本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 23:44 编辑
冥顽的石头 A Piece of Dull and Stubborn Stone
我是块石头 I’m a piece of stone
一直沉默 silent all the time.
亿万年前的一次迸发 In an explosion hundreds of millions of years ago
燃尽了我的热情 I burnt all of my passion out.
从此开始冷却 From that time I started to cool
不再纠葛 not caring those puzzles
那些困惑 which has nothing to do with me.
现在 Now
你敲我 you strike me
用机械的力 with mechanical force,
用钢铁的硬 with steal hard
我仍旧沉默 But I am still silent
哪怕你把我碎成瓜米 Even if you break me into pieces small as rice
我还是石头 I am still a piece of stone
石头一样沉默 silent as stone can be.
构筑家园时 When building the house
我从山中迁徙而来 you took me down from the mountain
做了基石 as a cornerstone
我还是沉默 I still kept silent
冷看幸福花开 looking on the blooming flowers with cold eye.
看欣欣向荣的日子 looking on the thriving life.
在篱笆上牵着藤蔓 Vines climb on the fences
紫色的牵牛花 Purple morning glories
吹出阳光和露珠的炫彩 bloom the brightness of dews in sunlight.
这样的沉默 Such silence
实在太过冥顽 is real stupid!
我是石头 I’m a piece of stone
我已沉默亿年 having been silent for hundreds of millions of years
凉透了的心却在祥和里松动 The freezed heart however warms up in harmony.
那一日当有人毁了篱笆 That day, the fence was broken
家园在机械手下坍塌 the house collapsed under the threat of machine.
牵牛花紫色的眼泪溅在我胸襟 The purple tears of morning glories saryed to my chest
我哽噎了 so I choked.
我不想沉默 I no longer want to be silent
但我无法喊出声来 but unable to cry out no matter how hard I try.