本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 15:56 编辑
福建 汤文来
有枯草不能言及的空旷 在锈迹的坡地和沟壑之间 绵延成海拔之上的 阴面和阳面
太阳冉冉从东边山头升起来 川中 揉着惺忪的睡眼 敞开了蓬勃葳蕤的绿窗
此刻我叫醒所有甜憩的灵魂 我水一样的 爱人坐在河边的芦苇旁聆听风的舞蹈 残破不堪的八角亭立在桥头依然在村的对岸观望 我醉意的手指能感到它蒙尘的忧郁
凤凰寺早已成为传说 河道里的蹬位也被时光冲刷得不见踪影 印象中的蔗寮与舂米寮老地址带上我携同寒风去拜访 那些已不存在 记忆搜寻着在小街大巷 里弄里赶路傻傻地东奔西撞
打水漂的童年 那月半池广头池 我的跫音也惊不动它的历史和甜梦 汤氏大厅被时间磨耗的雕梁画栋我已经知道 存留着暗伤 在史籍里记载着五七年反右派文革期间
那些霉菌蛀虫侵蚀 爱和恨该如何把握 岁月如旅 我用深究的目光打量着汤氏宗祠 内心隐藏着最旧一份情感总是让我魂牵梦绕 那就是族谱里也有我的名字 川中永远是我生命的根
The memory of upper village siltstones
Fujian Shang Wenlai
Hay can't to open Between the slope and gully of the rust Continuous ChengHaiBa Just how light and
Sun rises from the east hill sichuan Rubbing my bleary Vigorous luxuriant green opened the window
At the moment I wake up all the sweet release of the soul I like water Love sitting beside the reeds near the river to listen to the wind dance Shabby was fixed at the other side of the bridge is still in the village I'm little drunk fingers can feel it dusty depression
Phoenix temple has been a legend Push in the river has also been time wash away out of sight Impression of sugarcane and thrash rice Lao Lao take me along with the cold wind went to visit old address Those who have no memory for the small alleys lanes ?