本帖最后由 chenglish62 于 2019-7-18 16:24 编辑
《送别 长亭外》
作者:李叔同 曲调:约翰•p•奥德威作曲的美国歌曲《梦见家和母亲》
程家惠 程晟 译 程晟 唱
配唱视频请在“全民K歌”查找搜索用户 RP.Catherine 后点击“专辑”里的歌单“中国经典民歌英文自译自唱”即可。
长亭外 古道边 芳草碧连天,
By pavilion, along old path, grass dyes green the sky
晚风拂柳笛声残 夕阳山外山,
Willows in dusk breeze, fluting fades, sun sets behind hills.
天之涯 地之角 知交半零落,
End of the sky, corner of earth, everywhere friends go.
A pot of wine, we drink our fill, for short joy tonight.
长亭外 古道边 芳草碧连天,
By pavilion, along old path, grass dyes green the sky
问君此去几时来 来时莫徘徊,
When will you be back? Don’t hesitate.
天之涯 地之角 知交半零落,
End of the sky, corner of earth, everywhere friends go.
人生难得是欢聚 惟有别离多,
To reunite is so hard, the moon wanes more.