本帖最后由 何威廉 于 2018-2-18 18:12 编辑
Tune: Charm of a Maiden Singer
The sea is calm fully, Aegean in tune, With high bright sky and delightful sun. A heavy layer of volcanic ash ruined the town, For Atlantis it was a cruel blow, A thriving prehistoric civilization was breakdown. Blue roof church, Cycladic architecture, The stunning cliff-perched Fira postures. On the rim of caldera exposure, I wonder about the wizardry of nature.
The beach we all know, Watching the red sands somehow, The boat gently drops down. Kamari is just a stone's throw, The black foreshore, True nobility appears to have come. Melodious Lyre tweedle is wafting, Oia pipe is playing, A setting where one can forget everyday caring. The famous sunset is still romantic, Where is the blindfolded goddess of justice.
浪悠波漾, 爱琴海, 云淡天高漫淼。 三镇喷涡, 千古邑, 楼阁城垣泯渺。 靛顶教堂, 鳞梳白屋, 费拉棕榈老。 沧桑几幻, 静观湾月悬岛。
携手俦侣追潮, 唱红砂一片, 扁舟临峭。 黑色沙滩, 卡马利, 多少王侯骄娆。 里拉琴声, 和伊亚管乐, 万千争俏。 斜阳依旧, 贯看人间愁笑。