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发表于 2011-7-1 22:01:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 20:52 编辑

Climbing White Stork Tower--WHITE一詞多餘
The midday sun slips behind mountains 白日將盡﹐居然說MIDDAY。大錯
The Yellow River turns for the sea
Trying to see for a thousand miles
I climb one more story 譯得馬馬虎虎
(tr. by Bill Porter) 丙等
An Ascent to Stork Hall--HALL有樓之意嗎﹖
The setting sun behind the mountains glows, 依山﹐不是在山後
The muddy Yellow River seawards flows.--MUDDY多餘
If more distant views are what you desire, 不簡潔
You simply climb up a storey higher.
(tr. by 徐忠杰)丙等
On the Stork Tower 登字是動詞﹐沒譯出
The sun beyond the mountains glows; 依山﹐不是在山那邊
The Yellow River seawards flows.
You can enjoy a grander sight 千里沒譯出
By climbing to a greater height.一層沒譯出
( tr. by 許淵沖) 丙等
On the Stork Tower 登字是動詞﹐沒譯出
The mountain is eating away the setting sun; 這個譯法別致﹐是依山的意境嗎﹖
但依山表示的是靜態﹐eating away 是動態。
Going seawards the Yellow River is on the run.--GOING﹐ON THE RUN﹐意思重

If you desire to have a good and boundless sight, 是千里﹐不是boundless﹐
Come to the upper storey, by climbing one more flight!前後兩部份意思重複
(tr. by 吳鈞陶) 丙等
Westward the sun, ending the day's journey in a slow descent behind the
mountains. 不簡潔。依山﹐只能譯成BEHIND嗎﹖
Eastward the Yellow River, emptying into the sea.
To look beyond, unto the farthest horizon,--HORIZON已經在地球盡頭了﹐不需
farthest 一詞﹐BEYOND多餘
Upward! Up another storey!
(tr. by 翁顯良)丙等
On the Stork Tower 登字是動詞﹐沒譯出
As daylight fades away along the hill, 意思與原文出入太大
The Yellow River flows into the sea. 這句確切
To look for views of a thousand li away,--AWAY多餘
Go mounting another storey of the Tower--GO多餘
(Translator unknown)丙等
題缺(Title is omitted)
The white sun sets behind mountains.依山未譯出﹐BEHIND不妥
The yellow River flows into the sea.這句確切﹐但Y 沒大寫
Go further up one flight of stairs.
And you'll widen your view a thousand Li.意思不錯﹐句序顛倒了
(tr. by 雅紫軒)丙-
Mountains cover the white sun,知道動詞COVER的意思嗎﹖大錯
And oceans drain the golden river黃﹐不是金色
But you widen your view three hundred miles千里﹐不是三百。BUT不妥
By going up one flight of stairs.
(Translator unknown)丁等
On the stork tower登字是動詞﹐沒譯出
The sun along the mountain bows;BOW不是依山之意。ALONG在這裡什麼意思﹖ 
The yellow river seawards flows.
You will enjoy a grander sight;千里沒譯出
By climbing to a greater height.一層沒譯出
(Translator unknown)丙等
Ascends the stork building題中動詞不需S﹐名詞要大寫
Leaning on the mountains splendidly is the sinking sun--SPLENDIDLY多餘。
Inpouring the ocean sublimely is the golden river--INPOURING非動詞。SUBLIMELY多
Craving to exhaust the thousand-mile prospect is your love太嚕囌。
And you'll widen your view a thousand Li.
(tr. by 小琪)丙等
Stepping up the Stork-Watchtower這個樓是Watchtower嗎﹖
The hilltop kissing the setting-sun,依山盡﹐不是在山頂
The Yellow River flows to the ocean.
Stepping up a still higher building,一層樓﹐不是building
You may enjoy the far sightseeing.句序顛倒。千里未譯出
(tr. by 朱曼華)丙等
Ascending Guanque Tower
The white sun behind the mountain falls,--FALL動作太快了吧。BEHIND不妥
The Yellow River into the seas flows.只有這句較確切
In order to take in a boundless view,是千里﹐不是boundless
Ascend another floor.
(tr. by 任治稷、余正)丙+
Ascending the Heron Tower--HERON不是鸛雀
The sun behind the western hills glows,--GLOW不是依山。BEHIND不妥。
And toward the sea the Yellow River flows.入海﹐不是TOWARD
Wish you an endless view to cheer your eyes?千里﹐不是endless。後半部份多

Then one more story mount and higher rise.重複
(tr. by 蔡廷干)丙等
Atop the Stork Pavilion Lookout譯題不確切
From the pavilion one sees the sun setting behind the mountains,不確切﹐
Unrelentingly towards the sea the Yellow River flows;入海不是TOWARDS﹐Unrelentingly多

In order to see thousands of miles further afield,
To a higher level one must go.
(tr. by 南緯28°   )     丙等
Up On Stork Tower
The setting sun clings to hill's knees,--CLING有依偎之意﹐日落將盡﹐應在
And Yellow River flows to seas.
If wish for longer view over miles,為了METER﹐RHYME﹐丟掉千里之意。
Then get on floor above, oh, please!同理﹐多加了OH﹐PLEASE
The setting sun clings to the hillside,
The Yellow River flows into the sea.
If wish for a sight over a thousand li,
Then go up on one more floor.


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发表于 2011-7-2 05:44:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 20:52 编辑


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