本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 16:13 编辑
能否把你的简评翻成英语?放在这里我请作者来看,或我发给她。 ...[/quote]
If this piece could be classified into philosophy poetry, it should be the simplest one. (What I connote here is actually an disagreement about such classification)
In the terminology of traditional Chinese rhetorics, used in this poem are Bi, which could be embodied by simile, metaphor in English rhetorics, and Xing, which means an emotion-transference to the symbolic thing. And it's the simplest Bi and Xing.
But just in this simplestness lies a kind of "poetic strain" which depicts the most ruthless war with the simplest language by apposing two simplest images, hence the overwhelming power of the poem.