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发表于 2014-8-11 14:03:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:34 编辑

    罗伯特·彭斯诗选(吕志鲁译 )                                
         罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns1759—1796)苏格兰诗人。诗人主要以苏格兰方言入诗,但除了词汇差异外,语言并不艰深。

           失恋的情歌







  (这首诗难懂,主要是因为使用了一些方言词和古语词,借助专用词典排除这些障碍之后,整体的含义就不难理解了。
  被虚情假意的“爱人”蒙住了双眼,从而盲目地陷入“幸福的爱情”之中。等真相大白之后为时已晚,形只影单的“我”也只能满怀哀怨和痛楚唱起那失恋的情歌。诗人把自己经受美色的感情欺骗比作“采摘带刺的玫瑰”,最终,象征爱情的玫瑰被偷走,而留下的却是象征痛苦的尖刺。汉译不仅保留这种精巧的类比,而且一比到底,让那根尖刺不只扎在手上,而且还扎进心坎。从语言的表层来看,这“扎进心坎”似乎并非原作所述,而是译者随意杜撰;但从全篇语言深层含义及反复咏叹的情调来看,却又丝丝入扣。)
 Ye Flowery Banks

Ye flowery banks o’ bonie Doon*,
How can ye blume* sae* fair?
How can ye chant, ye little birds,
And I sae fu’ o’ care?

Thou’ll break my heart, thou bonie bird
That sings upon the bough;
Thou minds me o’ the happy days
When my fause* luve was true.
Thou’ll break my heart, thou bonie bird
That sings beside thy mate;
For sae I sat, and sae I sang,
And wist na* o’ my fate.
 Aft hae* I rov’d by bonie doon,
 To see the woodbine twine,
 And ilka* bird sang o’ its luve.
 And sae did I o’ mine.

 Wi’ lightsome heart I pu’ a rose,
 Frae aff* its thorny tree;
 And my fause luver staw* my rose,
 But left the thorn wi’ me.

 Wi’ lightsome heart I pu’ a rose,
 Upon a morn in June;
 And sae I flourished on the morn,
 And sae was pu’ ere noon.

Doon*dune,sand ridge
blume* Bloom
sae* so
fause* false
wist na* Knew not
Aft hae* after have
Frae aff*from off



    A Red, Red Rose

O MY Luve 's* like a red, red rose
That 's newly sprung in June:
O my Luve 's like the melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune!

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in luve am I:
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang* dry:

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only Luve,
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my Luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile.










        It Was A’ for Our Rightfu’ King

 It was a’ for our rightfu’ king
We left fair Scotland’s strand;
 It was a’ for our rightfu’ king,
We e’er saw Irish land, my dear,
 We e’er saw Irish land.

 Now a’ is done that men can do,
 And a’ is done in vain:
 My love and Native Land fareweel,
 For I maun* cross the main, my dear,
 For I maun cross the main.

 He turn’d him right and round about,
 Upon the Irish shore,
 And gae* his bridle reins a shake,
 With, adieu* for evermore, my dear,
 With, adieu for evermore.

 he soger frae* the wars returns,
The sailor frae the main,
 But I hae* parted frae my love,
Never to meet again, my dear,
 Never to meet again.

 When day is gane*, and night is come,
And a’ folks bound to sleep;
 I think on him that’s far awa*,
 The lee-lang* night, and weep, my dear,
The lee-lang night and weep.

soger frae* soldier from
gane* gone
awa* away
lee-lang* long long


 美好愉快的夏天

 美好愉快的夏天,
 百花盛开争奇斗艳;
 溪水流过峡谷,
 我把至爱思念。
 醒着吧,醒着,
 安静地醒着,满脸困倦:
 沉睡中我一无所获,
 沉睡中我不能把爱人想念。

 一睡着我就做梦,
 梦醒时我就心惊胆战;
 沉睡中我一无所获,
 沉睡中我不能把爱人想念。

 又是一个孤独的夜晚,
 所有的树叶都已安眠;
 我把俊美的爱人思念,
 缠绵的期盼潮润了双眼。
 醒着吧,醒着,
 安静地醒着,满脸困倦:
 沉睡中我一无所获,
 沉睡中我不能把爱人想念。


Simmer’s a Pleasant Time

 Tune---“Ay Waukin O”

 Simmer’s a pleasant time,
Flow’rs of ev’ry colour;
 The water rins* o’er the heugh*,
 And I long for my true lover.
 Ay waukin* O,
 Waukin still and wearie:
Sleep I can get nane*
 For thinking on my dearie.

 When I sleep I dream,
 When I wauk I’m eerie*;
 Sleep I can get nane,
For thinking on my dearie.

Lanely* night comes on,
A’ the lave* are sleepin’;
I think on my bonnie lad,
And I bleer my een* with greetin’.
Ay waukin O,
Waukin still and wearie;
Sleep I can get nane
For thinking on my dearie.

waukin* waken
nane* none
eerie* scared
Lanely* lonely
lave* leaves

         一个香吻

 一个香吻,然后一刀两断!
 一声道别,从此永不见面!
 我当然要为你落下伤心的泪水,
 我肯定会为你发出不停的哀叹。

 只要能得到她给的希望如星光灿烂,
 谁还会说自己的命运太过悲惨?
 而我呢,没有一丝快乐的光闪,
 我的绝望比漫漫长夜还要黑暗。

 我绝不自责偏爱梦幻,
 我无法抗拒把我的南西爱恋;
 看见她就不能不爱,
 爱上她就痴心不变。

 假如我们没有爱得如此盲目,
 假如我们未曾爱得梦绕魂牵;
 假如我们从未相聚也从未离散,
 我们就不会如此肝肠寸断!
 再见吧,我的至爱!
 再见吧,我的初恋!
 欢乐,祥和,幸福,美满,
 让这一切与你永远相伴!

 一个香吻,然后一刀两断!
 一声道别,从此永不见面!
 我当然要为你落下伤心的泪水,
 我肯定会为你发出不停的哀叹。


       One Fond Kiss

One fond kiss, and then we sever!
One farewell, and then forever!
Deep in heart-wrung tears I will pledge you,
Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee.

Who shall say that Fortune grieves him,
While the star of hope she leaves him?
Me, no cheerful twinkle lights me,
Dark despair around overtakes me.

I will never blame my partial fancy:
Nothing could resist my Nancy!
But to see her was to love her,
Love but her, and love for ever.

Had we never loved so kindly,
Had we never loved so blindly,
Never met - or never parted -
We had never been broken-hearted.

Fare-you-well, you first and fairest!
Fare-you-well, you best and dearest!
Yours be every joy and treasure,
Peace, Enjoyment, Love and Pleasure!

One fond kiss, and then we sever!
One farewell, alas, for ever!
Deep in heart-wrung tears I will pledge you,
Warring sighs and groans I'll wage thee.

                           开门 呵






 Open the Door to Me, Oh!

 Oh, open the door, some pity to shew*,
Oh, open the door to me, oh!
 Tho’ thou hast been false, I’ll ever prove true,
Oh, open the door to me, oh!

 Cauld* is the blast upon my pale cheek,
But caulder thy love for me, oh!
 The frost that freezes the life at my heart,
Is nought* to my pains fra* thee,oh!
 The wan moon is setting behind the white wave,
And time is setting with me, oh!
 False friends, false love, farewell!for mair*
I’ll ne’er trouble them, nor thee, oh!

 She has open’d the door, she has open’d it wide;
She sees his palecorse* on the plain, oh!
 My true love! she cried, and sank down by his side,
Never to rise again, oh!

shew*, show
Cauld* cold
fra* from
corse* corpse
              可爱的阿夫顿河 
 可爱的阿夫顿河,请你轻轻流过翠绿的坡岸!
 轻轻地流吧,我来唱支歌把你颂赞;
 我的玛丽伴着潺潺的流水入睡,
 轻轻地流吧,阿夫顿河,不要搅扰她的梦幻。

 深谷中回荡着欧鸽的呼唤,
 荆棘的巢穴里山鸟狂野地叫喊,
 羽冠碧绿的田凫尖声啼鸣,
 你们都不要打搅我的美人安眠。

 可爱的阿夫顿河,你身旁的群山多么伟岸,
 清澈的溪水围绕曲折蜿蜒;
 每天正午我在那里漫步,
 我的羊群与玛丽的小屋就映入眼帘。

 绿色的幽谷,多么怡人的河岸,
 樱草花绽放在丛林中间;
 当轻柔的黄昏往草地洒下泪珠,
 馨香的白桦常在那里把我和玛丽遮掩。

 阿夫顿河,你晶莹的流水多么可爱舒缓,
 围绕玛丽的小屋盘桓流连;
 当她逆着清波去采集鲜花,
 你冲刷她雪白的双足肆无忌惮。

 可爱的阿夫顿河,请你轻轻流过翠绿的坡岸!
 轻轻地流吧,我来写首诗把你咏叹;
 我的玛丽伴着潺潺的流水入睡,
 轻轻地流吧,阿夫顿河,不要搅扰她的梦幻。

Sweet Afton

Flow gently, sweet Afton! amang thy green braes,
Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise;
My Mary's asleep by thy murmuring stream,
Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream.

Thou stockdove whose echo resounds thro' the glen,
Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den,
Thou green-crested lapwing thy screaming forbear,
I charge you, disturb not my slumbering Fair.

How lofty, sweet Afton, thy neighbouring hills,
Far mark'd with the courses of clear, winding rills;
There daily I wander as noon rises high,
My flocks and my Mary's sweet cot in my eye.

How pleasant thy banks and green valleys below,
Where, wild in the woodlands, the primroses blow;
There oft, as mild Ev'ning weeps over the lea,
The sweet-scented birk shades my Mary and me.

Thy crystal stream, Afton, how lovely it glides,
And winds by the cot where my Mary resides;
How wanton thy waters her snowy feet lave,
As, gathering sweet flowerets, she stems thy clear wave.

Flow gently, sweet Afton, amang thy green braes,
Flow gently, sweet river, the theme of my lays;
My Mary's asleep by thy murmuring stream,
Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream.

来自圈子: 译诗

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发表于 2014-8-11 16:18:12 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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