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玄幻译诗 吕志鲁

发表于 2015-10-15 10:24:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 戴盛莲 于 2015-11-9 08:47 编辑



        约翰•马尼福尔德(John Manifold 1915—)  澳大利亚诗人


          传奇故事入诗,气氛神秘恐怖而又带着无尽的悲伤。这位新娘为何在新婚之夜奔向山野?  随后紧追的新郎后来为何反被吓得仓皇逃避而且再也不敢重返家门?

 “躺下吧, 我新婚的妻子,
自由自在, 安安静静;
你还太过年轻, 不大适应。”








啊, 那炉火会为他悠悠燃烧,

The Griesly Wife

Lie still, my newly married wife,
Lie easy as you can.
You’re young and ill accustomed yet
To sleeping with a man.

The snow lay thick, the moon was full
And shone across the floor.
The young wife went with never a word
Barefooted to the door.

He up and followed sure and fast,
The moon shone clear and white.
But before his coat was on his back
His wife was out of sight.

He trod the trail wherever it turned
By many a mound and scree*,
And till the barefoot track led on,
And an angry man was he.

He followed fast, he followed slow,
And still he called her name,
But only the dingoes* of the hills,
Yowled back at him again.

His hair stood up along his neck,
His angry mind was gone,
For the track of the two bare feet gave out
And a four-foot track went on.

Her nightgown lay upon the snow
As it might upon the sheet,
But the track that led from where it lay
Was never of human feet.

His heart turned over his chest,
He looked from side to side,
And he thought more of his gumwood fire
Than he did of his griesly* bride.

And first he started walking back
And then began to run,
And his quarry wheeled at the end of her track
And hunted him in turn.

O, long the fire may burn for him
And open stand the door,
And long the bed may wait empty:
He’ll not be back any more.

注 dingoes*:wild dogs
 scree*: stony slope
 griesly*:uncanny,mysterious










The Twa Corbies

As I was walking all alane,
I heard twa corbies makin a mane;
The tane unto the ither say,
"Whar sall we gang and dine the-day?"

"In ahint yon auld fail dyke,
I wot there lies a new slain knight;
And nane do ken that he lies there,
But his hawk, his hound an his lady fair."

"His hound is tae the huntin gane,
His hawk tae fetch the wild-fowl hame,
His lady's tain anither mate,
So we may mak oor dinner swate."

"Ye'll sit on his white hause-bane,
And I'll pike oot his bonny blue een;
Wi ae lock o his gowden hair
We'll theek oor nest whan it grows bare."

"Mony a one for him makes mane,
But nane sall ken whar he is gane;
Oer his white banes, whan they are bare,
The wind sall blaw for evermair."


alane: alone

twa corbies: two ravens

mane: moan

tane: one

sall: shall

gang: go

auld fail dyke: old turf wall

wot: know

naebody kens: nobody knows

gane: gone

hame: home

mak: make



        威廉•布莱克 (William Blake 1757—1827)英国诗人










The Crystal Cabinet

The maiden caught me in the wild,
Where I was dancing merrily;
She put me into her cabinet,
And lock’d me up with a golden key.

That cabinet is formed of Gold
And Pearl and Crystal shining bright,
And within it opens into a world
And a little lovely Moony night.

Another England there I saw,
Another London with its Tower,
Another Thames and other Hills,
And another pleasant Surrey Bower,
Another Maiden like herself,
Translucent, lovely, shining clear,
Threefold each in the other clos’d, ---
O what a pleasant trembling fear!

O what a smile! A threefold smile
Fill’d me that like a flame I burn’d;
I bent to kiss the lovely Maid’
And fond a Threefold Kiss return’d.

I strove to seize the inmost Form
With ardor fierce and hands of flame,
But burst the Crystal cabinet,
And like a Weeping Babe become---

A weeping Babe upon the wild,
And Weeping Women pale reclin’d,
And in the outward air again
I fill’d with the passing Wind.



                        威廉·布莱克 William Blake



           Song

How sweet I roam’d from field to field
And tasted all the summer’s pride,
Till I the prince of love beheld
Who in the sunny beams glide!
He show’d me lilies for my hair,
And blushing roses for my brow;
He led me through his garden fair
Where all his golden pleasures grow.
With sweet May dew my wings were wet,
And Phoebus fired my vocal rage;
He caught me in his silken net,
And put me in his golden cage.
He loves to sit and hear me sing,
Then, laughing, sports and plays with me;
Then stretches out my golden wing,
And mocks my loss of liberty.

来自圈子: 译诗

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