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童年译诗 吕志鲁

发表于 2015-11-18 06:38:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 戴盛莲 于 2015-11-30 10:31 编辑




                  罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森 (Robert Louis Stevenson 1850-1894)英国诗人

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                      
 冬日早起不等天亮,
 穿衣打扮借着烛光。
 一到夏日适得其反,
 大白天里我得上床。
 上得床来双眼睁开,
 枝头小鸟雀跃跳荡;
 两耳只听脚步声声,
 大人街头来来往往。
 晴空碧蓝一片明亮,
 游玩娱乐大好时光;
 大白天里上床睡觉,
 无可奈何谁能想象?

Bed In Summer

In winter I get up at night
And dress by yellow candle-light.
In summer, quite the other way,
I have to go to bed by day.
I have to go to bed and see
The birds still hopping on the tree,
Or hear the grown-up people's feet
Still going past me in the street.
And does it seem hard to you,
When all the sky is clear and blue,
And I should like so much to play,
To have to go to bed by day?



              罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森 (Robert Louis Stevenson 1850-1894)英国诗人


 等妈妈熄灭了灯光,
 每个夜晚都很漫长,
 我看见人们从眼前走过,
 清晰如白昼相仿。
 军队、皇帝、国王,
 携带的物品各式各样,
 白天里我还从未见过,
 行进的队伍如此富丽堂皇。
 青草地上大马戏团的表演,
 哪有这么精彩漂亮,
 大蓬车里装得满满,
 各种人畜熙熙攘攘。
 他们开始行动缓慢,
 后来步伐渐渐变得匆忙,
 我也悄悄紧紧跟随,
 直到大家一起进入梦乡。

Young night thought

All night long and every night,
When my mama puts out the light,
I see the people marching by,
As plain as day before my eye.
Armies and emperor and kings,
All carrying different kinds of things,
And marching in so grand a way,
You never saw the like by day.
So fine a show was never seen
At the great circus on the green;
For every kind of beast and man
Is marching in that caravan.
As first they move a little slow,
But still the faster on they go,
And still beside me close I keep
Until we reach the town of Sleep.

来自圈子: 译诗

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-11 06:04:21 | 显示全部楼层
童天鉴日 发表于 2015-11-21 17:09

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-11 06:05:04 | 显示全部楼层
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