晚安 文/小景 千里之外的夜,来得很迟缓,一些牵挂 与被牵挂的人,在黄昏中道别 拥吻,与不舍,比暮色浓,比河流远,比尘土低 听不清的细语,像穆斯林生前的葬礼,洗净活过的时光 寂静中,是谁在和世界说,晚安 即使夜幕笼罩,炮弹呼啸,我们仍可看见 点缀星辰的苍穹下,许多路交错纵横,铺满人间,丽贝卡 你可以选择任何一条,谋生,与亲人相爱 穿上宽大棉质的格子衫,坐在女儿的画中,眨眼 微笑.天,还是天。有鸟儿自由飞翔 你在爱人的怀里,你在女儿依赖的目光里,你是 一个无比幸福的小女人。可是,你听见了夜晚的呼喊 那些清晰的爆炸声,母亲的啜泣声,孩子的哭声 让你毅然走出爱的天堂,一次比一次走得更远 有些出行,就是诀别。有些存在,就是灾难 这个世界多么宽厚,竟容忍暴乱,与屠杀,肆意横行 这个世界多么聪明,竟没读懂波卡后面悲情的双眸 这个世界需要一个割去嘴唇,双耳的小女孩,提醒 原来,我们是人类.那么,请人类保持安静,听世界对我们说 晚安 赏析:这是在全球反恐情境下的一首和平反战诗歌,具有极强的人文关怀的思索 诗歌通过一位叙利亚战地女记者离别亲人的一幕幕镜头,展现了一位女诗人满怀悲悯的思考 :为什么会有战争、恐怖主义,为什么人类之间会有残杀、争斗,为什么连弱小的 妇女、儿童都被无情地卷入战争、死亡?这个世界到底怎么了?是价值观,是利益 是政治观点的迥异造成的?诗歌没有正面回答,但我们从诗歌对比强烈的和平温馨画面 战争残酷画面,理解了女诗人的充满正义的心声:我们不要战争,不要恐怖主义 我们是人类,就应该还人类应有的文明、祥和,全诗通读后给予人心灵强烈的 震撼与深沉的思索。(赏析:鲁侠客) good night(autor/little scenery) it's too late for the night thousands ofmiles away the care and be cared of people say goodby inthe dusk kissing ,not willing to separation are thicker than the twilight and farer than the river, lower than the dust wisper not clear is like the muslim funeral washing clearly the timelived through who said good night to the world in thesilence under the sky with stars we can still see many crossing roadscovered with the earth Libeika,you can choose any of the roads living,falling in love with relatives you can wearbraod Cotton plaid shirt sitting in your dauther'paingting ,smiling and blinking sky is also sky,birds fly freely you are in the lover' arms and you are in eyes relied on yourdanghter you are a so little and happy woman but you hear crying of the night those clearly bombing andmother'sobbing ,children'crying make you go out of the paradise of the love farer and farer each time some travel is farewell and some exist isdisastrous this world is so generous,Unexpectedly can tolerate the riots,the killing's Arbitrarytransverse how clever the world is andit does not read and understand Book back'ssad eyes the world need a little girl cut lips anddouble ears to remind we are mankind and be silent to hear the world say goodnight to us 备注: 1、纪念战地女记者而作 2、汉译英翻译(鲁侠客)