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发表于 2014-8-9 13:18:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:43 编辑


         瓦尔特·萨维奇·兰德(Walter Savage Landor 1775—1864)英国诗人


 你有帝王的遗风,
 你有神仙的姿容;
 你善良贤淑,
 你优雅庄重;
 人类的语言怎能把你赞颂?
 一切词句都变得苍白平慵。
 我夜夜不得安眠,
 我日日睡眼惺忪;
 罗斯?艾尔默,
 虽然不能与你见面,
 我总为你泪如泉涌;
 我为你通宵长叹,
 我为你彻夜心痛。

     对此诗原作的解读关键系于第一阙第一行 “avail” 一词,其后的行文配合 “what” 连续以省略方式加以运用,遣词奇特巧妙;如果将它直译为 “何以利用”,那就干隔难通。我们采取释意的方法将它理解为 “无法形容” 就顺理成章了。与原语相比较,译语字句有所增、有所减,但对恋人的那种景仰之情同样溢于言表。

Rose Aylmer

Ah what avails the sceptred race,
Ah what the form divine!
What, every virtue, every grace!
Rose Aylmer, all were thine.
Rose Aylmer, whom these wakeful eyes
May weep, but never see,
A night of sorrows and of sighs
I consecrate to thee.



 “枝头的小鸟虽然孤独,


Dull Is My Verse

Dull is my verse: not even thou
Who movest many cares away
From this lone breast and weary brow,
Canst make, as once, its fountain play;
No, nor those gentle words that now
Support my heart to hear thee say:
 “The bird upon its lonely bough
Sings sweetest at the close of day.”


                      特尼莎


     原语述说人已死去,译语反说人还活着;原语说面对的不是亡魂,而译语说面对的是活生生的人;原语用否定句而译语用反诘句,原语动词 “delight” 转换成形容词 “快活的”,原语中的宾语“each word”译语中改变成主语等等,都是逆向思维的活用。诗人对死者的悼念之情在两种语言中都同样跃然纸上。

 Ternissa! You Are Fled

 Ternissa! you are fled!
 I say not to the dead,
 But to the happy ones who rest below:
 For surely, surely, where
 Your voice and graces are,
 Nothing of death can any feel or know.
 Girls who delight to dwell
 Where grows most asphodel,
Gather to their calm breasts each word you speak:
 The wild Persephone
 Places you on her knee,
And your cool palm smoothes down stern Pluto’s cheek.


                                        女儿的心事
 妈妈,我手指作疼,唇焦口燥,
 这纺车我已无心再摇:
 啊,但愿你明了我的苦痛,
 可我的苦痛谁能明了?
 男人个个把谎话编造,
 唯有他让我的疑虑云散烟消;
 他发誓说我的嘴唇是香甜的蜂蜜,
 他经常讲我的眼睛象碧蓝的珠宝。
Mother, I cannot mind my Wheel

MOTHER, I cannot mind my wheel;
My fingers ache, my lips are dry:
O, if you felt the pain I feel!
But O, who ever felt as I?
No longer could I doubt him true—
All other men may use deceit;
He always said my eyes were blue,
And often swore my lips were sweet.


                                     少女的挽歌

The Maid's Lament

I LOVED him not; and yet now he is gone,
I feel I am alone.
I check'd him while he spoke; yet, could he speak,
Alas! I would not check.
For reasons not to love him once I sought,
And wearied all my thought
To vex myself and him; I now would give
My love, could he but live
Who lately lived for me, and when he found
'Twas vain, in holy ground
He hid his face amid the shades of death.
I waste for him my breath
Who wasted his for me; but mine returns,
And this lorn bosom burns
With stifling heat, heaving it up in sleep,
And waking me to weep
Tears that had melted his soft heart: for years
Wept he as bitter tears.
'Merciful God!' such was his latest prayer,
'These may she never share!'
Quieter is his breath, his breast more cold
Than daisies in the mould,
Where children spell, athwart the churchyard gate,
His name and life's brief date.
Pray for him, gentle souls, whoe'er you be,
And, O, pray too for me!

来自圈子: 译诗

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发表于 2014-8-9 21:52:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:44 编辑


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发表于 2014-8-12 08:10:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:44 编辑


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