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发表于 2014-8-6 13:25:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:48 编辑


         埃德蒙·斯宾塞(Edmund Spenser 1552—1599)英国诗人


                       不要轻信

啊, 迷人的魅力!

     古今中外,社会上总有形形色色的陷阱,其中要数温柔的陷阱最易引人上钩。祭起 “爱”的旗号设谋财的骗局,打着“仁”的幌子干害命的勾当;一脸笑容,满口情话,他们利用人们轻信的弱点,让受害者不辨是非黑白,心甘情愿地白白牺牲自己的性命。善良的人们不能不提高警惕。不能只听那口中甜蜜的情话,不能只看那脸上亲热的笑容,重要的是去查一查那双手是不是沾满了杀人的血迹。

 Trust Not the Treason

 Trust not the treason of those smiling looks
 Until ye have their guileful trains well tried,
 For they are like but unto golden hooks
 That from the foolish fish their baits do hide:
 So she with flattering smiles weak hearts doth guide
 Unto her love, and tempt to their decay,
 Whom, being caught, she kills with cruel pride,
 And feeds at pleasure on the wretched prey.
 Yet even whilst her bloody hands them slay,
 Her eyes look lovely, and upon them smile,
 That they take pleasure in her cruel play,
 And, dying, do themselves of pain beguile.
 O mighty charm! which makes men love their bane,
 And think they die with pleasure, live with pain.


                                       十四行诗54

 世界剧院


Sonnet 54
Of this worlds theatre in which we stay,
My love like the spectator ydly sits
Beholding me that all the pageants play,
Disguysing diversly my troubled wits.
Sometimes I joy when glad occasion fits,
And mask in myrth lyke to a comedy:
Soone after when my joy to sorrow flits,
I waile and make my woes a tragedy.
Yet she, beholding me with constant eye,
Delights not in my merth nor rues my smart:
But when I laugh she mocks, and when I cry
She laughs and hardens evermore her heart.
What then can move her? if nor merth nor mone,
She is no woman, but a senceless stone.


                                       我生命中的北斗

LYKE as a ship, that through the Ocean wyde,
by conduct of some star doth make her way,
whenas a storme hath dimd her trusty guyde,
out of her course doth wander far astray.
So I whose star, that wont with her bright ray,
me to direct, with cloudes is ouer-cast,
doe wander now, in darknesse and dismay,
through hidden perils round about me plast.
Yet hope I well, that when this storme is past,
My Helice the lodestar of my lyfe
will shine again, and looke on me at last,
with louely light to cleare my cloudy grief.
Till then I wander carefull comfortlesse,
in secret sorrow and sad pensiuenesse.

                               爱的力量



 Amoretti XXX

My love is like to ice, and I to fire;
How comes it then that this her cold so great
Is not dissolved through my so hot desire,
But harder grows the more I her entreat!
Or how comes it that my exceeding heat
Is not delayed by her heart-frozen cold;
But that I burn much more in boiling sweat,
And feel my flames augmented manifold!
What more miraculous thing may be told,
That fire, which all things melts, should harden ice;
And ice, which is congealed with senseless cold,
Should kindle fire by wonderful device!
Such is the power of love in gentle mind,
That it can alter all the course of kind.

来自圈子: 译诗

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发表于 2014-8-7 21:01:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:48 编辑


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