A night in Spoleto | 斯波莱托之夜 |
By Jonathan Aaron | 乔纳森·亚伦 |
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Talk ranged from the latest arrested senator, | 话题从最近被捕的参议员, |
to the bizarre stigmata of a local | 到当地圣女奇异的红疹, |
saint, to how very sweet today’s tomatoes tasted | 再到为何就着橄榄油、柠檬汁与紫苏叶 |
in olive oil, lemon juice, and lots of fresh basil. | 感到今天的番茄分外甜。 |
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The wine and trying to understand Italian | 我想,酒精的麻痹、满脑子的意大利文化 |
made the room tilt-time, I thought, to search | 已让房间时光倒流去寻找书房。 |
out the library. Finding it dark, | 房间很暗, |
I felt the wall for a light switch. | 我在墙壁摸索着找电灯开关。 |
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Five bulbs thinly disguised as candle flames appeared | 五个灯泡像烛光一样稀疏伪饰, |
to waver near the ceiling, not shedding much light | 在天花板下晃动,漏下几缕微光 |
on what took shape of the nineteenth century. | 照在十九世纪的物件上。 |
Two fat sofas and an easy chair, cheek-by-jowl, tight- | 两张大沙发、一把逍遥椅,挤得满满当当, |
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lipped, pressurized, like feuding relations | 紧闭的嘴唇、紧张的氛围,像世仇一样 |
listening to a will being read. Tarnished mirrors | 倾听正被阅读的意志。壁炉台两侧 |
on either side of a mantelpiece, each posing as a window | 锈迹斑斑的两面镜子,就像 |
wiped with a dirty sleeve for a better look at the interior. | 用脏袖子擦拭的窗玻璃,只为在室内更好看一点。 |
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The portrait of a woman in a brown silk dress sitting | 半拉窗帘前,一男雕像傲然 |
at a piano, hands lifted, waiting to begin, | 立于火光之中。他对面的女雕像, |
faced the portrait of a man gesturing proudly | 穿着棕丝裙,坐在钢琴旁, |
at a landscape on fire beyond a half-drawn curtain. | 抬着手,准备开始表演。 |
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As she flexed her fingers above the keyboard, drawing his glance, | 当她在键盘上弯下手指、吸引男人关注时, |
voices rose and footsteps came and went | 我身后人声嘈杂,脚步声近, |
in a rush down the hallway behind me, and door after | 有人匆匆跑下门厅, |
door started slamming in what had to be the wind. | 门一扇接一扇在风中砰砰作响。 |