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迷惘译诗 吕志鲁

发表于 2015-10-25 06:10:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 戴盛莲 于 2015-11-18 14:09 编辑




     詹姆斯•湯姆森(James Thomson 1700—1748)英国诗人





   For ever, Fortune, wilt thou prove
   An unrelenting foe to love,
And when we meet a mutual heart
   Come in between, and bid us part?


                 无奈

        威廉•康格里夫(William Congreve 1670—1729)英国剧作家



         虔诚的塞林达前去祈祷问神,
   想要知道我是否对她钟情;
   当她相信我将离她而去,
    这温柔的傻瓜泪如雨淋。

         我要么想望求她与我成婚;
   但愿如前者她把我变成圣徒,
   否则我就会把她变为罪人。


  Pious Selinda goes to prayers
  If I but ask the favor,
  And yet the tender fool’s in tears
  When she believes I’ll leave her.

  Would I were free from this restraint,
  Or else had hopes to win her;
Would she could make of me a saint,
  Or I of her a sinner.


                       德 丝

        瓦尔特•萨维奇•兰德(Walter Savage Landor 1775—1864)英国诗人




   Stand close around, ye Stygian set,
   With Dirce in one boat conveyed!
   Or Charon, seeing, may forget
   That he is old and she is a shade.





     诗中的花园也即圣经中的伊甸园,这位美丽的姑娘便是夏娃。如何理解 “还未出生就被埋葬”这一互相矛盾的悖论?如何理解它对圣经中相关故事的阐释?
        就在那座花园中,
    有一位沦落的姑娘;
    美丽如清晨的花朵,
   初次把禁果品尝;
      她一旦做了人妻,
      还未出生就被埋葬。

   In the Garden

   In the garden there strayed
   A beautiful maid
   As fair as the flowers of the morn;
   The first hour of her life
   She was made a man’s wife,
   And was buried before she was born.  

                    埃德加·爱伦·坡Edgar Allan Poe



 亲吻额头为分手,
 他日岂可再相逢;
 此时方悟你所言,
 欢情只是一场梦;
 白昼黑夜两浑浑,
 虚景幻像皆朦朦;
 恰似情缘已了断,
 何以再去觅踪影?
 你我眼见与想见,
 不过全是梦中梦。
 站在海边听涛声,
 汹涌澎湃浪翻腾;
 伸手握沙金灿灿,
 细沙难留手指缝;
 上帝如何来相助,
 神祗怎奈无万能;
 大浪淘沙谁可免,
 满面无语泪纵横;
 你我眼见与想见,
 难道全是梦中梦?

A Dream within a Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if Hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! Yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep—while I weep!
Oh God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?





 如果无爱,天哪,为何我会感到如此癫狂?
 如果有爱,那爱又是什么模样?
 如果爱情美好,为何我会如此忧伤?
 如果爱情邪恶,那就更加令人难以想象:
 尽管充满痛苦折磨,
 却又让我神清气爽;
 爱的泉水喝得越多,越是干渴难当。
 既然爱是发自内心的欲望,
 为何我又痛断肝肠?
 既然习惯了遭受伤害,我又为何悲愤满腔?
 不曾劳累却会昏厥,着实令人疑惑迷茫。
 死去又活来,甜蜜抚创伤,多么奇妙酣畅;
 如果不是心甘情愿,
 你在我的心里怎会占有如此的分量?
 既然心甘情愿,
 再去诉苦岂不冤枉;
 大海无边,风起八方,
 我是无舵的小船四处飘荡,
 从此五心不定,晕头转向。
 天哪,我这是得了什么怪病?
 高烧寒颤,寒颤高烧,命不久长。

           Cantus Troili

If Love lives not, O God, what feel I so?
And if Love lives, what thing and which is He?
If Love is good, from where has come my woe?
If it be bad, it's a wonder, thinks me,
since every torment and adversity
which comes from it savors of joys distinct
and still I thirst, the more of it I drink.
And if it's from my own desire I burn,
what spring gives forth my wailing and complaint?
If hurt pleases, why should my plaint return?
I know not, nor why, in health, I grow faint.
O live death! O strange hurt with Love's sweet taint,
how might you fester in such quantity
unless I give consent for it to be?
If I consent, I wrongfully devote
my heart to sorrow. Thus tossed, to and fro,
quite rudderless, I sit within a boat
in a sea which two winds must undergo;
each blasts against its contrary echo.
Alas! what strange malady have I got?
I die from heat when cold, from cold when hot.





 你的一双大眼确能勾魂夺命,
 那种美丽摧毁我的沉稳;
 直刺我的心脏,留下深深的伤痕。
 唯有你的话语能医治我受伤的心,
 我的伤口还在鲜血淋淋——
 你的一双大眼确能勾魂夺命,
 那种美丽摧毁我的沉稳。
 坦诚相告,请你相信,
 对你这女王我生死不渝,一片忠贞;
 唯有一死才能显示清纯。
 你的一双大眼确能勾魂夺命,
 那种美丽摧毁我的沉稳 ;
 直刺我的心脏,留下深深的伤痕。

         Rondel of Merciless Beauty

Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.
Only your word will heal the injury
To my hurt heart, while yet the wound is clean -
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene.
Upon my word, I tell you faithfully
Through life and after death you are my queen;
For with my death the whole truth shall be seen.
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.


                            威廉·巴特勒·叶芝 (William Butler Yeats 1865—1939) 爱尔兰诗人

 点评


Aedh Laments the Loss of Love

(or The Lover Mourns for the Loss of Love)

Pale brows, still hands and dim hair,
I had a beautiful friend
And dreamed that the old despair
Would end in love in the end:
She looked in my heart one day
And saw your image was there;
She has gone weeping away.

来自圈子: 译诗

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