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发表于 2014-8-27 08:01:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:31 编辑

                     托玛斯·穆尔Thomas Moore
 夕阳还在海浪下昏昏沉睡,
 星星还在夜空中闪着余辉;
 年青的凯蒂推枕起床,
 幸福的脸上红云翻飞;
 这是最后一夜空房独守,
 她已向一位青年敞开了心扉;
 时间就定在中午之前,
 他允诺作最后的准备;
 少女之心一旦被人偷走
 她就会亦步亦趋形影相随。
 她照起女人不可缺少的镜子,
 或者盼顾或者凝视对镜媲美;
 一只蝴蝶刚采过夜间的花朵,
 飞上了镜面搅挠这自我陶醉。
 这遮挡视线的飞虫让她生气,
 用手拂落从此也就再难起飞。
 姑娘说这就是我们面容的尊严,
 呵!幼稚付出的代价太过昂贵!
 她悄悄走进花园,
 一颗心重又变得平静欣慰;
 她随手摘下一朵鲜花,
 用唇吻去夜间沾染的露水;
 忽然,她被前面的一朵玫瑰吸引,
 竟开放得如此鲜艳娇媚!
 急匆匆她俯身要去采摘,
 不料腰带绷断心里骤起风雷。
 她概叹其中隐含的意味:
 爱的波澜让人意懒心灰!
Ill Omens
When daylight was yet sleeping under the billow,
And stars in the heavens still lingering shone,
Yong Kitty, all blushing, rose up from her pillow,
The last time she e’er was to press it alone.
For the youth whom she treasured her heart and her soul in,
Had promised to link the last tie before noon;
And when once the young heart of a maiden is stolen,
The maiden herself will steal after it soon.
As she look’d in the glass which a woman ne’er misses
Nor ever wants time for a sly glance or two,
A butterfly, fresh from the night flower’s kisses,
Flew over the mirror and shaded her view.
Enraged with the insect for hiding her graces,
She brushed him--he fell, alas! never to rise---
“Ah! such,”said the girl,“is the pride of our faces,
For which the soul’s innocence too often dies.”
While she stole through the garden, where heart’s-ease was growing,
 She cull’d some, and kiss’d off its night-fallen dew;
And a rose further on look’d so tempting and glowing,
 That, spite of her haste, she must gather it too;
But, while o’er the roses too carelessly leaning,
 Her zone flew in two and the heart’s-ease was lost:
“Ah! this means,” said the girl (and she sighed at its meaning)
 “That love is scarce worth the repose it will cost!”

来自圈子: 译诗

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发表于 2015-11-14 23:07:03 | 显示全部楼层
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