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导读 云雀是快乐的精灵,云雀的歌唱是天籁之音,诗人对云雀的赞颂同样是天籁之音。译作能否用东方的汉语再现西方的天籁之音呢?
致 云 雀 To a Skylark
珀西•比希•雪莱 吕志鲁译 - by Percy Bysshe Shelley
为你欢呼,快乐的精灵! Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!
鸟雀只是你外在的形象, Bird thou never wert,
你来自世外,你来自天堂, That from heaven, or near it,
你尽情倾诉, Pourest thy full heart
行云流水,婉转悠扬。 In profuse strains of unpremeditated art.
越飞越高, Higher still and higher
青云直上, From the earth thou springest
如火云一团, Like a cloud of fire;
在深邃的蓝天展开翅膀, The blue deep thou wingest,
翱翔,歌唱,歌唱,翱翔。 And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.
沐浴金色晚霞, In the golden lightning
伴着夕阳, Of the sunken sun,
云彩一片明亮, O'er which clouds are brightening,
你漂浮,你翻飞, Thou dost float and run,
你的追寻如超脱的愉悦无比漫长。 Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun.
淡淡的紫色浸润, The pale purple even
一路围绕身旁, Melts around thy flight;
像白昼里的一颗星星, Like a star of heaven
升起在高高的天上, In the broad daylight
虽然难以看见,我却能听到你的兴奋、激昂: Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy thrill delight:
犹如离弦之箭, Keen as are the arrows
穿透银色的天幕射向远方, Of that silver sphere,
那盏明灯收拢, Whose intense lamp nerrows
融入黎明的清朗, In the white dawn clear
尽管从眼中消失,可我们能感觉到它的去向。 Until we hardly seem, we feel that it is there.
大地、苍穹, All the earth and air
你的声音处处回荡, With thy voice is loud.
恰似明净的夜晚, As, when night is bare,
孤云难把月色遮挡, From one lonely cloud
铺天盖地一片辉光。 The moon rains out her beams, and Heaven is overflowed.
不知世间还有何物与你相比, What thou are we know not;
你是何物我们无法想象。 What is most like thee?
只知你的旋律如甘霖飘洒, From rainbow clouds there flow not
胜过云霓斑斓辉煌, Drops so bright to see
超出长虹溢彩流光。 As from thy presence showers a rain of melody.
就像隐身的诗人, Like a poet hidden
给人类留下冥想, In the light of thought,
由衷地吟诵赞美, Singing hymns unbidden,
直到世界改变模样, Till the world is wrought
去同情它不曾留意的忧患、希望。 To sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not;
就像名门闺秀, Like a high-born maiden
在深宫大院雪藏, In a palace tower,
每逢孤独的时刻, Soothing her love-laden
要排解爱的忧伤, Soul in secret hour
让情曲在房中奏响。 With music sweet as love, which overflows her bower;
像一只金色的萤火虫, Like a glow-worm golden
在露珠滴落的溪涧游荡, In a dell of dew,
出没花丛草丛, Scattering unbeholden
沿着平坡陡岗, Its aerial hue
播撒空灵的荧光。 Among the flowers and grass, which screen it from the view;
又像一朵玫瑰, Like a rose embower'd
躲在绿叶中沉入梦乡, In its own green leaves,
直到热风吹落, By warm winds deflower'd,
依旧散发馨香, Till the scent it gives
太多甜蜜使笨拙的飞贼头晕脑胀。 Makes faint with too much sweet these heavy-winged thieves.
滴落的春雨声声脆响, Sound of venral showers
承接的青草熠熠闪亮, On the twinkling grass,
被雨滴唤醒的花朵, Rain-awaken'd flowers,
还有明澈、清新、欢快的万物万象, All that ever was
都不及你的音乐令人心醉神往。 Joyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass.
无论你是精灵还是鸟类, Teach us, sprite or bird,
请教我懂得你那甜蜜的遐想, What sweet thoughts are thine:
我还从来未曾领略, I have never heard
对爱情与美酒的这种赞扬, Praise of love or wine
欣喜的狂潮如此神圣,淋漓酣畅。 That panted forth a flood of rapture so devine.
婚庆赞歌欢快, Close hymneal,
凯旋乐曲豪放, Or triumphal chant,
可与你的嗓音相比, Match'd with thine would be all
全是空洞的夸张, But an empty vaunt --
只会隐隐约约令人感到失望。 A thing wherein we feel there is some hidden want.
你欢乐的曲调来自何方? What objects are the foutains
为何像喷泉不断流淌? Of thy happy trains?
是怎样的天空、平原? What fields, or waves, or mountains?
是何种高山、田野、波浪? What shapes of sky or plain?
是怎样一种独有的爱恋?为何痛苦永远退让? What love of thine own kind? what ignorance of pain?
你只有明快的欢乐, With thy clear keen joyance
把倦怠彻底埋葬, Langour cannot be:
烦恼郁闷的阴影, Shadow of annoyance
无法靠近身旁; Never came near thee:
你的爱永无终止,没有限量。 Thou lovest; but ne'er knew love's sad satiety.
无论沉睡还是苏醒, Waking or asleep
你都能看透死亡, Thou of death must deem
更加真切、深邃, Things more true and deep
超脱凡俗的想象, Than we mortals dream,
否则,你的曲调怎会如此清澈、流畅? Or how would thy notes flow in such a crystal stream?
我们四处寻找, We look before and after
把那虚无追求渴望, And pine for what is not:
即使最坦诚的笑声, Our sincerest laughter
也带着几分凄凉, With some pain is fraught;
最甜蜜的歌曲倾诉最悲切的惆怅。 Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.
纵然我们有一种能力, Yet if we could scorn
蔑视仇恨、傲慢和惊慌, Hate, and pride, and fear;
纵然我们有与生具来的意志, If we were things born
不让泪水涌进眼眶, Not to shed a tear,
如何贴近你的欢乐我却一片迷茫。 I know not thy joy we ever should come near.
你是世上最美妙的音乐, Better than all measures
你是人间最欢快的声响, Better than all treasures
一切书本的精华, Of delightful sound,
都敌不过你的宝藏, That in books are found,
你傲视大地,你的诗才万众景仰! Thy skill to poet were, thou scorner of the ground!
你所熟知的欢愉, Teach me half the gladness
哪怕一星半点,请你教我欣赏, That thy brain must know,
那我就会笑口常开, Such harmonious madness
和谐就会让我欢喜欲狂, From my lips would flow
世界就会倾听,正如我现在这样! The world should listen then, as I am listening now!
来自圈子: 译诗 |