楼主 |
发表于 2011-2-3 11:45:33
卧龙就是卧龙, 可以画龙点睛. before and behind, 太好了! 采纳
[路 The Road
你的前面有路 Before you there goes a road.
你的后面也有路 behind you there is also a road.
你只有一心向前走 Only if you walk forward,
你才有新的路 you will find a new road.
你才有更多条路 and more and more roads you will see.
但你也别忘记 But never forget,
后面的那条路 the road behind you.
是你的一条退路 Since it is your route of retreat.
你无论做任何事情 Whatever you do,
都要对别人留有余地 you should leave for others ground for retreat
否则这条退路 Otherwise this route of retreat,
会被你活活地堵死 will become your dead end indeed.