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发表于 2009-9-30 07:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:49 编辑

Up On The Stork Tower



Up On The Stork Tower
The setting sun clings to hill's knees,
The Yellow River flows to seas.
If wish for longer view o'er miles,
Then get on floor above, oh, please!
Behind the mountain the sun sets,
Flowing into the sea the Yellow River gets.
If one likes to see a lot farther,
He must scale another level further.
The sun sets behind the mountain,
The yellow river flows into the sea,
If one likes views beyond thousand li,
He must scale a higher level for certain.
Поднявшийся на Башню Аиста
Солнце за горами сияет
Река Хуанхэ на море течёт
Если дальнее смотреть хочеться
Давай выше поднимаешься
Viewing from the Stork Tower
The sun behind hills glows
The Yellow River flows
Wish to cheer your eyes
One more story higher rise
The sun sets behind the mount as ever
And into the sea flows the Yellow River
If you wish to have much vistae in sight
You have to yet step up another height
The sun is setting aside the mountain,
The Yellow River is flowing to the sea.
If you want to enjoy the pretty sights in plain view,
You must continue to go upstairs.
Climbing the Guanque Tower
The bright sun is sinking behind the mountain,
The yellow river is running towards the ocean.
If you want to see one thousand miles, even the wider,
you need to climb one  more storey, still the higher.
On the mountains the sun setting,
Into the sea the yellow river  flowing ;  
if you wish to catch a sight much broader
you must go up to a floor much higher
Im den Hügeln der Sonne haben fallen,
Der Gelbe Fluss fließen in die Seen;
Wenn sie wollen Sehen die mehr Vision,
Sie müssen steigen auf den einer höheren Etage.


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发表于 2009-9-30 12:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:49 编辑


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发表于 2009-9-30 12:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:50 编辑

Viewing from the Stork Tower
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translated by Wang Daoyu

The large white sun from mount-top is fading;
The Yellow River seaward is flowing.
For a thousand-mile panoramic sight
One should climb the tower one more flight.

On the Stork Tower
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translated by Xu Yuanzhong

The sun beyond the mountains glows;
The Yellow River seawards flows.
You can enjoy a grander sight
By climbing to a greater height.

On the Stork Tower
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translated by Feng Huazhan

The sun is setting with a bright hue,
And a flowing river is in sight.
To command a thousand mile view,
Let’s go up one more flight.

(Deng Guan Que Lou)
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translated by Gong Jinghao

The setting sun dips behind the mountains,
(The Yellow River flows to the ocean.)此句不知龚译为何,暂用。
For a better view of things out there,
We need to climb one more flight of stair。

On the Stork Tower
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translated by Abovecloud

The sun burns white over the mountains,
The Yellow River rushes to the sea,
If  you desire for a grander sight,
You have to reach a greater height.

On the Stork Tower
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translator Unknown

Along the mountains sink the last rays of sun,
Towards the sea the Yellow River does forward flow.
If you would fain command a thousand miles in view,
To a higher storey you are expected to go.

Ascending the Stork-tower
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translator Unknown

The mountains eclipse the setting sun,
While seawards the Yellow River runs;
To widen your view to hundreds of miles,
Come to the upper storey by climbing one more flight.

Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translated by Witter Bynner

Mountains cover the white sun,
And oceans drain the golden river;
But you widen your view three hundred miles
By going up one flight of stairs.

At Heron Lodge
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translator Unknown

The sun goes down behind the mountains;
The Yellow River flows seaward.
You can enjoy a grander sight
By climbing to a greater height.

At Heron Lodge
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translator Unknown

Mountains forboden the white sun,
And oceans deplete the Yellow River;
But you will widen your view a thousand fold
By climbing just one flight of stairs.

Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translator Unknown

The sun behind western hills glows,
And toward the sea the Yellow River flows.
Wish you an endless view to cheer your eyes?
Then one more story mount and higher rise.

(Deng Guan Que Lou)
Wang Zhihuan (668-742)
Translator Unknown

The sun sets behind the mountains and the Yellow River flows into the sea. If you want to see as far as a thousand miles and appreciate the beauty of the surroundings, climb the Pagoda of the Stork and Crane

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发表于 2009-9-30 12:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:50 编辑

□ 路 静 《时代文学·理论学术版》 2009年第03期
  摘要:本文借助conc300, concappV4等软件对王之涣名诗《登鹳雀楼》的四个英译本词频、词数、特色词等进行了比照、分析,发现在古体诗翻译当中益采用诗体、简单句形式,并以直译+意译的形式翻译专有名词。
  关键词: 诗歌翻译;《登鹳雀楼》;翻译技巧
  《登鹳雀楼》是唐代著名诗人王之涣(688-742)所作的五言绝句,是唐诗最具有代表性的作品之一,对于中国人来说,该诗可谓妇孺皆知。如今, 很多学者也将其译成英文,传播到西方国家。在文学翻译中,诗歌翻译,尤其是古体诗翻译可谓最具挑战性, 因此国外像歌德、洪堡等大家甚至提出诗歌是不可译的。不过文化的交流促使译是必然的选择,只是操作时应更注意变通和技巧。本文拟借用conc300,concappv4 , wconcord 等软件,对该诗如下四个较好的英译本(分别出自徐忠杰、许渊冲、吴钧陶、翁显良四位先生)进行比照、分析,以期探索出古体诗翻译当中专有名词、语法信息以及韵律处理方面更为恰当、实用的方式。
  An Ascent to Stork Hall
  The setting sun behind the mountains glows,
  The muddy Yellow River seawards flows.
  If more distant views are what you desire,
  You simply climb up a storey higher. (徐忠杰译)
  On the Stork Tower
  The sun beyond the mountains glows;
  The Yellow River seawards flows.
  You can enjoy a grander sight
  By climbing to a greater height. ( 许渊冲译)
  On the Stork Tower
  The mountain is eating away the setting sun;
  Going seawards the Yellow River is on the run.
  If you desire to have a good and boundless sight,
  Come to the upper storey, by climbing one more flight! (吴钧陶译)
  Westwardthesun,endingtheday’s journey in a slow
  descent behind the mountains. Eastward the Yellow River, emptying into the sea. To look beyond, unto the farthest horizon, upward! Up another storey! (翁显良译)
  全诗涉及到的专有名词有两处,一是鹳雀楼,一是黄河。四个译本中,三位译者徐忠杰、许渊冲、吴钧陶采用的都是直译+意译的方法,将鹳雀楼译为stork+hall或者stork+tower, 翁显良则另辟蹊径,未正面翻译名称,而将题目内容整体处理,取其意项,译为Upward!
  对于第二个专有名词黄河的处理,四位译者意见基本统一,三位直接采用标准译法the Yellow River,只有徐译在标准译法前又加入了解释性形容词muddy,进一步说明黄河之名的实质,不过徐采用此译主要意图可能并非认为确有解释的必要,而是出于格式上同其第一句setting sun 对仗的考虑。
  原诗标题《登鹳雀楼》体现了一个登楼观景的动态过程,四个译文当中,徐译An Ascent to Stork Hall当中注意到了这个差别,使用了动词性的ascent, 许译和吴译都使用了介词on引导的短语,意思基本一致,但更强调一种状态,未体现出“登”的含义;翁译使用了表示行为过程的动词upward,一语双关,一则体现攀登的含义,二则暗合全诗高瞻远瞩、向上进取的主旨,很有创见,只是如同上节所述,作为题目未出现登临之地——鹳雀楼,正文当中也未能提及,似有欠缺。
  阅读全诗不难发现,这首诗的前两句写的是景,后两句写意,由景生情, 意韵悠长,每一句都是一个完整的概念,如果以汉语断句来翻译,英译也可以是四小句。四位译者基本采用了此思路,这样英译中谓语动词使用4个应该已经足够。观察表二注意到许译最为标准,是4个动词;徐译增加了1个系动词;后两位实义动词使用较多,分别为6个和7个,吴译当中还另有系动词2个。
   结合表二各译者特色词汇,将全诗前两句译文进行比较。第一句“白日依山尽”,四位译者词汇使用差别不大,只是动词上分别使用了 “glows, glows, is eating away, ending”, 原诗此处表达了太阳徐徐落下到夜幕缓缓降临的情景,从时态方面来看,吴译“is eating away”和翁译的“ending” 都很好的表现出太阳逐渐被吞噬的情景, 很符合原文。徐译和许译都使用了glow的一般现在时形式,尽管许译当中又借the setting sun强调景物渐变的过程,但传递的含意还是没有后两位细致。同样在第二句“黄河入海流”中,徐、许仍继续简约路线,用seawards配合flow完成,而吴译用go与seawards 配合并附加了介词短语on the run,翁译采用了更多的特色词汇,继续第一句进行时态的使用,来凸显黄河奔腾气势,且对黄河流向通过 eastwards 一词进行了补充。就意思完整性讲,翁译无疑是涵盖最全的,只是句式也最为复杂。
  表三对各译者译作正文部分用词总数和使用词汇分别进行了统计,结果如下:(表三) 各译文字数情况
  不难看出,许译是四个译本中,用词最少的一位,只有23词,徐在前两句的翻译中同许基本一致,只是在“sun, Yellow River”两个名词前增加了 “setting, muddy” 这样体现状态的两个形容词,仔细揣摩,这种增词并不冗余,可更好的将隐含意义传递给读者。吴译在第一句的处理中,同其他人略有不同,原诗当中动作的主语是“白日”,其他三位都以白日为主写景,而吴译是以“mountain”为主体,尽管白日与山峰的相对关系未发生改变,但这样描写出的景物似乎同诗人当时欣赏到的景色略有差别;而翁译此处过于注重了意思的完整表达,加入了如“in a slow descent ,behind the mountains, into the sea”等解释信息,简练程度远远不够。
  在后两句的翻译当中,许译尽管字数最少,但达意是最清楚的。尤其是“欲穷千里目”一句,这是全诗的转折之处。元代杨载说:“绝句之法要婉曲回环,删芜就简,句绝而意不绝,多以第三句为主,而第四句发之……大抵起承二句固难,然不过平直叙起为佳,从容承之为是。至如宛转变化工夫,全在第三句,若于此转变得好,则第四句如顺流之舟矣。”[2:732]可见此句的重要性。许译直接采用人称代词 “you” 引导简单句,体现了登楼者登高望远的心情;徐、吴两人选择了条件句,句式自然略为复杂;翁译未提及人称,而使用了两个介词短语,效果也不错。该句另一难点就在于如何翻译“千里目”这是一个虚词,许译采用了“a grander sight”而徐、吴翁分别采用了“more distant,good and boundless,the farthest horizon”的表述,“千里”一词尽管在汉语当中是强调距离,但联系全诗,不难发现,此时诗人正在登楼远眺,他看到的应该不仅仅是很远的地方,更应该是广阔而一望无际的大好山水,这样使用more distant,farthest似乎片面强调“千里”的字面意思,不如“grander”展示的画面那样开阔、壮观。翁译的“good and boundless”已经尝试表达其中无限和壮美的意思,不过整体感觉还是表意全面但简洁不足,与汉语绝句以小见大、以少胜多的理念相悖。
  三、 韵律的处理方法
  表四反映了四位译者在辞格使用方面的概况。按照同类汉语诗的要求,许译在对仗方面是最为工整的,几乎没有什么额外之词,而在达意方面又毫不逊色。徐译和许译都使用了 “setting sun”头韵,setting 一词有助于那些汉语为非母语的读者对于该句的理解,为读诗过程中增加了不少音乐美,由于在音节安排上译文采用了最基本、最常用的格式—抑扬格, 明快而形象地刻画出了登高望远的心情,但细看徐译会发现,尽管整个译本都押了尾韵,但在后两句当中韵脚用词并非同一词性,表达上也没有许译简单;吴译的尾韵是比较规整的,只是并未能做到像汉语原诗那样公正的对仗,但也一气呵成,不失为一篇佳作。
  [1] 马美信、贺圣遂主编. 中国古代诗歌欣赏词典[M]. 上海:汉语大词典出版社,2000。
  [2] 何文焕. 历代诗话[M]. 北京:中华书局,1982。
  [3] 李梦生选编.绝句三百首词典[M].上海:汉语大词典出版社,2002。
  [4] 黄肃秋选,陈新注. 唐人绝句选[C]. 北京: 中华书局出版,1984。
  [5] 赫胥黎. 天演论[M]. 严复译.北京:商务印书馆,1981。

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发表于 2009-10-2 21:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:50 编辑


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发表于 2009-10-4 10:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:50 编辑


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发表于 2009-10-5 15:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:50 编辑

逸士真是贵人多忘事。这首诗我们不是交流过了? 查查老帖子就知道了。

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发表于 2009-10-5 17:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:50 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-6 06:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:50 编辑

Thanks for letting me know.  My memory turns poor with the years.

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