本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 17:26 编辑
离此无春地,柳暗花儿明。 知青时代·1975年12月8日·湖北钟祥·官庄湖农场
Reading Ancient Poetry in a Snowy Day
The icy wind is whirling the goose-feather heavy snow
Silver overcasts and piles everywhere
We won’t get out to fish today
So I get an opportunity to read ancient poetry
In those poems, there were lots of complaints
They really quite coincide with my feelings
Beautifulness cause envy
and gifted talents easily become obstacles in the way to success
Sorrowful songs move my heart
Heroic rhythm stimulates my ambitions
I do love the cold wind and the snow
They make the China fir stronger
To leave the land without spring
Willows shall be green and flowers bright Translate at Hua-shang college, Zeng-cheng, Guangdong, 2012-2-29