本帖最后由 何威廉 于 2018-5-31 18:25 编辑
Tune: Spring in a Pleasure Garden
A Souvenir on Leaving Harvard
Restful sound of the wind in the grove,
Intense red flowers set against the branches, The river laps with low sounds by the shore. When I stroll in the sunshine, Seeing clusters of wistaria on crimson walls pristine; A glittering John Harvard's statue masculine, And tower of Adophus Busch Hall divine. Drawing upon Anglo-American law and scripture, Occidental view of Chinese culture, I comprehend the meaning of justice for sure. In the shade of a cherry-apple tree, Studying round the clock, No royal road to learn.
Hallowed hall of learning as is known to all. It undoubtedly attracts the best minds in the world. Owing to eminent scientists and scholars here, Peak is dominant over all other hills; Roosevelt and Yamamoto sware, To fight a decisive battle they will. Behind the great unsolved mystery, Appearing conciliatory, John F. Kennedy made history. Deep attachment is fading, Sometimes one has to let thing go unwillingly, Approaching new challenge unswervingly.
风清圻郊, 蕊红香枝, 岸斜浮苍。 恰日轮昭炯, 藤萝朱阁; 镌铭凝曜, 钟塔青幢。 会典寻幽, 狻猊翊教, 问取人间老骏良。 海棠下, 陪三更灯火, 梦里寒窗。
更灵囿滋荣经纬章。 惜文瑶高卓, 胸藏星斗; 青龙翼虎, 对决扶桑。 迷岸辞归, 崎岖鞭叱, 索骥追熊牵海狼。 缱绻去, 往云霓深处, 吟赏鸿光。