本帖最后由 何威廉 于 2018-1-24 13:45 编辑
Seven-words Poem
Along Ellaidhoo's path, I am intoxicated with its tranquility,
Beautiful coral reefs honor the scuba enthusiasts singing. Butterfly fishes are seen jumping out of the water, Towards the blue sky is the eagle spreading its wings. In the greenish mist and soft sunset rests my home, Taking a siesta forget I am under hospitable roofing. Casting my eyes to the horizon is the ocean almost calm, Let me into the sky and sneeze at the sea billowing.
椰熏轻袅埃丽度, 璀璨珊瑚马累游。 水近鱼翔嬉碧伞, 云高鹰掣掠渔舟。 苍烟落照阳侯静, 佛树婆娑处父悠。 望尽天涯风浪小, 凌空方觉海涛收。