本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 15:39 编辑
赵彦春英译黄淮《瀑说》 The Cataract Says 一脚踏空失足断层 A slip, fall from the cliff atop 一落千丈追悔莫及 O my regretful downright drop 你也惊奇他也惊喜 Your wondering, and his surprise 亮相成瀑非我故意 But unwilling, I close my eyes ——请别靠近我 __Don’t come up, don’t be so close ——小心砸着你! __I may hurt you, hurt your nose 赵彦春英译黄淮《地球》 The Earth 人类共乘一方舟 The same ark all the humans crowd to take 无边银河闯风浪 To surf thro the Milky Way without bound 冰山迎面不易躲 The iceberg comes along and bars the way 暗流触礁更难防 Reefs and eddies are hard to steer around 不怕末日早来临 Afraid of the Doomsday approaching now? 选个疯子当船长! Him be the captain, insane and unsound! 赵彦春英译黄淮《临崖》 At the Cliff 有人,转过身来 Someone, turning around, ——束手就擒 Was immediately caught 有人,纵身跃下 Someone, jumping plop down, ——深渊葬身 Was down to hell brought 有人,抱住追者 Someone, with his chaser, ——同归于尽 Together fell to naught