项羽的爱情(外一首) Love of Xiangyu 珂雪石 By Ke Xueshi 传说,痛定思痛的项羽 在另一个世界里,以拔山之力搬动了 时光倒流的转轮。 Legend tells, anguished Xiangyu Moved the wheeling of the clock back With strength of lifting mountains in the other world 乌江的哭泣声,四面的楚歌声, 交汇成一条颠倒世界的 暗流。 每颗星星都在窥探人间的悲剧,每颗小草 都在风里轻轻叹息! The sobbing of Wujiang River, the folk songs of Chu around, Melted into one world-reversing undercurrent. Every star peers through earthly tragedies, every grass softly signs in the wind! 项羽站在命运的关口,眉头锁住 岸边,那一条能改变历史的小船。 在江山与美人前,他又一次让爱情 死在了寒光闪闪的刀刃上。 Standing at the gate of fate, Xiangyu’s brows locked On the shoreside, a boat which could change history Between sovereignty and beauty, he let their love Died again on the edge of his sword. 天上忽然升起一颗霸王星。 他跃马上前,将楚汉争战的定局 一枪挑破。回望刘邦的追兵, 在时间的隧道里跨马踏上新的征程。 Suddenly, a King Star rises in the heaven Riding forward on his horse, he settles the fight between Chu and Han With his spear. Looking back of pursuers of Liu Bang Mount a horse in the time tunnel and venture into new journey. 在江东父老的泪水和期盼里, 项羽的钢牙咬碎了骨子深处的 刚愎自用。盖世英雄终于用睿智 将没有虞姬的江山 收入囊中。 帝王的生活,无尽的温情。 新的爱情不再流血,而流血的 是他魂萦梦绕,痛失虞姬的爱情。 In tears and hopes of Jiangdong elders, Xiangyu breaks his opinionated pride deep in his bone With his steel teeth. The peerless hero finally uses his wisdom To take the kindom without Yuji, into his control. Life of the emperor, with endless tender feelings of new love That is no further bloody, but the bloody one Is the love of the losing Yuji, twining ceaselessly in his dreamy soul. 手指 Fingers 当敲完《项羽的爱情》诗稿, After typing over Love of Xiangyu 十根指头久久不能平静。在我入梦后 My fingers could not be calm. In my dream, 他们还趴在被窝里窃语, They murmur under the quilt 为“剧情”欢欣、悲伤、感动。 About the happy, sad and moving story. 他们谈论着英雄,又联想到我 They talk about hero, then associate him with me 亲手抱过的美人、牵过的战马和 The beauty in his bosom, the war horse ridden 手中的宝刀。他们想不透 and the sharp blade. Mysterious to them 骨子里的英雄气为何总被命运捉弄。 Why destiny make fun of natured heroism. 我的梦里,已是锣鼓喧天, In my dream, the beating of gongs and drums is already noisy, 项王和虞姬在沉闷的丝竹里粉墨登场。Xiangyu and Yuji come into play in dull elegant music 我的十指连心,是项王身后 My ten fingers are linked with my heart, at the back of King Xiangyu 有血有肉有竹节的士兵。 Soldiers with flesh and blood and noble spirit. 四面楚歌,我喊道:“你带虞姬上马,Beleaguered, I called:“Take Yuji on your horse, 我用笔作刀,羞退追兵!“醒来, I make pen my sword to defeat soldiers after us !”But when awake,I see my fingers, 却见我的手指,这些新时代的勇士们 These mighty warriors in the new era 因怜惜霸王正攥紧了拳头。 Are clenching their fists in the pity for the king of warriors.