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发表于 2014-8-9 19:21:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:43 编辑



 富商强霸海洋,
 财主独占土地,
 高利贷金银入库,
 为何我们只剩下一贫如洗?
 机器轰鸣飞转,
 为主人展示技艺;
 刀枪寒光闪闪,
 维护老板既得利益,
 劳动者流尽血汗,
 养活那些寄生的仇敌;
 军营、教会、法庭,
 处处都为富家子弟;
 他们学文习武,讲究艺术,
 为何我们只剩下一贫如洗?
 我们期望荒谬归于失败,
 我们相信公道必将胜利;
 为了明天马上行动起来,
 众志成城,鼓起勇气!
 我们的血汗供他们讲究学问,
 我们的辛劳让他们享受安逸;
 然而我却得到如此回报:
 愚昧、疾苦、少食缺衣!
 除了劳作还是劳作,
 回家来饥肠辘辘,满心悲戚;
 他们的攫取不休不止,
 我们的付出无边无际!
 享受清闲,寻欢作乐,
 全都是富人的专利,
 还有妻子欢笑,儿女耍戏,
 为何我们只剩下一贫如洗?
 我们期望荒谬归于失败,
 我们相信公道必将胜利;
 为了明天马上行动起来,
 众志成城,鼓起勇气!
 他们的支付是给乞丐的施舍,
 我们的报酬是最吝啬的救济,
 可能还有牢狱和坟场,
 然后把我们彻底抛弃;
 面对夭折的爱子,
 眼看心碎的娇妻,
 我们深陷的眼窝更加深陷,
 清癯的面颊留下道道痕迹;
 凄凉的景象随处可见,
 悲惨的遭遇无法逃离;
 看着手上的工薪,
 人人都要发出质疑:
 凭什么富人拿走整个世界,
 为何我们只剩下一贫如洗?
 我们期望荒谬归于失败,
 我们相信公道必将胜利;
 为了明天马上行动起来,
 众志成城,鼓起勇气!
 面对邪恶我们忍气吞声,
 把冤屈深深藏在心底,
 他们认为我们猪一般蠢笨,
 他们觉得我们死一样沉寂;
 号角终将响遍世界,
 我们总会重新奋起!
 爆发千军万马的洪流,
 我们将所向无敌;
 摧毁玻璃似的宫殿,
 冲垮铜铁般的墙壁,
 把死亡的厄运赶走,
 我们不再掩面悲泣;
 走出破屋,卷起狂潮,
 雄壮的口号震天动地:
 我们期望荒谬归于失败,
 我们相信公道必将胜利;
 为了明天马上行动起来,
 众志成城,鼓起勇气!
Song of the Wage-Slave

The land it is the land-lords,
 The traders' is the sea,
The ore the usurers' coffers fills,
 But what remains for me?
The engine whirls for master's craft,
 The steel shines to defend,
With labors' arms, what labor raised,
 For labor's foes to spend;
The camp, the pulpit, and the law,
 For rich men's sons are free;
Theirs, theirs, are learning, art and arms;
 But what remains for me?
The coming hope, the future day,
 When wrong to right shall bow,
And hearts that have the courage, man,
 To make that future now.
I pay for all their learning,
 I toil for all their ease;
The render back in coin for coin,
 Want, ignorance, disease--
Toil--toil--and then, a cheerless home,
 Where hungry passions cross;
Eternal gain to them, that give
 To me eternal loss!
The hour of leisure, happiness,
 The rich alone may see;
The playful child, the smiling wife--
 But what remains for me?
The coming hope, the future day,
 When wrong to right shall bow,
And hearts that have the courage, man,
 To make that future now.
They render back, those rich men,
 A pauper's niggard fee
Mayhap a prisonùthen a grave,
 And then they're quits with me;
But not a fond wife's heart that breaks--
 A poor man's child that dies,
We score not on our hollow cheeks
 And in our sunken eyes,
We read it thereùwhere'er we meet,
 And as the sum we see,
Each asks, "The rich have got the earth,
 And what remains for me?"
The coming hope, the future day,
 When wrong to right shall bow,
And hearts that have the courage, man,
 To make that future now.
We bear the wrong in silence,
 We store it in our brain;
They think us dull, they think us dead;
 But we shall rise again;
A trumpet through the lands will ring;
 A heaving through the mass;
A trampling through their palaces,
 Until they break like glass;
We'll cease to weep by cherished graves,
 From lonely homes will flee,
And still as rolls our million march,
 Its watchword brave shall be:--
The coming hope, the future day,
 When wrong to right shall bow,
And hearts that have the courage, man,
 To make that future now.

                                 铁牢栅栏

Prison Bars

Ye scowling prison bars
 That compass me about,
I’ll forge ye into armour
 To face the world without.
Bold Aspiration’s furnace
 Shall fuse ye with its heat,
And stern Resolve shall fashion
 With steady iron beat.
Experience’s solid anvil
 The burning mass shall hold;
And Patience’s bony fingers
 Each groove exactly mould.
Then with my modern armour
 Above my ancient scars,
I’ll march upon my foemen
 And strike with prison bars.


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发表于 2014-8-10 09:47:11 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:43 编辑


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发表于 2014-8-12 14:59:58 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:43 编辑

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