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发表于 2006-12-31 00:13:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 12:23 编辑

<span class="style5"><strong><font color="#006600" size="5">卞之琳诗选(十三首中英对照)</font></strong></span><span></span><br/><br/><strong>北塔 译<br/><br/><p>卞之琳诗选</p><p>(十三首,中英对照)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>1投</p><p>独自在山坡上, <br/>小孩儿,我见你 <br/>一边走一边唱 , <br/>都厌了,随地 <br/>捡一块小石头 <br/>向山谷一投 。 </p><p><br/>说不定有人,<br/>小孩儿,曾把你 <br/>(也不爱也不憎) <br/>好玩地捡起, <br/>像一块小石头 <br/>向尘世一投 。 </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Throwing</p><p>Little child, I see you<br/>Alone on the hill slope<br/>Walking and singing<br/>When tired, you pick up<br/>A little piece of stone at hand<br/>And throw it into a vale.</p><p>Little child, Maybe someone<br/>Picked you up for fun<br/>(Without love or hatred)<br/>And threw you into the world<br/>Like a little piece of stone.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>2墙头草</p><p>五点钟贴一角夕阳,<br/>六点钟挂半轮灯光, <br/>想有人把所有的日子 <br/>就过在做做梦,看看墙, <br/>墙头草长了又黄了。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The Grass on the Top of a Wall [1] </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>At 5:00 pm, there sticks a part of the setting sun,<br/>At 6:00 pm, there hangs half wheel of lamplight,<br/>Some people spend all their days dreaming dreams <br/>And watching walls, the grass on the top <br/>Of the wall has got long and then yellow.<br/>1932,10,19</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>3距离的组织</p><p>想独上高楼读一遍《罗马衰亡史》, <br/>忽有罗马灭亡星出现在报上。 <br/>报纸落。地图开,因想起远人的嘱咐。 <br/>寄来的风景也暮色苍茫了。 <br/>(醒来天欲暮,无聊,一访友人吧。) <br/>灰色的天。灰色的海。灰色的路。 <br/>哪儿了?我又不会向灯下验一把土。 <br/>忽听得一千重门外有自己的名字。 <br/>好累呵!我的盆舟没有人戏弄吗? <br/>友人带来了雪意和五点钟。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The Forming of Distance</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I want to go up to the top of the tower alone to read through <br/>“The Decline and Doom of Roman Empire”. Suddenly the star<br/>Of Roman destruction appears in the newspaper. The newspaper falls. <br/>The map is opened. Therefore I think of the prescription of the person<br/>In the distance. The scene sent from him has also become twilight boundless.<br/>(When I wake up, the dusk is coming. Fastidious, I want to visit my friend.)<br/>The grey sky. The grey sea. The grey road. Where now? I can’t check a handful of dusts<br/>Under the lamp. All at a sudden, I hear my name being called outside one thousand gates.<br/>How tired! Isn’t there anybody making fun of my basin-boat?<br/>My friend has brought me the expectation of snow and 5:00 pm.</p><p>1935,1,9</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>6寂寞</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>乡下小孩子怕寂寞, <br/>枕头边养一只蝈蝈; <br/>长大了在城里操劳, <br/>他买了一个夜明表。 </p><p>小时候他常常羡艳 <br/>墓草做蝈蝈的家园; <br/>如今他死了三小时, <br/>夜明表还不曾休止。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Loneliness</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The countryside kid is afraid of loneliness<br/>So as to maintain a cricket at his pillow;<br/>When grown, he works in the city,<br/>And buys a 个夜明表</p><p>As a child, he used to admire and envy<br/>The cricket with grave grass as homestead;<br/>Now he has been dead for three hours,<br/>Yet the watch has not stopped.</p><p>1935,10,26</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>7白螺壳</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>空灵的白螺壳 <br/>孔眼里不留纤尘, <br/>漏到了我的手里 <br/>却有一千种感情: <br/>掌心里波涛汹涌, <br/>我感叹你的神工, <br/>你的慧心啊,大海, <br/>你细到可以穿珠! <br/>可是我也禁不住: <br/>你这个洁癖啊,唉! </p><p>请看这一湖烟雨 <br/>水一样把我浸透, <br/>像浸透一片鸟羽。 <br/>我仿佛一所小楼 <br/>风穿过,柳絮穿过, <br/>燕子穿过像穿梭, <br/>楼中也许有珍本, <br/>书页给银鱼穿织, <br/>从爱字到哀字—— <br/>出脱空华不就成! </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>玲珑吗,白螺壳,我? <br/>大海送我到海滩, <br/>万一落到人掌握, <br/>愿得原始人喜欢, <br/>换一只山羊还差 <br/>三十分之二十八, <br/>倒是值一只蟠桃。 <br/>怕给多思者拾起: <br/>空灵的白螺壳,你 <br/>带起了我的愁潮! </p><p>我梦见你的阑珊: <br/>檐溜滴穿的石阶, <br/>绳子锯缺的井栏…… <br/>时间磨透于忍耐! <br/>黄色还诸小鸡雏, <br/>青色还诸小碧梧, <br/>玫瑰色还诸玫瑰, <br/>可是你回顾道旁, <br/>柔嫩的蔷薇刺上 <br/>还挂着你的宿泪。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>White Spiral Shell</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Vacant white spiral shell, there aren’t </p><p>Any grains of dust left in your eyelet.</p><p>Yet when in my hand, it has a thousand </p><p>Kinds of feelings: there are billows </p><p>surging in the centre of my palm</p><p>O, sea, I am deeply moved by your </p><p>Divine skill and blazing star, </p><p>You can be so fine to thread through </p><p>Beads! Yet I can’t help saying:</p><p>Hey, your cleanliness like this!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Behold, this lake of mist</p><p>Has soaked me like water, </p><p>Like soaking a fake of feather.</p><p>Like a small building, I let </p><p>The wind, the catkin and swallows</p><p>Be drilling me through like shuttles.</p><p>There might be curiosa in the building</p><p>And leaves shuttled through by whitebaits,</p><p>From the word “love” to the word “grief”---</p><p>I become hollow yet splendid!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Exquisite, white spiral shell, or I?</p><p>When delivered to the beach by the sea,</p><p>I’d like to be loved by some primitive</p><p>In case of falling into one’s grasp.</p><p>If I want myself to be exchanged </p><p>With a goat, the price ratio will be 30 to 2,</p><p>Yet I am still worth a flat peach [2] </p><p>I am afraid of being picked up by contemplator:</p><p>Vacant white spiral shell, you</p><p>Have stirred the tide of my worry!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I have dreamt of your waning:<br/>The stone steps dripped through by raindrops,</p><p>The well railing jagged by a straw rope…</p><p>Time has been abraded through by patience!</p><p>Let yellowness return to the little chicken,</p><p>Let greenness return to the little phoenix tree,</p><p>Let rosiness return to roses.</p><p>Yet, look back at the roadside</p><p>On the thorns of the tender rosebush,</p><p>Your old tears are still hanging.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>8鱼化石(一条鱼或一个女子说)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>我要有你的怀抱的形状, <br/>我往往溶于水的线条。 <br/>你真像镜子一样的爱我呢, <br/>你我都远了乃有了鱼化石。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>An Ichthyolite</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I want to have the shape of your embrace,</p><p>I am always dissolved into the lines of water.</p><p>Just like a mirror, you truly love me. Both you and I </p><p>Has gone into the distance and the ichthyolite emerges.</p><p>1936,6,4</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>9妆台</p><p>(古意新拟)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>世界丰富了我的妆台, <br/>宛然水果店用水果包围我, <br/>纵不废气力而俯拾即是, <br/>可奈我睡起的胃口太弱? </p><p>游丝该系上左边的簾子角。 <br/>柳絮别掉下我的盆水。 <br/>镜子,镜子,你真是可憎, <br/>让我先给你描两笔秀眉。 </p><p><br/>可是从每一片鸳瓦的欢喜 <br/>我了解了屋顶,我也明了 <br/>一张张绿叶一大棵碧梧—— <br/>看枝头一只弄喙的小鸟! </p><p><br/>给那件新袍子一个风姿吧。 <br/>“装饰的意义在失却自己,” <br/>谁写给我的话呢?别想了—— <br/>讨厌!“我完成我以完成你。”</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The Dressing Table</p><p>(A New Imitation of an Old Intention)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The world enriches my dressing table, just like </p><p>The fruits store surrounds me with fruits; I can </p><p>Pick them up everywhere without any efforts,</p><p>But, hey, my stomach is too weak at the moment of waking!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The hairspring must have been tied to the left angle </p><p>Of the curtain. Catkin, please do not fall into </p><p>The water of my basin. Mirror, mirror, you are really </p><p>hateful. Let me at first draw eyebrows for you with my pencil.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Yet from the joy of every tile of the male mandarin duck [3] </p><p>I understand the roof and also perceive </p><p>Every green leaf of the big bluish green phoenix tree---</p><p>Behold, the little bird on the twig playing with its beak!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please give that new garment a graceful bearing.</p><p>“The meaning of decoration is to lose oneself.”</p><p>Who gave me these words? I’d better not think them of---</p><p>Loathsome! “I accomplish myself to accomplish you.”</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br/>10归</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>像一个天文学家离开了望远镜, <br/>从热闹中出来闻自己的足音。 <br/>莫非在自己圈子外的圈子外? <br/>伸向黄昏去的路像一段灰心。</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Returning</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Like an astronomer having left his astronomical telescope,</p><p>I get out of the jollification to listen to my own footstep.</p><p>Am I not outside of the circle outside of the circles?</p><p>The way stretching toward the dusk is like a segment of disanimation.</p><p>1934,8</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>11入梦</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>设想你自己在小病中 <br/>(在秋天的下午) <br/>望着玻璃窗片上 <br/>灰灰的天与疏疏的树影, <br/>枕着一个远去了的人 <br/>留下的旧枕, <br/>想着枕上依稀认得清的 <br/>淡淡的湖山 <br/>仿佛旧主的旧梦的遗痕, <br/>仿佛风流云散的 <br/>旧友的渺茫的行踪, <br/>仿佛往事在褪色的素笺上 <br/>正如历史的陈迹在灯下 <br/>老人面前昏黄的古书中…… <br/>你不会迷失吗 <br/>在梦中的烟水</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Entering a Dream</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Suppose you yourself are a bit sick</p><p>(In an autumn afternoon)</p><p>And looking at the grey sky and the sparse tree shadows,</p><p>On an old pillow left by person</p><p>Who has been far away,</p><p>You are thinking over the lake and mountain</p><p>On the pillow in light color that can dimly be seen.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Like the remnant of an old dream of the former master,</p><p>Like the vague whereabouts of an old friend</p><p>Like flowing wind and scattering clouds</p><p>Like the bygones on a wash-out plain writing paper</p><p>Just like historical relics under a lamp</p><p>Or in an old pale yellow book before an old man…</p><p>Will you not lose yourself</p><p>In the mist of dream</p><p>1933,11,12</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>12水成岩</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>水边人想在岩上刻几行字迹: </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>大孩子见小孩子可爱, <br/>问母亲“我从前也是这样吗?” </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>母亲想起了自己发黄的照片 <br/>堆在尘封的旧桌子抽屉里,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>想起了一架的瑰艳 <br/>藏在窗前干瘪的扁豆荚里, </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>叹一声“悲哀的种子!”—— </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>“水哉,水哉!”沉思人叹息 <br/>古代人的感情像流水 <br/>积下了层叠的悲哀。</p><p>一九三四年八月</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The Sedimentary Rock</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The person at the bank wants to inscribe some words on the rock:</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Finding the younger child lovely, the elder one</p><p>Asks mother “was I once like this?”</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Thinks of her own yellow photos</p><p>Piled in a drawer of an old table covered with dust,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>And a rack of marvelous amorousness</p><p>Hidden in the shriveled haricot pods,</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Mother cries out with a sigh “sad seed!”---</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>“O, water! Water!” The contemplator sighs.</p><p>The affection of old people is like flowing water</p><p>That has stored up layers of sadness.</p><p>1934, 8</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br/>13大车</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>拖着一大车夕阳的黄金,<br/>骡子摇摆着踉跄的脚步,<br/>穿过无数的疏落的荒林,<br/>无声的扬起一大阵黄土,<br/>叫坐在远处的闲人梦想<br/>古代传下来的神话里的英雄<br/>腾云驾雾去不可知的远方──<br/>古木间涌出了浩叹的长风!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The Cart</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Drawing a cart full of the golden light of </p><p>The setting sun, staggering with wavering steps,</p><p>Thrilling through countless scattered barren woods,</p><p>And silently raising a blast of yellow dust,</p><p>The mule makes the idler sitting in the distance dream of </p><p>The legendary heroes from the ancient tradition</p><p>Who has gone into the unknowable distance by speeding across the sky---</p><p>There gushes a big wind of deep sigh from those old trees!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>14远行 </p><p>如果乘一线骆驼的波纹 <br/>涌上了沉睡的大漠, <br/>当一串又轻又小的铃声 <br/>穿进了黄昏的寂寞, <br/>我们便随地搭起了蓬帐, <br/>让辛苦酿成了酣眠, <br/>又酸又甜,浓浓的一大块, <br/>把我们浑身都浸过; <br/>不用管能不能梦见绿洲, <br/>反正是我们已烂醉; <br/>一阵飓风抱沙石来偷偷 <br/>把我们埋了也干脆。</p><p>Going over</p><p>If we ride a ripple of camels</p><p>And surge on the vast desert deep in sleep,</p><p>If a bunch of rings light and low</p><p>Rip into the loneliness of twilight,</p><p>We will put up tents everywhere,</p><p>And let hardship be spawned into deep sleep</p><p>Acid and sweet, a big block of thickness</p><p>That can soak every pore of our bodies;</p><p>Don’t care whether we can dream of the oasis,</p><p>For we will have been fuddled;</p><p>We will not have to do anything if stealthily buried by</p><p>A cyclone with sands and stones.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>15夜风</p><p>一阵夜风孤零零 <br/>爬过了山巅, <br/>摸到了白杨树顶, <br/>拨响了琴弦, <br/>奏一曲满城冷雨, <br/>你听,要不然 <br/>准是诉说那咽语── <br/>冷涧的潺湲; <br/>你听,潺湲声激动 <br/>破阁的风铃, </p><p>仿佛悲哀的潮涌</p><p>摇曳着怆心; <br/>啊,这颗心叮当响, <br/>莫非是,朋友, <br/>是你的吗?你这样 <br/>默默的垂头── <br/>你听,夜风孤零零 <br/>走过了窗前, <br/>踉跄的踩着虫声, <br/>哭到了天边。</p><p>The Night Wind</p><p>A gust of night wind lonely</p><p>Crawls over the peak,</p><p>Touches the top of a poplar,</p><p>And plucks the strings</p><p>To play the piece of music “The city filled with cold rain”.</p><p>Please listen, or </p><p>It must be words poured out while choked with sobs---</p><p>Babbles of the cold gully</p><p>Like sad surges</p><p>Wavering a sorrowful heart;</p><p>O, the heart is dingling.</p><p>Is it possible that, my friend, </p><p>It is yours? You</p><p>Are silently lowering your head---</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please listen, the night wind </p><p>Is passing the window all alone,</p><p>Staggering on the voices of worms</p><p>And crying toward remote places.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><br/>[1] It is a traditional Chinese idiom indicating a person who bends with the wind(situation). </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>[2] “蟠桃” can also be translated into “immortal peach”.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>[3] “The tile of the male mandarin duck” indicates the upper one of the pair of the tiles like the male one of the pair of mandarin ducks.<br/><br/>(转自本站首页)</p></strong>


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