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震雷墨海涛声远 启智诗山况味长 ——吴震启先生奥运诗书述评 张 海 北京2008 奥运会即将开幕,这是一次肩负着中华民族梦想与荣誉,理念与使命的盛会,其主题口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”响彻神州大地,震撼着每一个人的心灵。申奥成功的瞬间,凝聚着几代人的期待与企盼,看到了民族的复兴,国家的强盛,我们为之激动,为之自豪。值此之际,吴震启先生于中国美术馆举办“吴震启奥运诗书展”,并将诗作结集出版,此乃诗坛、书坛的一件盛事。 震启先生是当代著名诗人,幼承家学,诗作等身,其诗情真韵远,理富文华。同时也是一位功底深厚,个性鲜明的书法家,于历代碑帖心追手摹,化为己用,其书高古浑厚,朴茂多姿。书法与诗歌构成震启先生生命的主旋律。他始终以极大的热情投入自己的艺术世界,用他自己的话说对于诗书有恋人般的情怀。震启先生性情秉直,言行敦厚,为人真诚,淡薄名利,有强烈的使命感与爱国情怀,因此他用全身心的力量来讴歌奥运精神也就不足为奇了。诗歌与书法是中国传统文化艺术的两根重要支柱,历代文人学者的学养多根植其中。震启先生以诗歌、书法两种艺术形式来颂扬奥运,这在奥林匹克史上是极其特别的,因此也就具有独特深远的意义。更为重要的是他以艺术家的情怀和眼界,讴歌了运动场上拼搏的健儿,填补了中国体育史上的空白。这一举动,必将深化我们对体育运动、体育健儿的理解和认识。 奥运会自诞生之日起,就自然地承担起促进世界和平,增进相互理解,培养崇高理想的使命。奥运火炬正是普罗米修斯带到人间的圣火,照亮了世界每一寸土地,使得和平、进步、正义、团结的理念在不同肤色、民族、国家之间代代相传。同样,真正的艺术品也是人类共同情感的表达形式,它以形象,浪漫的手法宣扬着高尚纯洁及真善美。只有那些关注人类共同命运的艺术和思想,才能体现时代的特征,从而具有历史意义,文学史上巨匠的作品莫不如此。震启先生以诗歌作为内容,以书法作为载体,歌颂奥林匹克精神。在他的笔下将其称为“人类的心,世界的眼”。这里他把握了奥林匹克精神的实质与内涵,并将其艺术再现。震启将奥运旗帜的五环比喻为“那是东方巨龙抖落的五个鳞片,象一笔无形资产,被子子孙孙找回”。是啊,只有将五千年文明的内涵融入世界,在世界文明的发展进程中体现我们的价值,才能使我们无愧于 “龙的传人”的称号。在这些诗句中,我们可以看到他对国家富强的激动与喜悦,这些激昂的诗句,同时也是每个中国人的兴奋与自豪感的展示。 震启先生具有深厚的传统文化底蕴。他的诗从传统中来,自诗经、汉乐府、唐诗、宋词、元曲,以至近当代新诗,无所不览,诗作内容广阔,体裁多样,大气磅礴,想象丰富。这次结集的诗作主要是对诸多体育项目进行了艺术描述,赋予充满汗水和艰辛的体育运动以诗情画意。如写射箭“九天谁赐月弯弓,弩箭离弦耳贯风”,写羽毛球“翩跹起舞几沉浮,似雪柔毛也作球”。诗歌绝不应仅仅抒发个人情感,而是把人生体验融入其中,“诗言志”,“文以载道”的传统观念在他的诗作中表现得淋漓充分。“愿进竿斗千万尺,一层进境一层天”,“待到身轻如紫燕,方能夏后获金秋”。震启先生诗作除了对体育赛事、对赛场上拼搏的健儿的歌颂,他没有忘记那些在幕后默默奉献的无名英雄。教练员是“严父胸怀慈母心,寄情桃李秀高林”,陪练员是“陪练一如真赛场,无名亦筑冠军台”,视角新颖想像丰富。 震启先生的书法初习唐楷,以颜柳为宗,后沉浸汉隶,遍临诸碑,对《张迁》、《曹全》用功尤深。行草书以《圣教序》、《十七帖》为法门。积近五十年之功,形成他高古质朴的独特风格。他还将很大精力投入到书法和诗歌的普及上,多次举办讲座,为更多的人能够进入诗书艺术殿堂付出了巨大努力。同时他本人对自己的艺术是非常严肃认真的。时至今日,尽管工作繁忙,他依然坚持临池,时常是通宵达旦,以期进一步充实自己,从他的许多诗句中我们可以了解到这一点。 震启先生将诗歌、书法的艺术形式与奥林匹克精神融为一体,虽然是一次尝试,其成功之处自不待言。愿他的展览能够唤来诗书艺术的一个更高境界,使奥林匹克精神得到更为广泛的传播,赢得中国体育事业的一个更为灿烂的春天。 我与震启先生交往多年,深知其人、其艺。震启先生诗思敏捷,善作嵌名联,我试嵌一联“震雷墨海涛声远,启智诗山况味长”作为序言的题目,并求教于震启先生和诸位方家。 2008年4月12日 Rumbling Thunder, ink sea, and sound of billows far;Enlightenment, poetic hills, and the feelings deep. --comment on poems and calligraphy of Mr. Wu Zhenqi for Olympic Games Zhang Hai Beijing 2008 Olympic game is about to inaugurate. This is a great sport meeting that bears dream, honor, idea and mission of Chinese nation. The theme "one world, one dream" resounds throughout the china, and shocks the heart of everyone. The moment of successfully applying for Olympic Games converge expectation and wish of several generations. After seeing the national rejuvenation and National Prosperity, we are excited and proud. In this time,poet Wu ZhenQi holds "Wu ZhenQi Olympic poems and calligraphy" exhibition at National Art Museum of China and publish his poetry anthology. This is a great event of poetic and calligraphy circles. Mr. Wu Zhenqi is a contemporary poet. He came from a scholar's family and has published a lot of works. His poems are full of feelings and pretty wording. He is also a good calligrapher, versed in imitating the calligraphy on the ancient tablets. his life is compassed of poetry and calligraphy. He is so ardently engaged in the world of arts. Mr. Wu is straightforward in character and kind to others. He makes little of fame and profits. He has strong sense of duties and patriotic feelings so that it is not surprising for him to sing praise of the spirits of Olympic Games. Poetry and calligraphy are two pillars of Chinese traditional forms of arts. Sothere is special meaning in the history of Olympic Games that Mr. Wu uses these two forms of arts in his eulogy of Olympic spirits. From the feelings of an artist, he praised the athletes in the sports, which makes us have further understanding of sports and athletes. Olympic Games, from the day of its birth, naturally shoulder the duties of establishing the world peace, increasing mutual understanding, and nurturing noble aim. The torch of the Olympic Games embodies the holy fire brought to the human world by Prometheus, which shines over every inch of the earth, making the ideals of peace, progress, justice, and solidarity, handed down from generation to generation among all nations and races of different skin colors. The works of true arts are the forms of expression of the common feelings of the mankind. They show the nobleness, purity, truth, kindness and beauty by using romantic forms and methods. Only the arts and thoughts that concern the common fate of the mankind can represent the characteristics of the age. Mr. Wu uses poetry as the contents and calligraphy as the form to eulogize the spirits of Olympic Games. He calls these as the heart of mankind and the eye of the world. He compares the five circles on the Olympic flag to the five scales of the huge Oriental dragon. We must let the civilization of five thousand years known to the world and show its value in the development of the civilization. In his works, we can see his excitement and exultation to the nation becoming wealthy and strong. All his poems are the exhibition of the excitement and pride of every Chinese. Mr. Wu Zhenqi had the wide knowledge of traditional culture. His poems come from tradition. He has read the ancient Poetic Anthology, ballads of Han Dynasty, poems of Tang Dynasty, Ci of Song Dynasty, and Tunes of Yuan Dynasty, and also the modern poetry. So his poems have wide contents, different styles and vivid imagination. The poems in this book concentrate on the sports items. The description of archery as "Who gives the bow like the crescent moon in the sky? The arrow leaves bowstring with the wind whistling in ears."﹐of badminton as "Dancing in the air when rising and falling; Soft feather like snow can also be the ball. ". In his poems, he not only praises the athletes, but also those behind the scenes, like coaches with "Breast of a hard father, heart of a loving mother Sending emotion to students showing skills in the playground". The calligraphy of Mr. Wu Zhenqi imitated those in Tang Dynasty. He also spends his time to give lectures on calligraphy and poetry to make more people know Chinese arts. He is strict on himself. Although he is busy, yet he practices calligraphy everyday, sometimes even through the night till dawn. Mr. Wu Zhenqi uses forms of poetry and calligraphy in the praise of the Olympic spirits. This is just the first try, though somewhat successful. I wish that his exhibition can bring the arts of poetry and calligraphy to a higher level, make the spirits of Olympic Games spread wider, and win a more splendid spring for the Chinese athletic cause.I have known Mr. Wu Zhenqi for many years, and am familiar with him and his arts. He is skillful in writing couplets with names of persons inserted in them. So I wrote a couplet too as the theme of preface for the purpose of getting cricitsm from him and other experts. The couplet runs as follows:Rumbling Thunder, ink sea, and sound of billows far;Enlightenment, poetic hills, and the feelings deep.