本帖最后由 何威廉 于 2023-8-28 19:51 编辑
东方神曲 (下) 作者:何威廉
By William He
六、忆旧游 峨眉山
念云杉画石, 野迥层颠, 身色崖前。 流岚龙门洞, 对孤峰绝壁, 伏虎栖烟。 圆光一点冥会, 金顶慧灯牵。 记落日登临, 往来飞锡, 音阁悬天。
盘蜿。 转三界, 又白象驮经, 是普贤还。 在五重晕里, 看玉函高篆, 骑佩青莲。 幽岩邃窦窥测, 唯此逐因缘。 想一濯尘缨, 香台咫尺浮世喧。
Spruces seasoned in magical view finders, Craggy ghats join cascading waters, Solitary souls clinging to sacrifice cliff. The mist rings across the cavity of voidness, Dream drapery of the precipitous rocks faces, Buddhists among a thousand mounts. Prayer wheels of wisdom whirls waiting, Luster of the peak creates healing flow. While seeking yesteryears glory in shadow, Coming through clouds is tin clinking, Monks rise to the sanctuary of heaven.
The Eightfold Path. Learning of Samsara and Moksha, Tiding over the abyss of illusion and delusion, In the Light of Samantabhadra just now. Sunset glows fall on the mountain crags, Serenity spreads its velvety wings, Lotus flower sprouts at his feet. Though people's life shrouded in mystery, They have to cure their foggy mind. To return to the sad rebirth soon, For all to escape this stifling and messy world.
七、解连环 狮子山下
飒然林麓。 早分身两壁, 晕光陶沐。 一水环、 九角青龙, 尽吐野狐涎, 八仙颦蹙。 散漫轻烟, 麟台上、 步寻高躅。 记香江往句, 绿野濯枝, 风雨炎溽。
云盘已敲半局。 见峰疑鹫走, 东寻西逐。 起别袂、 苍羽愁勤, 水浸百千层, 隔断鸿陆。 结伴同舟, 但听得、 虞廷宵夙。 又登临、 唱词宛转, 抖音五曲。
The colossus is shrouded in swirls. Casually dressed in the dark brown attire, He eroded and beaten by time. The tides lift on high, Like the slow waves of his mane, Drifting into the retrospection and introspection, Devouring hours blunt his sharp paws. Slouching out of the habitual darkness, In soil below or sun above, He with a faint sneer and penetrating mind. Through the rough rocky kloof into grey Nemea, He is reading the signs of a good world, A steed mounted by the armored knight.
Only the winner truly gains the right to center stage. He is losing the way for centuries, His narrowing lids conceal even. The brooding hush wakes, And vanishes into an immensity of fluid indigo, The light of passion which echoes upon the sea, Destiny's wish has not been fulfilled yet. He shall bring the proud to the dust, Constant, but ever changing, He shall raise the weak to the spheres. Along a zigzagged path, The existence will be just idylling, Timbre and rhythm bewitching now.
八、瑞鹤仙 孔雀公主的回忆
正林峦谧静。 分翠羽, 澜沧飘蓬竹岭。 杉云滴沾领。 过金湖, 枉教人斜蕉影。 参差水荇。 隔曼听、 难释悻悻。 应伤高念远, 良时丽景, 悃悰重省。
琴澹声中心事, 金字红牌, 庙堂钟鼎。 盟言密靖。 宣慰醉, 东吁醒。 记琅玕, 香引英丹花雾, 翎入蓝桥仙境。 念猜桃辨杏。 陶塔曼桥久等。
On a wild secluded scene just now. Fluffing out her feathers, River plays on her heart the rhythm of waves. The pale purple melts around her flight. By the border of the lake, Who is soaked with Amrita in a banana forest. Leaves of the waterlily float. Her perplexity and choice, Shadow with long and vain regret then. She sees at central things we cannot espy, Those lost to hope, in memory yet, Unfolding an Audrey hepburn tale.
No fantasy speaks to strength of her grace, Her flounce florescent tails are, Mascots for the folks in thrall. The secrets that flow in blood. All the noble whims of ink, Enchanting Toungoo heart. Dazzling malachite green, Lxora coccinea showing its splendor, Never has she felt so deeply at one. With half-formed speech of art. Passion has worn the wandering heart.
九、多丽 深秋
琴弦慢, 转音荡漾翩绵。 逐幽踪、 时间缝隙, 粒波认透斜穿。 指流星、 百年瞬息, 跃迁图谶在金天。 丹顶迷真, 叠双光子, 纵来相见且相言。 自离后、 闲愁幽怨, 四野暮云残。 凝神处、 山枯路涩, 黄叶追牵。
两生花、 频传意识, 曲环营绕拘连。 老梧桐、 四维倒影, 树无全叶草添斑。 麦克斯韦, 钟情妖媚, 乌云色映共回还。 忍搅散、 缠萦舞末, 何处更寻缘。 西风满、 灵犀六角, 虚像中悬。
Grace resonates being enlightened, The soul is a golden-white beam of energy field. Light rays are intelligent, Time escapes your sense and grasp, Spiritual seers know the quantum entanglement even. Meteors shoot across the sky, Time never rolls back to repeal history, Same frequency receiving the same information as well. Green bustles by quantum of light, beauty covertly enriches synthesis, Eastern Mystics are running into Victorian Spiritualists here. Looking back to see lost resonance, Separation to heighten the suspense of illusory, Universe is in its way to sway betiding mystique ever. To gaze fixedly and ponder, As when shadowed by the clouds, Still leaves fall apart from the trees.
Double Life of Veronique, Attraction is an art of creation into new world, Flux of magnet is quantum pull of gravity redounding then. Chinese parasol in layered film, Vastness is void redounding to blue, A holier symbol still in seal when the fall breeze blow comes. Maxwell escaping from amplituhedron, Stepping into the world of the immortals, Pure magnetic electricity sparkles with consciousness there. Behind the Great Wall ruin, In the shadow of the Karakoram Pass, In the grime filled grind of dusty disillusion near. Blurs and flashes wiz by, A wave-system controls all the places, Desire bewilders spewing darkness now.
十、高阳台 海日
交映蓬壶, 六鳌遂跨, 红蒸旭日孤悬。 丹荔开屏, 紫光远隔终端。 朝晕点抹宜深浅, 透融光、 顾盼轮环。 白云低, 溟岛飞廉, 忽远尘寰。
波澜静处宽还窄, 若拂玲珑幔, 波软涛绵。 三足乌南, 平添荣耀穹圆。 引得鱼鳖频延眺, 背向东、 栩栩蘧然。 水声间, 弦管歌喉, 捧出熙天。
Sprays with many a sorcerous hue, Giant fishes swim through the sky, Through statue of Helios which huddled sea-mists fly. The magnified leechee nuts in the water, A delicate amethyst is deviating from fading star. Sunbeams gilding each crest in turn to meet the shore, Caressing the clouds with its carmine gleams, Seeing its reflection in crystal blue stream. Broad dome of the skies on, Phoenix is whirling in dizzy flight, Warming the aura lost in the clouds.
The time tunnel is far longer and the lustre is elusive, Tones emphasize pure yellow rays of hope, Ripples quiver across the surface well. All colors the sun rise is portraying, As shades of light on light rise radiant from its crest. The sea-blue morning loiters by cliff where Siren leans, Purple shadow comes and, Chants in orgy on a solar day. The waves are years, With the monotonous cadence, Flowing the nostalgic lyric lines.