本帖最后由 金沙文字 于 2021-12-5 09:14 编辑
Life in a Love Robert Browning 魂追一箭 诗:罗伯特·勃朗宁 译:金沙文字
Escape me? Never- Beloved! 出我情网? 休想—— 箭入心房!
While I am I, and you are you, So long as the world contains us both, Me the loving and you the loth, While the one eludes, must the other pursue. 当年同住长干街, 两小无猜两世界; 侬坠情网君逃脱, 一逃一追千年债!
My life is a fault at last, I fear: It seems too much like a fate, indeed! Though I do my best I shall scarce succeed. But what if I fail of my purpose here? 侬悲苦命枉造化, 业力难拔任由它! 拼尽全力东流水, 何惧心思终虚化?
It is but to keep the nerves at strain, To dry one's eyes and laugh at a fall, And baffled, get up to begin again,- So the chase takes up one's life, that's all. 日夜惴惴不得安, 傻笑倒地泪未干。 万般无奈终复始, 一生一世勇追赶!
While, look but once from your farthest bound At me so deep in the dust and dark, No sooner the old hope drops to ground Than a new one, straight to the selfsame mark, 他日天涯君回首, 侬赴黄泉命已休。 昨日情种才入土, 旋即孽芽又冒头!
I shape me- Ever Removed! 侬嘱己: 永 不弃! ............................................................................................................... 【金沙点评】旷世之情歌,千古之绝唱!
Robert Browning(1812.5.7-1889.12.12)
【作者简介】罗伯特·勃朗宁(Robert Browning)(1812-1889),维多利亚时期代表诗人之一。主要作品有《戏剧抒情诗》、《剧中人物》、《指环与书》等。与丁尼生齐名,是维多利亚时代两大诗人之一。他以精细入微的心理探索而独步诗坛,对英美20世纪诗歌产生了重要影响。