.
Slowly water began to fill the room
Though I did not notice it
Till it reached
My ears
And then I heard the sounds
Of fish in an aquarium
And I knew that though I had
Tried to drown them
With my words
That they had only opened up
Like gills for them
And let me in.
Together we swam around the room
Like thirty tails whacking words
Till the bell rang
A hole in the door
Where we all leaked out
They went to another class
I suppose and I home
Where Queen Elizabeth
My cat met me
And licked my fins
Till they were hands again.
                                ~~~~ D. C. Berry
(6)The Eagle(鷹)
He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
                                        ~~~ by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Victorian England(英國維多利亞時期)
The term “Victorian” refers to nineteenth century England, when the country was ruled by Queen Victoria. This period of time is characterized by Britain’s progress in the fields of science and exploration. Britain possessed territory all over the world and became a wealthy and powerful nation.
While many people in England were rich, not everyone in Victorian England benefited from the country’s wealth. Poor people often moved into the cities in search of good jobs but found only disappointment. England’s poor generally lived in terrible conditions, and suffered greatly from hunger and sickness.
Victorian poets were sensitive to England’s social conditions and frequently compared the easy lifestyle of the rich to the suffering of the poor. They also felt that, in a world where everything was changing quickly, the only thing one could be certain about was personal experience. Alfred, Lord Tennyson shared these ideas with other poets of his age, and expressed these concepts in his poetry.
[1]I like to see it lap the miles,
And lick the valleys up,
And stop to feed itself at tanks;
And then, prodigious, step
[2]Around a pile of mountains,
And, supercilious, peer
In shanties by the sides of roads;
And then a quarry pare
[3]To fit its sides
And crawl between
Complaining all the while
In horrid, hooting stanza;
Then chase itself down hill
[4]And neigh like Boanerges;
Then, punctual as a star,
Stop---docile and omnipotent
At its own stable door.
                                ~~~~ by Emily Dickinson( 1830-1886)


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发表于 2009-6-8 01:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 00:13 编辑

Late at night we still grasp (hold) candles. We are together-- so we sleep and dream?~~ Ayscough
(Facing each other, we are like in a dream.)

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-8 01:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 00:13 编辑


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