本帖最后由 何威廉 于 2018-1-24 16:28 编辑
Tune: Joy of Eternal Union
Gwadar Port
Island chains like a string of pearls, Puffy clouds floating across the Indian coasts, I Look over the vast expanse of blue ocean. Catching the local scenery, How many things happened before and after, I reminisce about the Chinese historical characters. Zheng He's voyages came tearing, It suggested a great rejuvenation, People honor his seven naval expeditions. When the tide is rushing in, The waves are lashing against the rocks, The sky is aglow with sunset colors.
Dreaming of Thomas Lawrence for his exploits, Standing at the entrance to Gwadar Port, I do not know where he is now. Malacca Strait, Saying nothing of the shining spear, Somebody will abandon it to its fate. Evil water monster is in hiding, Mythological sea god is departing, All will forget past betrayal and start laughing. In the Persian Gulf, A warm sea breeze blows, Bamboo flute accompanies Arabic Retim.
岛链镶嵌, 云缭天竺, 澄碧无限。 一揽形胜, 感怀今古, 慷慨英灵赞。 楼船三宝, 东疆西界, 七渡千秋歌谚。 暮潮起, 浪卷礁石, 万里夕阳红遍。
劳伦斯梦, 瓜达尔港, 萦惹轮回瑤岸。 马六雄关, 金戈沉底, 都是魂销断。 冯夷怅望, 海若遁戢, 怎奈旧仇新怨。 波斯湾, 未试霜刃, 炎洲楚甸。