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发表于 2015-11-20 14:15:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   悼念译诗(续)         《六》


       亨利•弗朗西斯•莱特(Henry Francis Lyte 1793—1847)英国诗人


            字字泣血,行行洒泪;这悲恸的主旋律不断变奏,这凄婉的悼亡曲终身吟唱。诗歌遣词造句往往脱出常规,其目的首先在于取得某种“奇特”效果,给人以感观上的超强刺激以及引起思想情绪上的共鸣;其次在于求得流畅的节奏与和谐的音韵,给人以语言美的享受;最后还在于创造某种诗的意境,给人以精神上的陶醉。这种脱出惯例的词句在翻译中如何把握,取决于对以上“目的” 的理解并怎样以富于创造性的词语加以表达。当然,要使译品也成为传世之作,不仅在于字句的锤炼,更重要的是再现那种情感的真挚,思想的精湛,意境的独特以及整体的完美。      






 A Lost Love
 I meet thy pensive, moonlight face;
Thy thrilling voice I hear;
 And former hours and scenes retrace
Too fleeting, and too dear!

 Then sighs and tears flow fast and free,
Though none is nigh to share;
 And life has nought beside for me
So sweet as this despair.

 There are crush’d hearts that will not break;
And mine, me thinks, is one;
 Or thus I should not weep and wake,
And thou to slumber gone.

I little thought it thus could be
 In days more sad and fair---
That earth could have a place for me,
 And thou no longer there.

Yet death cannot our hearts divide,
 Or make thee less my own;
’T were sweeter sleeping at thy side
 Than watching here alone.

Yet never, never can we part,
 While Memory holds her reign;
Thine, thine is still this wither’d heart,
 Till we shall meet again.

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