楼主 |
发表于 2010-12-17 23:01:58
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 00:56 编辑
但普敬君为什么总是刻意scan? 这对于译诗是追求声律美,还是作蚕自缚?
The long night is so deep like a still lake, ( Still 不能体现词人难眠的环境,不如用dark)
The wind is so furious,the post gates tighten close. (驿亭 就为the post?)
My dream is startled while a mouse beholds a lamp, (behold 不能体现想偷油的老鼠那种窥视神态,behold 好象在古诗里“含情脉脉”的意思吧?)
And the frosty dawn approach my chilly quilt.
Awake!Awake! (词人竟然睡着了!睡得好香,要大声喊醒他了,可词人是一个痛苦的失眠者)
Outside, there is faint neigh whipping many arise. (many 睡得好香,穷乡僻壤有那么多人陪词人睡? hehe)