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励志译诗 吕志鲁

发表于 2015-10-29 09:44:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 戴盛莲 于 2015-12-1 07:40 编辑

                                         励志译诗


       《一》


      尼克松·沃特曼


   未来的岁月想做的事情很多,
   可否问问今天做了什么?
   大把的金钱准备广布施舍,
   想讲激励欢呼的话语,
   可否问问今天说了什么?
   将来打算对人态度宽厚,
   计划给孤独的人们送去微笑,
   决心为坚定的信念做更大的牺牲,
   为饥渴的灵魂奉献精神食粮,
   可否问问今天奉献了什么?
   盘算建造高耸的摩天大厦,
     可否问问今天的基础建得如何?
       可否问问是不是尽了眼前的职责?

  What Have We Done Today?

     Nixon Waterman
  We shall do much in the years to come,
  But what have we done today?
  We shall give out gold in a princely sum,
  But what did we give today?
  We shall lift the heart and dry the tear,
  We shall plant a hope in the place of fear,
  We shall speak the words of love and cheer,
  But what did we speak today?
  We shall be so kind in the after while,
  But what have we done today?
  We shall bring to each lonely life a smile,
  But what have we brought today?
  We shall give to truth a grander birth,
  And to steadfast faith a deeper worth,
  We shall feed the hungering souls of earth,
  But whom have we fed today?
  We shall reap such joys in the by and by,
  But what have we sown today?
  We shall build us mansions in the sky,
  But what have we built today?
  `Tis sweet in the idle dreams to bask;
  But here and now, do we our task?
  Yet, this is the thing our souls must ask,
  What have we done today?





     留在山下不再前行。
   “我要试”天天能办大事,
   “我不能”永远一事无成。
     千万别说“我不能”。

                 I'll Try

           Christina Georgina Rossetti

   The little boy who says "I'll try"
  Will climb to the hill-top.
  The little boy who says "I can't"
  Will at the bottom stop.
  "I'll try" does great things every day,
   "I can't "gets nothing done.
   Be sure then that you say "I'll try."
  And let "I can't " alone.





   托玛斯·卡莱尔

    又是新的一天:
     就让今日白白溜走,

      源自无限的永恒,
     诞生这新的一天:
     就在接踵而至的夜晚。
     洞悉这转瞬之间:
     所有目光一片茫然。
     就让今日白白溜走,
    Thomas Carlyle
  So here hath been dawning
  Another blue day:
  Think, wilt thou let it
  Slip useless away?
   Out of Eternity
  This new day is born:
  In to Eternity
  At night will return.
  Behold it aforetime
  No eye ever did:
  So soon it forever
  From all eyes is hid.

  Here hath been dawning
       Another blue day:
  Think, wilt thou let it
  Slip useless away?






 划破夜空的沉寂,
 驱散梦幻的昏迷,
 雄鸡高唱,
 声声不息。

 是发自内心?
 还是凤凰授意?
 是为人报晓?
 还是黎明前的欢喜?

 如果是凤凰授意,
 你不会乐此不疲;
 如果是黎明前的欢喜,
 你不会嘶声竭力。

 想你是发自内心,
 不图安逸;
 想你是为人报晓,
 夜夜唤醒大地。

    Morning Crow

Break the night sky silence,
Crack the fond dream stupor,
Sound waves quick in sequence,
Loudly sings the rooster!

Purely free from bosom?
Put in trust by phoenix?
Herald dawn approaching?
Or, just intoxicated?

 If, put in trust by phoenix,
   How can you enjoy it?
 If, just intoxicated,
 Why are you exhausted?

 True, purely free from bosom,
You are bent, not on seeking comfort,
   Sure you, herald dawn approaching,
 All nights, wake up whole world.



 哈姆林•加兰Hamlin Garland (1860-1940)美国诗人





Do you fear the force of the wind,
The slash of the rain?
Go face them and fight them,
Be savage again.
Go hungry and cold like the wolf,
Go wade like the crane:
The palms of your hands will thicken,
The skin of your cheek will tan,
You'll grow ragged and weary and swarthy,
But you'll walk like a man!

      来自圈子: 译诗

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