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发表于 2010-9-2 01:23:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:57 编辑

1。写英文诗时不是用英文思考的,看着别扭; 翻译将不再是一种职业, 思想不需要翻译,它在与你用何种语言思考
Highway California (July 26, 2008) - 37
A typical California Summer not that hot
Thanks to the Mediterranean climate so mild
Getting a call from a Mayflower Moving agent
The Ford Tempo shipped from Mid-West finally arrived
Foggy Golden State Bridge morning Treasure Island
Picking up breakfast from a local McDonald's
Passing the Sand Hill Road behind Stanford
Departing from the bay area at the Silicon Valley Boulevard
Leaving the farm fields of central coast behind
Filling gas near the Idealab at Pasadena
Watching the sunset in the downtown Hollywood
Four hundred miles of highway in a day sooner
Your can go Southwest from SFO to LAX in an hour
But that is your California, not my California
Rock Show (7/19/10)
Hot summer Spring and Fall Road
It is the beginning of rock show
Every one expects a grand opening
When your Simple Plan becomes complex
Whether Thirteen Senses or Sixth Sense
No sense makes sense even with Visions Of Atlantis
Heavy rain cool wind Sun Road
It is the end of rock show
Every one hopes a magnificent closing
Rock show whether rocks or not
It is just a show just a show
Lunch III - Cliff House (6/23/10) - 312
On a sunny day in the sunny state
Boats yachts ships underneath Bay Bridge
Sea gulls waterfowls on Ocean Beach
Fed up with all you can eat
Why not try all you can view
There is no angle on Angel Island
There is no baker on Baker Beach
There is no treasure on Treasure Island
There is no gate on Golden Gate Bridge
There will be wines in wine country
Take Off I - Bay Area (6/4/10)
On such a sunny day
Let us take off suit
Get on highway
Leave car at airport
Get on airplane
Go back to where we began
On such a sunny day
Let us endure pain
Recharge energy
Forget glory in vain
Embrace brave heart
Move forward to where we start
Bay is our Area
Area is our Bay
C'est La Vie (3/4/10)
Instant Drive-through fast food chain
One-way street corner coffee shop
Greasy all-you-can-eat restaurant
Fiercely competitive highway
Information overloaded Internet
Are you driving or being driven
Are you digesting or being digested
Are you enjoying or being enjoyed
C'est La Vie C'est La Vie
Source of Discovery - 261
Body is prison of soul
Suffering is consequence of pleasure
Dissatisfaction is result of comparison
Satisfaction is instant illusion
Ignorance is source of discovery
Airport (November 12, 2008) - 70
Once park my car at the long term parking
Check myself in at the counter
Find my seat in the plane
Turn off my cell phone
When wait for the plane to take off
I know it is a new journey
Once the plane touches the ground
Get my rental car
Turn the GPS on
Enter my hotel address
When get into the highway
I know the prospect is on the way
Just another day
Just another way
Chemistry (October 21, 2008) - 61
Not at Lotus Pond
Not at Unnamed Lake
Not at Diamond Head
Not at Pebble Beach
Without full moon
Without shining star
Without fine wine
Without blossoming flower
You are oxygen from the heaven
I'd like to be hydrogen in the hell
To acquire you, merge with you and burn with you
Make the holly water of life
Naturally born
Naturally gone
Roadmap III (February 19, 2008) - 3
In Hard Times, Trust me or not
Winners Take Nothing, and there are no
Desperate Remedies, whether
To Have and Have Not, in
The Battle of Life, we all should have
Great Expectations for
Love of Life
So let us stand Far From the Madding Crowd
Get Across the River and Into the Trees
Touch The Torrents of Spring
Watch The Sun Also Rises
Have A Movable Feast, make
The Call of the Wild, and
Enjoy Return of the Nature
Campus V - Down Campus (3/6/10)
Skyscraper community park
Metro station bus stop
Red wine green light
Ivory tower built in city heart
Oasis made in cultural desert
Spiritual universe out of material world
Stay alert stay alert
Never be lost never be lost
Philosophy of Philosophy -186
From land to sea
From atom to planet
The history of Philosophy
Is the history of world
From Ancient to Medieval
From Renaissance to Modern
The history of Philosophy
Is the history of human being
From Babylonian to Chinese
From Indian to Persian
The history of Philosophy
Is the history of civilization
Metaphysics, Epistemology and Logic
Mind and Language and Aesthetics
From Realism to Nominalism
From Rationalism to Empiricism
From Skepticism to Idealism
From Pragmatism to Existentialism
From Phenomenology to Structuralism
The universe of Philosophy is universal
What is the world
Where did the world come from
Where is the world now
Where will the world go
When will the world go
Who are we
Where did we come from
Where are we now
Where will we go
When will we go
No philosophy can answer
Those questions confidently
In the grand universe
We are so trivial
Under the God's management
The Philosophy of Philosophy
Is the human being of human being
in the world of world
Golfing IV - 188
Getting up at sunrise
Getingt on highway
Passing eastern airport
Passing flower harbour
Passing forest park
Arriving at seaside club
Unloading off club set
Changing clothes
Changing shoes
Getting on electronic car
Stopping at back tee
Standing at start line
You have to go stroke by stroke
You have to go hole by hole
Relax your body
Relax your mind
Forget your driver
Forget your ball
Green in your heart
Flagstick in your mind
That is called conscious playing
Finish off at sunset
Blue sky turns into red
Mild wind blows my mind
Grass fragrance in the air
Life is so good
Just another day
Just another way
Drive to Beijing from Shanghai III - Lotus Pond (February 1, 2009) - 100
Same campus
Different students
Same pond
Different lotus
Same trees
Different leaves
Same bench
Different sitters
Same space
Different time
Same scene
Different sentiment
My gorgeous Lotus Pond
My good old day
Bridged Islands (4/7/10)
Late spring mid-night long-weekend
Solid bridge lonely island
Headlight bridge light road light
Black white yellow ahead
Rain wind music behind
Dizzy hungry thirsty cold
Stopping is always instant
Moving has to constant
There will be an end
On the way to dream island
History II - Poland (3/21/10)
Not just amber
Not just Kielbasa
Not just Copernicus
Not just Chopin
From kingdom to republic
From republic back to kingdom
From kingdom back to republic
Territory expansion shrinkage segmentation
Protestant Reformation
French Revolution Bourbon Restoration
Russia Prussia Austrian Habsburg
Two World Wars and Fall of Berlin Wall
History is a mirror
History is miracle
Immigrate to Moon (May 15, 2009) - 145
On the moon far far away
Do they require social security numbers
Do they offer green cards
Do they use passports
Are there any highway patrols there
Are there any community churches there
Are there any golf courses there
Are there any wild frontiers there
What is more fascinating than
To have a dream beautiful
What is more challenging than
To accomplish a mission impossible
Human Comedy (August 4, 2008) - 38
Daybreak into darkness
Oasis in the desert
Wrath of silence
Out of nowhere is your trust
When a tiger raised in the jungle
Sneaked into a village, intimidated by a dog, wandering
When a frog, born underneath the pebble
Jumped into a well, looking at the sky, pondering
Black can be turned into white
Right can be changed to wrong
Dignity, integrity, fairness, honesty, and transparency
With wind they are all gone
Let those comedians dominate the stages
At the end of the thunderstorm, the Sun still rises
West Side Story I (May 10, 2008) - 15
Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
I wanna some Classical Gas in the Story Road
Watch Beautiful Isle of Somewhere in The Days of Wine and Roses
On The Dock of the Bay with Strangers in the Night
Pick Little Green Apples with A Taste of Honey
At Dead End Street in the Sunnyvale Orchard
Catch a Falling Star On Mission Peak like a Midnight Flyer
In The Shadow of Your Smile
I Left My Heart in San Francisco
Let the Good Times Roll like That Old Black Magic
Cast Your Fate to the Winds If I Had a Hammer
What a Difference a Day Makes in the Far East Suite
Farewell to Deep Purple in A Hard Day's Night
We'll Sing in the Sunshine like King of the Road
Bird's-Eye View (Apr 16, 2009) - 131
In the dusky bar flirting
In the filthy beach sunbathing
In the tiny circus performing
In the bloody arena fighting
In the vanity fair struggling
Candle in the wind
Gone with the wind
Feast (September 24, 2008) - 54
In such a fascinating evening
Waiters are waiting
Singers are singing
Dinners are dinning
So many tables
So many gourmets
Too many flavors
Too many choices
Some people are toasting
Some people are tasting
Some people are arriving
Some people are departing
No night without daybreak
No feast lasts forever
- There are 324 poems in total as of 9/1/10


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发表于 2010-9-2 06:41:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:57 编辑


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发表于 2010-9-2 08:30:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:58 编辑

You are oxygen from the heaven
I'd like to be hydrogen in the hell
To acquire you, merge with you and burn with you
Make the holly water of life

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-2 09:33:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:58 编辑

Chemistry is one of the few love poems I've ever composed, I also like it very much.
Highly appreciate it!

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-2 12:53:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:58 编辑

西行漫记系列之一 (8/28/10) - 77
读《二十四史》有感之六(8/15/10) - 76
南京纪行 (8/1/10) - 75
偶无像 (7/24/10) - 74


这可不能说是打油诗,那太贬低边境诗人了O(∩_∩)O哈哈~  发表于 2010-9-2 14:23
老弟这首中文打油诗一般般啦。 用英文思考写的一些诗还真不错。  发表于 2010-9-2 13:16
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-2 13:17:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:58 编辑


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发表于 2010-9-2 15:21:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:58 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-2 15:34:30 | 显示全部楼层

Wine III , II, I

本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:58 编辑

Wine III - Wine for Poet (2/22/10)
Drug is for athletes
Ecstasy is for scientists
Panacea is for politicians
Wine is for artists
Red wine is for musicians
Ice wine is for painters
Whiskey is for novelists
Only Brandy is for poets
Louis XIII is for Whitman
Martell is for Wordsworth
Remy Martin is for Shakespeare
Only Hennessy is for Frontier Poet
Wine - 219
During past several months
Planning to write about wine
When I was drinking wine
I could not produce a line
French Brandy
Scottish Whisky
Italian red wine
German white wine
Canadian ice wine
Wine to poet like
Car to driver
Gun to hunter
Finger to programmer
Mind to thinker
When serving with food
Wine becomes servant
When serving without food
Wine becomes master
No best wine coming from bar
No best wine taster is a wine maker
Wine II - 252
Some are red
Some are white
Some are black
Some are transparent
Some are yellow
Some are big and bold
Some are earthy and spicy
some are smooth and supple
Some are light and fruity
Some are fresh and crisp
Some are rich and creamy
No matter what you are consuming
Let them serve you
Instead of your serving them


老弟,别instead of you serve them好不好?硬伤耶! 改成rather than you serve them行不?  发表于 2010-9-2 18:34
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-2 15:37:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 04:58 编辑


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发表于 2010-9-2 18:12:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 poemhunter 于 2010-9-2 18:30 编辑

No Title

You see yourself like Shakespeare
He likens himself to Napoleon
She ranks herself over Madam Curie
I claim myself as God Himself!

So everybody self-praises as Somebody,
And God peeps down and steals a laugh.
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