本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 16:13 编辑
create more jobs for rural surplus labor force
make poverty reduction more effective through development
reform the system of collective forest use rights
uphold the basic system for the rural economy
develop appropriately scaled operations
specialized farmers’cooperatives
support the industrialization of agriculture and the development of leading agribusinesses
give prominence to building a resource-conserving, environment-friendly society in our strategy for industrialization and modernization and make every organization and family to act accordingly
develop and extend advanced and appropriate technologies for conserving, substituting and recycling energy and resources
develop environmental conservation industries
promote restoration of the ecosystems
improve land development program
ensure equal access to basic public services
large-scale development of western China/China’s western development 促进中部地区崛起
boost the development of the central region
Break administrative divisions to form a number of close-knit economic rims and belts that will boost the development of the surrounding areas
help transform the economies of areas where natural resources are exhausted 增强综合承载能力
increase the overall carrying capacity of cities
form city clusters with mega-cities as the core so that they can boost development in surrounding areas and become new poles of economic growth
ensure equal protection of property rights
deepen the reform to introduce the corporate and shareholding systems in SOEs
enhance the dynamism, leverage and influence of the state sector of the economy 国有资本经营预算制度
budget system for managing state capital
develop collective and cooperative economic operations in diverse forms
self-employed and other private businesses/private economy 以现代产权制度为基础,发展混合所有制经济
develop the economic sector of mixed ownership based on the modern system of property rights
develop a modern market system that is unified and open and that allows orderly competition
improve the pricing regime/mechanism for factors of production
industry associations and commercial intermediaries
set up a sound system of compensation for use of resources and for damage caused to the ecological environment
build a modern financial system consisting of different forms of ownership
gradually make the RMB convertible under capital accounts
健全和严格市场准入制度 improve and strictly enforce market access rules
拓展对外开放广度和深度 expand opening up in scope and depth
提高开放型经济水平 improve our open economy
把“引进来”和“走出去”更好结合起来 ensure better coordination in pursuing the “bring in” and “go global” strategies
加快培育我国的国际知名品牌 speed up the launching of Chinese brand names in the world market
促进国际收支基本平衡 maintain a basic balance in international payments
人民民主是社会主义的生命 People’s democracy is the lifeblood of socialism
基层群众自治制度 the system of community level self-governance
坚持党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用 uphold the Party’s central role in exercising overall leadership and coordinating work in all sectors
过去的五年是不平凡的五年 The past five-years has been a momentous/no ordinary one. 国际环境复杂多变 The international environment is complex and volatile.
认真贯彻十七大精神 diligently follow the guidelines set out at the 17th Party Congress
取得了举世瞩目的巨大成就 We have made major achievements that attracted the world’s attention.
终结了农民种田缴税的历史 ended the centuries-old practice of farmers paying taxes for tilling their land
起步良好 A good start was made in the efforts to…
综合国力(经济)跨上新台阶 China’s overall national strength (economy) reached new heights.
中国的国际地位和影响不断提高 China’s international standing and influence continue to grow.
取得了有国际影响的科技成果 We have achieved a lot in scientific and technological innovation that have captured world attention
公共卫生体系初步建立 The basic elements of a public health system have been put into place.
依法行政,扎实推进 Progress was made in rule-of-law administration.
开放(型)经济进入新阶段 China has entered a new stage in opening up its economy. 我们围绕解决经济运行中的突出问题,注重增强宏观调控的预见性、及时性和有效性 We have worked hard to make macro-economic regulation/ macro-control more proactive, responsive and effective, with focus on resolving major problems affecting economic performance.