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《世界诗人》季刊(世界第一本多语对照诗刊) vol.80 PDF

发表于 2015-11-8 20:21:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 木樨黄谷 于 2015-11-8 20:28 编辑



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△本刊对来稿除进行技术性的处理外,一般不作删改。由于时间和人力有限,所有来稿,请提供两种或多语种的电子文本,并附个人生平与艺术简历一份、彩色照片二帧,资料不足者不予受理。E-mail:iptrc@126.com, iptrc@163.com
△赐稿订阅地址:中国重庆市江北区观音桥邮局031信箱《世界诗人》杂志社  张智(博士),邮政编码:400020。


Notice of The World Poets Quarterly to Contributors

△ This journal is the only quarterly for the purely modern poems published in the multilingual languages such as Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Greek and the contributor’s mother tongue, circulated in over 190 countries. It is a joint journal for members of World Congress of Poets (WCP) and The International Poetry Translation and Research Centre (IPTRC) International Writers and Artists Association (IWA) and International Society of Greek Writers & Arts (ISGWA).
△ Welcome are those poetic works, poetic criticisms, poetic stories and interviews of poets, critics, translators and sinologists and historical materials.
△ Contributions will not be revised except for some technical treatment. Due to the limitation of time and manpower, all contributions including a short resume of your art experience and achievement and two color photographs must be written in two or more than two kinds of languages and sent via e-mail to: iptrc@126.com or iptrc@163.com . No contribution will be accepted if it is inadequate.
△ No contribution will be returned. If demanded, please add adequate postage and envelops.
△ Contributors are responsible for legal matters. This journal is not jointly responsible for the illegal writings and pictures.
△ This journal has the right to select and publish the writings and pictures published in this journal.
△ Welcome to contribution and subscription. Anyone who subscribed this journal will be favored in his contribution provided that his is equally qualified as others. Price: 1 year (4 issues) US$60.00 or EUR60.00.
△ All publishing expenditures are raised by the editors (No financial allocations), and there is no pay for contributions. You will be offered a copy of our journal when your contribution is published.
△ Please mail to:

The Journal of the World Poets Quarterly,

           P. O. Box 031, Guanyinqiao, Jiangbei District,
Chongqing City 400020,


注:本期主力翻译有:张智中、颜海峰、东海仙子、樱娘、苏菲、彭智鹏、童天鉴日、杨虚、可乐、马晓康,Svetlana Ischenko(乌克兰)、 Russell Thornton(英国)、C. Caulfield(澳大利亚)、Sinan Antoon(荷兰)、Simon Wickham Smith (英国)、Muhammad Shanazar(巴基斯坦)、伊賀千桜、金沙文字等,涉及的语种有:汉语、英语、德语、日语、俄语等。

自总第72期开始,本刊开辟了一个新的栏目:“中外画家”。有意登陆“中外画家”的知名画家、实力画家,请直接与本刊联系,电子邮箱E-mail: iptrc1995@126.com.


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