本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 05:27 编辑
钱氏的注释本取自美国学者Stephen Booth,英国学者Ingram和Redpath的注释本,在国内是最权威的。当然也有小错,如下文insults, 钱先生的注释是exults, 应是be insolent, show scorn, triumph scornfully之义. 另外,中国没有莎学专家。裘克安先生不是,梁实秋先生也不是,他们带给我们的不过是英美莎学家们的研究成果。哪里有什么专家和大师?连莎士比亚都不过是个剧作家和戏子。江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。莎作的中译本也并不完善,梁实秋先生和朱生豪先生的译本虽来之不易,但缺陷也非常明显。我读莎作两年,最大的收获是读原作为上,读注释本辅之。有的精彩段落背下来,经常回味。最慢的也是最快的。读其他经典名著亦取此法。
Not mine owne feares,_nor the prophetick soule,
Of the wide world,_dreaming on things to come,
Can yet the lease of my true loue controule,
Supposde as forfeit to a confin'd doome.
The mortall Moone hath her eclipse indur'de,
And the sad Augurs mock their owne presage,
Incertenties now crowne them-selues assur'de,
And peace proclaimes Oliues of endlesse age,
Now with the drops of this most balmie time,
My loue lookes fresh,_and death to me subscribes,
Since spight of him Ile liue in this poore rime,
While he insults ore dull and speachlesse tribes.
And thou in this shalt finde thy monument,
When tyrants crests and tombs of brasse are spent.